CLIFF CARNICOM – BLOOD ALTERATIONS – Read About the Likelihood That a “Kill Switch” Already Exists: Remember Morgellons?

Coagulation – Means & Methods – Transformation Foreign Protein Analysis – Sources of Current – Implications & Consequences

After the rollout of the Covid shots, when blood clots began receiving worldwide attention, embalmers shared rubbery samples with Carnicom. He found that the CDB and its byproducts—in this case, polymers—are strongly present in the clots. However, pointing to his well-documented and publicly accessible 20-year track record before the start of the “Covid era,” Carnicom emphasizes that this is not a new phenomenon. Concerningly, everyone’s blood is affected by the CDB, with his lab results showing that the CDB cause clotting and also respond strongly to electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs). Although there are differences between “vaxxed” and “unvaxxed” blood, both have a propensity for clotting; this biological agent seems to be playing a major role in the health issues that we are seeing in both the injected and uninjected. Health practitioners alarmed by the rise in sudden and excess mortality, turbo cancers, and heart, blood, and fertility issues—and who consider the global injection campaign as the main culprit—need to understand that the injections only sped up a process set into motion decades ago.


Thanks to a list of references found on the following Substack article, I listened to an interview of Cliff Carnicom by Harry Blazer:

Carnicom Institute Substack
Additional 2023 Research Papers
Additional 2023 Research Papers…
Read more

The interview is » the final part of a three-part series and provides an essential overview of Cliff Carnicom’s work simply explained. I highly recommend that you hear it.

A screenshot from the most recent interview linked at the foot of this article

Clifford Carnicom is the founder and President of the Carnicom Institute, a non-profit research and educational organization that is devoted to environmental and health issues. Clifford also worked as a technical research scientist acting in a professional capacity supporting analysis and development of major Department of Defense physical and weapons modeling systems, with extensive computer programming and system application development experience. He has held a Top Secret/SCI clearance. He was appointed for and completed two years of intensive graduate level studies in mathematics, statistics, computer science, and geodesy under the auspices of the Department of Defense.

Clifford Carnicom was a self-employed professional computer consultant in Santa Fe, New Mexico for seventeen years. He provided unique on-site personal services to small businesses and individuals including system analysis, networking, software development, and website consultation design, and implementation services.

In addition to computer, analytical and management skills, Clifford holds a variety of other skills and expertise from his prior careers including his work as a Cadastral Land Surveyor and research scientist in support of public domain lands of the Bureau of Land Management where he developed original software to assist in the automation and efficiency of large scale database operations. He investigated and researched alternative and sophisticated technologies for geodetic surveys.

Clifford has been a federal employee of the United States government for 15 years within three agencies, including the Department of Defense, The Bureau of Land Management, and the United States Forest Service.

Clifford was the Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center Employee of the Year, Supervisor of the Year, and he received the Geodetic Sciences Departmental Award for outstanding technical, managerial, and cost effective performance.

He provided the US Defense research industry with original solutions to system development and modeling problems, including application of higher mathematics, statistics, computer programming, information management, task scheduling, product development, and computer graphics. Clifford has extensive technical briefing and written communication experience. He has received the Department of Defense Best Presentation Award representative of his excellent communication skills.

His Bachelor of Science Cum Laude degree was attained in the field of Surveying and Photogrammetry from the Civil Engineering Department at California State University at Fresno, California. His post-graduate studies were conducted under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Defense at The Ohio State University and Washington University. He also possesses an Associate of Sciences degree and a Forest Engineering vocational degree from College of the Redwoods in Eureka, California. Additional studies were completed at Mesa Community College, St. Louis Community College, Humboldt State University and the University of California. His education encompasses a wide variety of disciplines, including geodetic science, advanced mathematics, engineering, statistics, physical sciences, accounting, computer science and the life, environmental and biological sciences. Clifford continues to further his education with ongoing study that includes the Great Courses, Thinkwell scientific courses, Wiley Chemistry Views and Spectroscopy Now portals, molecular spectroscopy, ACS webinars, numerous scientific and trade journals, and with completed and accredited online courses at Duke University, The University of Manchester, and Nanyang Technological University. Clifford is a member of the American Chemical Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the Society for Science and the Public. Clifford is an Extra Class Amateur Radio Operator with callsign N0LKC and he is a member of the American Amateur Radio League (ARRL). ~ quoted from the Carnicom Institute website.

I cannot improve upon the comments I have seen from other authors and so I quote them, with references forthwith:

What is being referred to as coagulation are a family of transformations that are being seen in the blood re: erythrocytes (blood cells) becoming stickier. Clifford has observed various forms of this stickiness for decades – along with misshapes and of course erythrocytes invaded by the CDB.

There have been lots of folks reporting blood clots and clotting (coagulation) associated with the jab. What is very significant about what Clifford is saying is that he is now seeing a more pronounced problem in the un-jabbed as well. So the COVID and post COVID OP era = more problems with blood “coagulation” – everywhere you look.

But even more astonishing is the transformation that Clifford observed by taking diluted human blood and putting current into it. That was truly astonishing. You need to understand the significance of this finding. ~ Harry Blazer’s comment.


Source : 2001: A Space Odyssey

This is the final paper in a research paper series by Carnicom Institute under the title of “Blood Alterations: I – VI.

I will introduce two phrases here at the onset, the first is that of a “kill switch”. This first is well known and the second phrase comes to mind as a slightly gentler option, and that is one of “selective decimation”.

I am writing from the standpoint of managing a scientific chronology for close to three decades now; the expression here is not solely that of intuition and personal perspective.

There is now a record of more than 400 research papers along with an estimated 5000 pages of laboratory notes that paints a completely consistent portrait of environmental and biological transformation of this planet. The record has been available for all to examine, repeat, refute or confirm. No formal process of those steps has taken place and we are left, together as a species, to frame our understanding of what has taken place and what shall take place in our future.

I am increasingly of a mindset that it will be left to future generations to determine if this retrospective will ever take place. It may or may not happen.

I think that this paper can be kept relatively simple, as the complex work that precedes it has been completed and written.

The meaning of a “kill switch” is not hard to envision, but the scale of it might be. Conceptually and theoretically, it would appear that a “kill switch” for the human race now exists. It is one of our questions as a species if we would like to confront that potential reality or not.

From the evidence that has progressively accumulated, it would seem that delivery of sufficient current (apparently quite minimal) into the human race on a global scale could conceivably annihilate the human species. The mechanism would be the transformation of the blood as outlined in this paper series. We may not wish to entertain the prospect within the comfort range of the human psyche, but I would argue that we must. Circumstances have been unattended now for far too long to escape the prospect.

Although unwitnessed in our human history, a global Electromagnetic Pulse of sufficient magnitude might be one mechanism of such extinction. History tells us that extinction of a species does not necessarily mean the extinction of life, but I doubt that we are in position to make that determination right now.

The coined phrase of “selective decimation” could be kinder to the human species In this case, we have the full range of lethality to apply, be it an individual, select individuals, a group, or the global population en masse. This process can actually already be operational, and it is doubtful that it could be easily identified or even known. In popular lingo, I suppose it could be characterized as a perfect “whodunnit” scenario. No one need ever know, and the only sign to attract any notice would be an increase in the mortality rate, which is likely to become simply another information management issue. Unexplained increases in “sudden deaths”, cardiovascular mortality, autopsy anomalies, or unusual actuarial or insurance reports might be other clues that are present. There is already reason to think that such change is in place but it apparently remains undeserving of special attention.

Coupling research of the “vaccine” campaign consequences with the research of Carnicom Institute is a requirement to understand the scope of any recent changes in human health. It is not a given, in any fashion, that Carnicom Institute will be able to contribute to that requirement.

I think that the foundation for further transformation of this world and our species is in place. The clues have been there for some time now, and they remain in front of us today. I am disposed to caring about and recognizing such clues. In my case, furthermore, it is my responsibility to let them be known. The question of whether a process is reversible or not, even given adequate awareness, is not at all certain as to its outcome. We have been writing that history for some time now and we, as a species, are at least partially accountable for its future. ~ Quoted from:


Increasingly, global spraying or “geoengineering” is becoming a topic of open discussion, with pictures of sprayed skies trending on social media, and states like TennesseeMinnesota, and New Hampshire passing or introducing bills to ban the spraying operations in their states. However, while many people and politicians are only now asking questions about what is in our skies, this week’s guest, independent researcher Clifford Carnicom, began asking those questions over 25 years ago.

When Carnicom began investigating the global spraying program in the late 1990s—examining samples derived from tissue, blood, air filters, plants, and rainwater that he received from all over the U.S. (and later, from all over the world)—he found that they featured well-known metallic salts containing aluminum, barium, and strontium, but also a mysterious biological agent. Within strange filaments present in the samples resided very small bacteria that, when cultured, would start to produce materials such as fibers, proteins, polymers, and—even more strangely—synthetic red blood cells. He concluded that the bacterium and its byproducts affect our entire system, and, notably, our blood.

Because of the bacterium’s very strange properties, which do not seem to belong strictly to a single domain of life, Carnicom, after careful consideration, termed it “cross-domain bacteria” (CDB). Carnicom makes the important point that we have been led astray by descriptions of the global spraying operations as “geoengineering” or “chemtrails,” allowing the bioengineering component—which has been a key feature of the operation from the outset—to escape scrutiny.

Two decades ago, the bacterial culture discovered by Carnicom may have seemed to belong to the realm of science fiction. But currently—as I discussed in my Pharma Food report for Solari—GMO bacteria that will produce all kinds of materials are a huge growth market, supported by the likes of the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) and its Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) as well as investors like Bill Gates. McKinsey has predicted a “direct economic impact of up to $4 trillion a year over the next 10 to 20 years.”

After the rollout of the Covid shots, when blood clots began receiving worldwide attention, embalmers shared rubbery samples with Carnicom. He found that the CDB and its byproducts—in this case, polymers—are strongly present in the clots. However, pointing to his well-documented and publicly accessible 20-year track record before the start of the “Covid era,” Carnicom emphasizes that this is not a new phenomenon. Concerningly, everyone’s blood is affected by the CDB, with his lab results showing that the CDB cause clotting and also respond strongly to electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs). Although there are differences between “vaxxed” and “unvaxxed” blood, both have a propensity for clotting; this biological agent seems to be playing a major role in the health issues that we are seeing in both the injected and uninjected. Health practitioners alarmed by the rise in sudden and excess mortality, turbo cancers, and heart, blood, and fertility issues—and who consider the global injection campaign as the main culprit—need to understand that the injections only sped up a process set into motion decades ago.

Understanding this broader context provides a glimmer of hope in this dark tale. Carnicom’s research papers and notebooks contain a treasure trove of information about how the CDB gestate in the body, under what circumstances, and in what chemical reactions. The knowledge of what makes the CDB thrive is the key to making it stop. According to Carnicom, this should be possible with dietary changes and supplements accessible to all. As a researcher, Carnicom is not in a position to give health advice, but there is reason to expect that nutritionists, doctors, and other health practitioners will be able to translate his laboratory findings into practical solutions. ~ By Elze van Hamelen who writes for the Solari Report.

The Solari Report has assisted Clifford Carnicom by sharing his work and Elze interviewed him very recently: *


You will find vital additional comments from Dr Deitrich Klinghardt which succinctly explain how we are being poisoned by four particular things, i.e., Aluminium, Glyphosate, Fluoride and WiFi unnatural electro-magnetic frequencies to TAKE THE SOUL AWAY FROM PEOPLE by deactivating the pineal gland.


I have drawn attention to Mr Carnicom’s work in the past when I contrasted his work with that of Craig Venter:

CRAIG VENTER – hacking the software of life CLIFF CARNICOM – defending natural life

9 September 2023
CRAIG VENTER - hacking the software of life CLIFF CARNICOM - defending natural life

“In Venter’s autobiography, Life Decoded, he describes his early life as a rebel, a pyromaniac, an ADHD, and an academic failure who “willed himself” to a Ph.D. and a scientific career, after the horrors of Vietnam. He says he is an atheist.

I encourage all my readers to subscribe to, follow and study the work covered by the Carnicom Institute. I think that an answer to our many concerns can be found there.


If you appreciate my research but cannot commit to a paid subscription you could buy me a coffee at:

Please note that all my work is entirely free to read and will never be hidden behind a paywall. My lovely paying subscribers contribute knowing this to be true and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them very much for their ongoing support.

The important thing is sharing this educational information on social media, especially on X and Facebook and Discord where I am permanently excluded because my work upsets the totalitarians.

This article (CLIFF CARNICOM – BLOOD ALTERATIONS) was created and published by Frances Leader and is republished here under “Fair Use”

See Related Article Below

Are The Hydrogel Filaments That Come Out of COVID19 Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Now Similar To DARPA Military-Funded Wireless Fluorescent Implantable Biosensors?



A Military-Funded Biosensor Could Be the Future of Pandemic Detection

In 2020, an article was published discussing a hydrogel based wireless chemical hydrogel biosensor with fluorescent light emission developed by Profusa. This is interesting, as the filaments coming out of people’s skin, COVID19 vaccinated and unvaccinated appear to have similar fluorescent hydrogel characteristics.

I have shown the filaments that come out of COVID19 vaccinated individuals skin, which behave like Morgellon’s filaments, as well as the corresponding facial tattoo that can be seen under UV light.

Fluorescent Filaments Coming Out Of C19 Vaccinated Individuals Skin Glowing Under UV Light: Darkfield Microscopy

Fluorescent Skin In C19 Vaccinated – Truth, Science and Spirit Ep 7: Conversation with Former DOD Contractor Justin Coy, PhD

Fluorescent Orange Face Tattoo Under UV Light In C19 Vaccinated And Eye Of Horus Phenomenon – Are Humans Limbic Systems Being Altered For Behavior Modification?

Image: Filament coming out of COVID19 vaccinated individuals – attracted to human skin. courtesy of Dr Coy

Then I showed that COVID19 unvaccinated people affected by shedding had similar fluorescent filaments come out of their skin:

Further Darkfield Microscopy On Fluorescent Filaments Coming Out Of C19 Unvaccinated Individuals And The Orange Glowing Facial Spots – Its All Self Assembly Nanotechnology

Image: COVID19 unvaccinated individual has blue fluorescent filaments coming out of their skin. AM Medical

The filaments themselves look like technological devices under the microscope:

Image: Darkfield microscopy of filament coming out of the skin of COVID19 unvaccinated individual. AM Medical

This is interesting in light of this hydrogel long biosensor developed by Profusa, which develops injectable biosensors:

Why are pandemics so hard to stop? Often it’s because the disease moves faster than people can be tested for it. The Defense Department is helping to fund a new study to determine whether an under-the-skin biosensor can help trackers keep up — by detecting flu-like infections even before their symptoms begin to show. Its maker, Profusa, says the sensor is on track to try for FDA approval by early next year.

The sensor has two parts. One is a 3mm string of hydrogel, a material whose network of polymer chains is used in some contact lenses and other implants. Inserted under the skin with a syringe, the string includes a specially engineered molecule that sends a fluorescent signal outside of the body when the body begins to fight an infection. The other part is an electronic component attached to the skin. It sends light through the skin, detects the fluorescent signal and generates another signal that the wearer can send to a doctor, website, etc. It’s like a blood lab on the skin that can pick up the body’s response to illness before the presence of other symptoms, like coughing.

The announcement comes as the United States grapples with COVID-19, a respiratory illness that can present in flu-like symptoms such as coughing and shortness of breath. The military is taking a leading role in vaccine research, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley told reporters at the Pentagon on Monday. “Our military research labs are working feverishly around the horn here to try to come up with a vaccine. So we’ll see how that develops over the next couple of months,” Milley said. U.S. troops themselves are also at risk. A U.S. soldier in South Korea became the first U.S. service member to contract the virus, the Wall Street Journal reported in February.

Profusa’s newest funded study, which the company announced on Tuesday, will test how well the sensor can detect influenza outbreaks up to three weeks before it’s possible to detect them using current methods. Because the gel doesn’t actually emit any signal, it wouldn’t give away a soldier’s position, so the sensor could be used in sensitive settings like behind enemy lines, Profusa CEO Ben Hwang said.

Hwang said his company has received grants from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, since around 2011. “They gave us grant money to help our research and as we prove out a certain milestone, as we de-risk the technology, they give us a second phrase and a third phase and provide support,” he said. “Their support has transitioned from grants into these types of programs that create real-world evidence.”

Hwang said DARPA is helping the company reach out to other outfits within the Defense Department that might use the device on troops or service members. That could include partnerships with U.S. Special Operations Command, for instance, or, Indo-Pacific Command. He declined to comment on conversations with specific military customers.

This article on Profusa’s website from 2018 discussing they have overcome the bodies rejection of the synthetic materials:

Injectable Body Sensors Take Personal Chemistry to a Cell Phone Closer to Reality

NEW ORLEANS, March 19, 2018 — Up until now, local inflammation and scar tissue from the so-called “foreign body response” has prevented the development of in-body sensors capable of continuous, long-term monitoring of body chemistry. But today scientists are presenting results showing tiny biosensors that become one with the body have overcome this barrier, and stream data to a mobile phone and to the cloud for personal and medical use.

“While fitness trackers and other wearables provide insights into our heart rate, respiration and other physical measures, they don’t provide information on the most important aspect of our health: our body’s chemistry,” explained Natalie Wisniewski, Ph.D. “Based on our ongoing studies, tissue-integrated sensor technology has the potential to enable wearables to live up to the promise of personalized medicine, revolutionizing the management of health in wellness and disease.” Dr. Wisniewski, who leads the team of biosensor developers, is the chief technology officer and co-founder of Profusa Inc., a San Francisco Bay Area-based life science company.

The researchers are presenting their results today at the 255th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS). ACS, the world’s largest scientific society, is holding the meeting here through Thursday. It features more than 13,000 presentations on a wide range of science topics.

Overcoming the Foreign Body Response

Conventional sensors, such as those found in continuous glucose monitors, have a sensing electrode wire that penetrates the skin to measure a target chemical in the fluid that surrounds cells. But because the body “sees” the electrode as foreign material, it needs to be removed and replaced within several days at a different location to avoid the effects of inflammation and scar tissue that eventually prevents the electrode from functioning accurately.

The team at Profusa is developing a family of tiny biosensors composed of a tissue-like hydrogel, similar to a soft contact lens, that are painlessly placed under the skin with a single injection. Rather than being isolated from the body, the biosensors work fully integrated within the body’s tissue — without any metal device or electronics, thereby overcoming the body’s attempts to reject it. To date, the injected biosensors have functioned for as long as four years.

Smaller than a grain of rice, each biosensor is a flexible fiber about 5 mm long and half a millimeter wide, comprised of a porous scaffold that induces capillary and cellular ingrowth from surrounding tissue. The hydrogel is linked to light-emitting fluorescent molecules that continuously signal in proportion to the concentration of a body chemical, such as oxygen, glucose, or other biomolecule of interest.

Clearly a fluorescent signal is sent to the skin according to the company.

Adhered to the skin’s surface or held by hand, a separate optical reader is used to read the fluorescent signal from the embedded biosensor. The reader sends excitation signals through the skin to the biosensor, which then emits fluorescent light in response to the biomolecule present. The data is relayed to a smart phone for an encrypted personal record and historical tracking. Data can be shared securely via digital networks with healthcare providers.

Dr Coy has shown his research on the fluorescent glow of people who received the COVID19 injection.

In my clinic I use a 365 nm UV flashlight to look at people’s face. When I first presented this research, the debunkers came out of the woodwork claiming that I am just looking at fluorescent bacteria. But I analyzed the orange glowing spots under my Darkfield microscope and showed that these are polymer based mesogens just like Dr. Staninger found in Targeted Individuals.

They also contain classic polymer filaments and different dyes that are used for biosensing applications.

Dr Staninger analyzed such a biosensor mesogen and found polyamide, Graphite and Silicon amongst other chemicals. Polyamides, along with polyvinyl alcohol and polyethylene was found by Clifford Carnicom and myself in the rubbery clot specimens as well as COVID19 vaccinated and unvaccinated blood.

Image: Mesogen microchip from a Targeted Individual. courtesy Dr. Staninger

Synthetic Biology Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) NIR Fingerprint Match Found In Human Blood – Hydrogel Signatures Identified – Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD In Conjunction with Clifford Carnicom

We know from the Moderna Lipid Nanoparticle patent that stealth nanoparticles of polymers, polyvinyl and many other toxic hydrogel plastics are used – all building blocks of biosensor self assembly nanotechnology.

The Argentinian researchers Dr Marcela Sangorrin and Biotechnologist Lorena Diblasi proved that the COVID19 injections contained up to 54 undisclosed elements, including paramagnetic and fluorescent Lanthanides. They also used fluorescent microscopy showing that the polymer filaments and particles that assemble glow.

Discussion of Argentinian C19 Bioweapon Analysis Finding Building Blocks Of Self Assembly Nanotechnology

I also found fluorescent mesogens that self assembled after leaving the Pfizer BioNTech solution for 5 weeks on a slide at room temperature:

Massive Nano and Microrobot Activity In Pfizer BioN Tech COVID19 injection After 5 Weeks At Room Temperature – Fluorescent Aggregates Found – Darkfield Microscopy

Profusa has been funded by the military since 2011 and in 2018 presented at the DARPA symposium about their wireless injectable sensing system:

Profusa to Present at DARPA D60 Symposium

Profusa Software and Systems Lead, Kevin Zhao, has been selected to participate in the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) 60th Anniversary Symposium (D60) as a DARPA Riser. The D60 Symposium takes place from September 5-7 at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, National Harbor, Maryland.

DARPA hand-selected 50 early-career scientists and engineers identified as possible future industry leaders with expertise that could be important to national security. As one of the hand-selected DARPA Risers, Zhao has the distinguished honor of presenting a poster presentation to a panel of DARPA Program Managers on the current and future military applications of Profusa’s wireless sensing system. These applications include medical-grade remote monitoring of vital signs, pilot hypoxia and real-time point-of-care treatments.

DARPA has been funding this research to monitor soldiers “health” ( from the inside of the body, also called intra body area network).

In 2016, DARPA and the U.S. Army Research Office (ARO) awarded Profusa a $7.5 million dollar grant to develop the company’s implantable biosensors for the simultaneous, continuous monitoring of multiple body sensors. Over the past few years, Profusa has focused research and product development on providing real-time monitoring of a combat soldier’s health status to improve mission efficiency and overall performance. Profusa is proud to partner with DARPA to create breakthrough technologies and capabilities for our national security.

We know that DARPA also funded Moderna in the development of mRNA technology.

DARPA Awards Moderna Therapeutics A Grant For Up To $25 Million To Develop Messenger RNA Therapeutics™ Research to focus on antibody production for immune defense

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct. 2, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Moderna Therapeutics, the company pioneering messenger RNA therapeutics™, a revolutionary new treatment modality to enable the in vivo production of therapeutic proteins, announced today that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded the company up to $25 million to research and develop its messenger RNA therapeutics™ platform as a rapid and reliable way to make antibody-producing drugs to protect against a wide range of known and unknown emerging infectious diseases and engineered biological threats.

Is there any correlation between the hydrogel fluorescent biosensors funded by DARPA and the COVID19 bioweapon fluorescent self assembling mesogen and polymer filaments? We know that the stealth nanoparticles in the Moderna patents have all the polymer hydrogels that can be used for biosensing technology.

Is it just a coincidence that these biosensors work via fluorescent signaling and that is what we now see coming out of the skin and face in many of the COVID19 injected and less so, but still present in the unvaccinated? And that DARPA funded these wireless implantable biosensor technologies just as they funded the Moderna mRNA bioweapon platform?

I think that is a worthy question to ask.

This article (Are The Hydrogel Filaments That Come Out of COVID19 Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Now Similar To DARPA Military-Funded Wireless Fluorescent Implantable Biosensors?) was created and published by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD and is republished here under “Fair Use”


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