Exposing the great psychiatric fraud, the subversion of nations and governments, psychiatric abuse – how it is being done and by whom so that people and governments will no longer be duped by the covert enemies of humanity. Proposing the far safer and more workable extant alternatives to the depraved practices of psychiatry.
Monday 18th November – Leave Them Kids Alone JL THE TIMES: The Scottish government’s gender-heavy sex education programme has caused huge numbers of children to identify as transgender, it is claimed. In 2014 the Scottish government introduced […]
You may think you’ve heard this story but trust me, you have no idea AGENT131711 By this point, everyone has heard of MKUltra and their goal to master mind control, but the story is that […]
ROBERT WEISSBERG Contemporary American society seems obsessed with inclusion. Homosexuality has gone from a crime to being openly celebrated. Adultery is no longer an offense punishable by death and would-be adulterers now can legally find […]
Wi-Fi has the potential to influence brainwaves making people vulnerable to suggestibility Wireless-fidelity (“Wi-Fi”) is harmful due to radio-frequency radiation exposure, pulse-modulated RF carrying data, extremely low frequency (“ELF”) effect on the brain and the […]
by Watchdog The police did their job and caught the alleged perpetrator of the Southport massacre. The alleged perpetrator will now stand trial and if found guilty I hope he gets the most stringent sentence […]
Intro by Steve Cook The following article from PANDA Uncut well illustrates strategy of the parastic globalist financial “elite” vis-a-vis their use of their control of money to buy into, take control of and subvert […]
Intro by Steve Cook In this video, the lively and perspicacious Russell Brand asks whether in Keir Pharma, Britain has just elected a more authoritarian leader than ever before? He points out that we can […]
Intro by Steve Cook It occurred to me a short while ago is that we are in World War Three. We all thought WW3 would be nuclear but that was probably a red herring designed […]
Intro by Steve Cook Here is a fine, succinct article from The Citizens Commission on Human Rights that gives you powerful insight into the psychiatric mass drugging operation that has been operate in the guise […]
by Steve Cook Goebbels used psychological warfare very effectively in Hitler’s Germany and, during the world war that resulted, a great deal of research and testing was done at the Tavistock Institute in London, under the […]