Exposing and explaining the economic enslavement of humanity, especially though the rigged money system that has created an economic playing field about as level as the deck of the Titanic – how it is being done and by whom. Proposing more workable alternatives to facilitate economic stability and liberation.
#together The Bank of England has published an update on its progress in designing a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). Many Together supporters responded to the consultation on a “digital pound” – a CBDC to be used by individuals […]
@by Michael Imposing mandatory digital identification on every nation on the entire planet has become a primary goal for the global elite. It isn’t going to happen tomorrow, but eventually the plan is to get virtually […]
UK is on the brink of economic collapse, market analyst warns RHODA WILSON The UK is on the brink of economic collapse, with catastrophic fiscal conditions, a large budget deficit and high interest rates, Alex […]
Miliband’s Net Zero Grid Upgrade Means Household Charges Will Almost Double Consumers to pay for massive power network upgrade ahead of net zero deadline MATT OLIVER Household charges for the upkeep of Britain’s power transmission […]
Bank of England set to introduce Digital Pound, pushing citizens toward a future of surveillance and control LANCE D JOHNSON The Bank of England is set to introduce the digital pound, a central bank digital […]
MICHAEL SNYDER What in the world is going to happen if global food supplies continue to get even tighter? During the second half of this year global food prices have been surging. A “perfect storm” […]
HENRY HILL Reeves says her pension megafunds could invest £80bn in Britain. Why would they? If you want to know a person or society, attend to which lessons they are incapable of learning. In Britain’s […]
Reversing the United Kingdom’s Death Spiral JAMES ALEXANDER for DAILY SCEPTIC A review of Return to Growth: How to Fix the Economy by Jon Moynihan. Our politicians – and that means all of us (we are all […]
The Energy Crisis Commission is Just Another Green Blob Front BEN PILE for DAILY SCEPTIC Another day, another green report. This time, in response to rising energy prices, a report has been published by something […]
by Steve Cook The government shall set up a national not-for-profit bank available to all citizens as a public service for the safeguarding of their money through the normal current-, business- and savings-account activities. The […]