Intro by Steve Cook
I’m featuring here the “Not Our Future” initiative as it exemplifies what is needed: uninhibited grassroots-level communication on a broad scale that facilitates the interchange of ideas.
And that of course directly challenges the tired, stale and corrupt globalist “centralised control” narrative, which is itself based upon the premise that a handful of not particularly powerful intellects know best what is good for the rest of us. Or, worse, they don’t care what is good for the rest of us because they consider what’s best for them overrides the needs of everyone else.
The Not our Future initiative is based upon the premise that we decide what do we and don’t want and what our world should be like, not a small clique of very dodgy people with highly suspect morals, whose only claim to “superiority” is they have managed to beg, borrow, steal or inherit lots of money.
The initiative shows a way to achieve unity of like-minded citizenry at grassroots level because to win the war for this planet, we as individuals, groups and communities must unite. If we unite, we’ll win.
But “unite” does not mean we all become subservient to a centralised authority. That is subjugation, not unification.
Unification comes through people finding pro-survival points and principles upon which they can freely and of their own volition agree.
We are very fortunate in that the basic ideas upon which the vast majority of us can agree are many and fundamental.
It is also true that civilisation based upon subservience of the many to the obsessions and idiosyncrasies of one or a few does not endure.
We are building a healthy civilisation fit for honest people like you to live in free of dismay and molestation. Such a civilisation can only occur when human beings are free to utter, communicate, consider, decide upon and agree or disagree with at will ideas, inventions, innovations and creations.
The broader human community of this planet, the smaller communities of which it is composed, and the individuals that are its fundamental living building bocks thrive to the degree that they are free to look, to observe what they observe, to innovate, to strengthen pro-survival factors and reject contra-survival factors.
A civilisation subject to the whims of one person or a small clique of persons and unable to reject those whims if they are perceived to be contra survival, would only flourish and survive well if the controlling person or clique were superhumanly devoid of error.
But of course someone superhumanly devoid of error would not make the mistake of assuming he can do everyone else’s thinking for them.
Be that as it may. Please take a tour of the Not Our Future website and, if you are of a mind to, sign the Pledge, give them as much support as you can and help spread the word.
Here is a quote from the website, just to give you a taster.
Over the last century or so we have given our elected politicians temporary control of our nations as our representatives. However, this power has been abused and is now being used against us by the “Blob” in many ways but most notably as a means to ensure that power remains forever out of our control.
In order to shift the course of our future from the one being built for us by default to one we would actually like for our children, we need to bring about a lot of change. In order to change things we need to go back to first principles. We need to withdraw our permission, our power and our money from the Blob. We need to say “Not any more” and “Goodbye”.
The following is a plan detailing how we think this can be achieved quickly, globally and forever.
We want to get a majority of the electorate in each country to sign our pledge and promise to help each other work towards a good future and actively reject the future they have planned for us.
We will use that majority to achieve real, lasting change to the “system”.
We will then create a future together where humanity will thrive for a long time.
When you want to achieve something it’s essential to keep that thing at the front of your mind and constantly remind yourself how important it is. The majority of the public only know the Blob’s version of the future whether it’s dystopian movies or news reports, etc. How can we achieve a good future if very few people even know what that looks like, or think about it regularly?
We need to enable people to actively switch from supporting the Blob to supporting humanity. Once our attention shifts from the Blob its power fades. So the key is to keep growing the number of people on our side one-by-one and removing power from the Blob.
Please visit Steve Cook for more articles, plus fiction, non-fiction, humor, satire and verse
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