What have we learned? How the world was driven mad by the seriously unhinged

Intro by Steve Cook

The featured item below is from The White Rose and I’m publishing it here as a timely reminder of how ugly things can get when large number of people operate in a condition of terror installed by their own government’s propaganda machine.

And stupid as well as ugly. People in terror are below a capacity for reason. They cannot think clearly, if at all and tend instead to react to stimuli. If sufficient numbers of people are easily frightened you have right there the reason why governments and other psychotic  groups run their terror operations on the citizenry.

When the populace is suitably befuddled, you get irrational idiocies such as:

Nobody ever explained how exactly, if the vaccines were as effective as the pro-vax propagandists claimed, what did the vaccinated have to worry about because they were not at risk of catching the dreaded bug.  If the vaccinated were at risk of catching the bug they had just been vaccinated against, that meant the vaccine does not work and so what was the point in forcing people to take it?

If we take the polio jab as an example: if you were jabbed you were protected from catching polio so the millions of us who were jabbed never worried about catching polio from someone who had not had the jab. We fully understood that you declined the jab at your own risk.

But all that changed with the Covid jab: people vaccinated to protect them from catching Covid were, according to the propaganda, in mortal  danger of catching Covid from someone unjabbed, which of course was an admission that the jab was no good and thus not worth having. So why persecute the unjabbed?

And then we were treated to the spectacle of mentally unhinged people being handed the excuse to indulge their own evil purposes by persecuting, vilifying,  insulting, demeaning and demanding the punishment of those who declined the unworkable jabs in favor of other known remedies for a disease that had a low fatality rate in any case.

The inability or unwillingness on the part of some to use rational thought was breathtaking and this whole episode taught us all just how lethally daft things can get when we let unhinged loons and their minions set the nation’s agenda.

Never Again?

They Amplified Fear And Turned The Population Against Each Other:

Medical treatment must never be mandated and freely given informed consent, without coercion, is essential. (Together/YT)

Start at 3:33 to listen to the interview with Matt Le Tissier.

Former international footballer Matt Le Tissier joins us to talk about what made him speak out against the establishment, and what he has given up, in the quest for truth. (David Icke/Banned)

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About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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