Noshi-Do: alimentary self defence. How to Fight a Food Industry Armed With Fructose

Second Kata:: how to release the fast food death grip

This is the second Kata in the revamped Noshi-Do series.
Noshi-do is the noble art of eating properly [from “nosh” = English slang for “food,” plus “do” = Japanese for “way or path” = literally, “the way of food.”]. It teaches you how to defend yourself against muggers with street names like “Big Agra” who pounce on you  in supermarkets and other high-crime areas  and try to rob you of your health.
The various grades of Noshi-do are signified by belts of various colours,  The novice wears the McDonalds tartan belt and one then progresses through through pallid, jaundiced, grey, yellow. florid and on up to  rosy and then glowing at the most advanced levels.

by Steve Cook

Herein follows a basic lesson for those novices in the noshi-do sporting the sickly belt and aspiring to elevation to belts of more sanguine hue.

It concerns, as the title of this article so aptly states, how to defend yourself against a food industry armed with fructose.

Self defence in this instance is essential because the weapon is lethal and the assailant is out to kill you.

Fructose may look harmless and sound harmless but it is quite simply deadly. It can also be concealed in innocent-looking disguises such as soft drinks and many fast foods, fits easily into a marshmallow and is often concealed behind the fact that it is “a sugar found in fruit.” As you know some of the world’s most deadly weapons are often concealed behind facts.

This is so much the case that one of its main forms, known as high fructose corn syrup (HFCS),  is now the main ingredient in most soft drinks worldwide and overall consumption of beverages containing fructose rose 135 percent between 1977 and 2000. In the 1970s they discovered that HFCS was not only cheaper to make, it was also much sweeter (processed fructose is nearly 20 times sweeter than table sugar), so manufacturers switched to HFCS from sucrose.

Now it just so happens, a minor glitch the people who devise and manufacture foods, their food experts and scientific researchers could not possibly be expected to have noticed, that fructose is very, very bad for you.

Smoking is widely recognised to have a detrimental effect on your health, so much so that even the government campaigns to get us to stop it; yet fructose is even WORSE for you than tobacco.

Why? Because fructose disrupts and elevates insulin levels and elevated insulin levels are a primary factor in nearly every chronic disease known to man, including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, ageing, arthritis and so on.

Those concerned about their weight should know that HFCS is the number one source of calories in the US and thus almost certainly on planet Earth, having 250% more calories than sugar. The food from which most people get MOST of their calories is corn and primarily through soft drinks.

The notion that fructose is an acceptable form of sugar is quite common but is a false datum that serves as a feint to catch you off your guard. Nearly all simple sugars are metabolised quickly and thereby disrupt insulin levels and this contributes to most chronic illness.

Part at least of what makes HFCS even more bad for you than the other sugars is that it metabolises to fat in your body far more quickly than any other sugar, and, its negative metabolic effects are significantly magnified when you consume it in liquid form. There is evidence too that fructose raises triglyceride levels and LDL (bad) cholesterol. HFCS has been linked to: Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome.

This should not however put you off eating fruit. Moderate amounts of whole fruit will not hit you with huge amounts of fructose and should not be a problem unless you are suffering from diabetes or obesity. However, foods containing it in large amounts, such as fruit juices, sodas and other beverages sweetened with it, must be avoided.

To make the consequences of HFCS consumption even worse, the corn that the high fructose corn syrup comes from is genetically modified corn, which harbours its own serious health risks.

Apparently the manufacturers of soft drinks and processed foods have completely forgotten to mention the potential threat to your health posed by the sweeteners they add to their products.

I’m sure they have no wish to harm their fellow citizens and will be correcting this oversight shortly.

But why wait for them to knock it off?

Just don’t consume foods or drinks containing fructose.



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About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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