Mass poisoners remain at large as death toll mounts

July 31, 2019 0

APA ADMITS PSYCHOTROPIC DRUGS ARE POISONS The American Psychiatric Association online newspaper, “Psychiatric News” proudly reported on April 16th, 2015 that “Psychotropics Lead List for Youth-Related Drug Poisoning Calls.” And indeed they do top the […]


No News is Good News

July 31, 2019 0

by Dave Randle It’s almost impossible these days to completely escape Newzak 24, if only because it is regularly provided to irritate and intrude upon those who have obediently taken a break at motorway services. […]


Big Pharma taken to the cleaners

July 30, 2019 0

Big Pharma Paid Millions In Secret Settlements After Antidepressants Linked To Mass Murder  by Rachel Blevins Every time there are reports of a mass shooting, there are a number of people who automatically question whether the […]


The end of psychiatry – the nation rejoices

July 30, 2019 0

BREAKING NEWS FROM THE DAILY SCARE by Steve Cook NHS to introduce revolutionary new therapy. Researchers have discovered a revolutionary new therapy for stress, depression and similar forms of emotional or mental turbulence that tests […]


Who’s making Earth hell?

July 28, 2019 1

This is Essay Ten in the series Lighten the Load, a back-to-basics re-think of government. What should a government be and do? What should it definitely NOT be and do? Is it even necessary at all? […]


Government linked to psychiatric crime syndicate

July 26, 2019 0

Exposing Psychiatry As A Fraud from Top to Bottom “Promoting diabolically false science, psychiatry creates a gateway for defining many separate states of consciousness that don’t exist at all. They’re cheap myths, fairy tales.” — […]


God save us from the dictatorship of imbeciles

July 26, 2019 0

Introduction With all due respect to modern China, which is a huge improvement upon the idiocracy of yesteryear, the following story is a great example of what happens when you place your country under the […]

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