If this doesn’t open people’s eyes, I don’t know what will…
For the past two months I have been writing The Book of Real History (or something along those lines. Book of True History? True History You Never Knew? Shocking Untold History? Help me come up with a good name). Thanks to your incredible support I was able to get a subscription to Newspapers.com and I have been obsessed with trolling old news archives – so much so that I decided to go back through the first 5 chapters of the book and revise them to add newspaper content, which is coming along great but really threw a wrench in my plan to start releasing chapters on Substack the first week of January 2025. A second wrench was thrown in my plan because I have invested every moment into this book and therefore have nearly run out of non-book content to publish on here. At this point I have more wrenches than Tim the Toolman Taylor (Home Improvement); quite a predicament I have found myself in. Anyway, today is January 19th and I was going through old newspapers and came across some really crazy sh*t that I wanted to show you because I think it will help people realize viruses are a complete and total scam…

In an article published in the newspaper in 1916, we learn of a horrible “Tuberculosis” outbreak in cattle which had been plaguing the States for the previous couple years. At the time this disease was also one of the leading causes of death in humans in both the US and Europe. In fact, it was so severe that 400,000 American children were reported to have contracted it each year leading up to 1916. The medical-science industry claimed the disease was due to a highly contagious bacteria that attacks the lungs but can also affect other parts of the body, such as the kidneys, spine, and brain – serious stuff! Let’s learn more, starting with the symptoms of Tuberculosis in cows:

Ok, so if the animal is losing weight, is listless, developing an infection or has breathing issues, according to medical-science, it means it likely has contracted “Tuberculosis”.
To keep everyone safe, the 1913 Tuberculosis Order was issued. This order required the murder of all cows that showed symptoms of the disease. Science then rushed to save humanity and the animal kingdom by inventing a Tuberculosis test. This test involved injecting (whatever science was calling) Tuberculosis bacteria (tuberculin) under the skin. A few days after injection they would check the injection site for swelling and that was how infection was determined. So, the cattle were all injected with a foreign substance to see if the injection area swelled to see if they had contracted the disease 🤔. Some of the cows had a “reaction” to the test itself and were deemed infected and immediately taken away for slaughter. By 1916 the Bureau of Animal Industry estimated that as much as 50% of all milk-producing cows in the United States had become infected. This epidemic was leading to the slaughter of so many cows that farmers became terrified of their livelihoods being destroyed… but…
While that was going on, something else was going on, and it should have been of interest to the medical-science industry and mainstream media but it was not. What had happened was, it was discovered that certified herds of cows were malnourished. Why were they malnourished? Was it from the disease? After all, weight loss is listed as a symptom of Tuberculosis according to science, so if the disease was causing the weight loss, that would make a lot of sense, right? But to be sure this malnourishment was truly caused by the highly infectious rogue bacteria and not something else, how about we take a look at what those infected malnourished cows were being fed:
It turned out the cow’s daily diet was ten pounds of residue waste from the beet sugar industry mixed with up-to-ten pounds of highly processed cornmeal blended with brewers grain which was waste from the beer manufacturing industry. All of that stuff was mixed with ten pounds of alfalfa hay (which was a good food), then coated with one pint of oil which was factory waste from the cotton seed industry. Alternatively they would cover it with gluten waste from the production of glucose.
On other farms cows were being fed polished white rice (which was the exact cause of so-called human “BeriBeri” disease which impacted sailors living off this highly-processed, nutrient-less food for months on end).
Now we must ask, “Why were the cows being fed these terrible diets?”. The answer is SCIENCE – hell, the answer is always SCIENCE, isn’t it? In this case, dieticians had recently come up with this newfangled idea of counting carbohydrates, proteins, fats and calories. The science-based diet industry determined the amounts of each that constituted a balanced diet. It was the science-diet industry that determined these byproduct waste diets were exactly what cattle needed to thrive because these feed concoctions fit the figures they themselves invented.
The new cow food made from the garbage of industrial processing was so much cheaper than horse food that stables began purchasing the lesser priced feed for their horses. Stable owners discovered that within 50-70 days of feeding their horses the “cow diet”, they too developed the identical symptoms as the cows – “Tuberculosis!” . A vet was called to the stables to check the horses for the disease but instead of running tests, the veterinarian saw the animals, now sick with “Anemia”, “Acidosis” and severely emaciated, and he ordered they be put back on their normal diets of whole grains and grass. Want to know what happened to those horses? Every single one of those them promptly recovered to full health.
Cows continued to fall victim to Tuberculosis disease and be executed because there was no treatment and it was mandatory to kill them to prevent the evil bacteria from spreading. In a last effort to save their farms from complete devastation, some farmers, despite knowing there was no cure, began contacting veterinarians. Lucky for some, the vet happened to be the same guy who had recently helped heal the horses. The veterinarian told the owners of the cows their disease was not so-called Tuberculosis and was instead directly caused by what they were being fed. He directed the farmers to cease listening to the dieticians advice and immediately begin feeding the cows proper food regardless of calories, protein, carbs or fat… and it worked, the cows became healthy again. But the story doesn’t end there…
David T. Arrell of Ohio was a breeder of prizewinning thoroughbred horses. He never fed his horses factory waste and always paid the extra money for clean, raw foods, sometimes costing $1 or more per bushel ($29+ per bushel in todays currency). He reported none of his horses ever became diseased and were “practically immune to everything”. David’s horses never suffered any of the “common horse diseases” which fellow breeders were frequently plagued with.
So now we know what was causing the symptoms of Tuberculosis in cows and horses, but what about humans? In addition to massive numbers of children falling ill, at the time 194 per every 100,000 people in the US were dying every year from this contagious disease!
In 1860 a company was founded called Armour & Co. Armour started off as a meat processor. Not long after launching, their goal became to not have a single piece of scrap that had to be disposed of because throwing stuff out costs money and why pay money when you can instead make money? Armour hired a team of chemists and told them to figure out what could be done to sell all of the waste. The chemists found the answer to be in animal feed.
Armour & Co expanded from meat into butter, fruit, vegetables, even the railroad industry, and grew to be a massive monopoly. Each of those industries had their own waste that could be sold as some form of feed or additive. At the same time, Rockefeller’s Standard Oil was realizing it too could dispose of its waste – especially coal tar, which also became animal feed.

The industries then expanded to a new market, this time human food, “synthetic food”. Although food adulteration had been common practice used by scammers to increase profits, this time around “synthetic food” would be promoted as a positive.

Coal tar, a known hazardous carcinogen, began appearing in everything.

The food supply, which was already bad, became even worse. A few examples of adulteration included:
- Flour for bakers was three-parts powdered limestone, one part sawdust.
- Strawberries were injected with red dye (made from coal tar)
- Strawberry jam contained apple juice, coal tar, glucose, sulphite and preservative chemicals.
- Tomato catsup contained tomatoes that weren’t good enough for anything else (expired or other issues) combined with coal tar, saccharin and benzoic acid
- Spices were cut with dust from the cracker processing industry as well as coconut shells and ground olive pits
- Honey Butter was byproduct waste from sugar manufacturing combined with coal tar dye
- “Absolutely Pure Maple Syrup” was found to contain cane sugar with walnut bark flavoring. The syrup was so bad that citizens of Vermont would immediately know it was fake because they were used to tapping their own real syrup.
- “Pure Sorghum Molasses” was glucose.
- People used to purchase whole coffee berries then roast and grind them themselves. Ground coffee was then pushed as an easier alternative because it could be cut with waste. When the public learned ground coffee was poisoned many went back to buying whole berries until it was discovered that inferior whole berries were being artificially colored using Chromate of Lead and other highly toxic ingredients.
- Used tea was dried on copper plates and colored with arsenic to make it look fresh again then resold.
- 211 samples of assorted “fruit syrups” for fountain drinks were taken. Out of those 85 were coal tar.
- Borax was added to oysters
- Wines were adulterated with “almost everything from coal tar to arsenic”
- The milk was “either an aquarium or a cemetery”
- Of 600 samples of blackberry brandy, 450 contained no blackberry but did contain tar dye
And it wasn’t just the general public being poisoned…
During the Spanish-American War, Armour & Co was contracted to provide meat for the soldiers. To maximize profit, rancid and inferior meat as well as processing waste was dyed and embalmed with hazardous chemicals like formaldehyde then shipped it to the troops. The soldiers began falling ill and Malaria, Yellow Fever and Typhoid Fever were blamed. These three diseases happen to have the same symptoms which are the same symptoms as Tuberculosis which are the same symptoms as chemical poisoning and food poisoning. The only difference between them is sometimes people have a cough, sometimes they get a rash, sometimes people can’t sleep and other times they can.
Malaria / Yellow Fever:

Human Typhoid Fever:

To make matters worse for the troops, the Allied general public really adored our soldiers and wanted to show their respect for our fighting men by mailing them gifts which were usually dry foods or potatoes… but the problem was, these foods were poisoned. In the case of potatoes, these were being made by combining potato and yeast with glue to create “a mass” which was then dyed with tar-based dye to create what looked like a potato. In other cases, whatever was being sent as food contained so many foreign ingredients that upon its arrival nobody knew what it was supposed to be. And during this time, whiskey and other liquors were considered cures for illnesses. In the case of the troops, treatments like whiskey and turpentine enemas were still being used – and as we discussed in The Germ PSYOP, whiskey was poisoned with industrial grade solvents to maximize profits.
Back then refrigerated trucks were not in frequent use, so foods such as poultry, which should be kept cold until consumed, were taken out of cold storage and transported on normal trucks where it would reach summer temperatures. Upon its arrival at its destination, the warm poultry would be put back into cold storage. When outbreaks of disease happened, some tried to warn others that it is the food supply, not an epidemic.

Meanwhile, in 1916, childhood disease and death was soaring, just like in the cows… all of which were consuming “food-less foods”.

But instead of stopping the insanity, the industry doubled down. By the mid 1930s, pigs were being fed a diet of sawdust and hundreds of products were now being made from coal tar, including “vitamins” which science wanted to pump into their “food-less foods”:

Shortly after, in the 1940s, African Swine Fever Virus magically conjured itself up out of thin air and began infecting pigs with the identical symptoms as Tuberculosis, Malaria, Yellow Fever and Typhoid Fever:

African Swine Fever was also promoted as being “highly contagious” which explained to farmers why so many of their pigs became ill at the same time. Just like with the cows, the solution was to slaughter and dispose of the pigs as quickly as possible to “stop the spread”.
During this time, Europe was also suffering livestock diseases. According to a report from the Economic Advisory Council, 58% of cows had to be slaughtered due to “brucellosis, infertility, mastitis, bTB and Johne’s disease, at a cost to farmers of £2.5 million a year” (which would be almost $40 million today). The animals were beginning to have abortions at rates of 9% which was blamed on the infectious disease. Despite the health problems, worldwide new “foodstuffs” were discovered as even cheaper feed alternatives, such as “cereal-based pig feed”, flour for poultry, and toxic industrial grade soybean meal (waste) as a “protein alternative”. Shortly thereafter Tuberculosis began infecting sheep in Europe.
To stop the spread of infectious diseases, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food led the way on the development of livestock brucellosis vaccines, meanwhile, to combat Tuberculosis, Frederick Gowland Hopkins, president of the Royal Society, found a solution: repeatedly testing cows and milk for the disease. Cows and milk that passed three tests would be given “bTB-free” status. Eventually it was decided that the only solution to keeping milk safe was pasteurizing it by cooking it at high temperatures – they claimed this method killed the virus/bacteria which was making humans so ill.
In the US a new brucellosis “wonder drug” was released to save the sickly public. This miracle was called Sulfanilamide and was to be taken by people when infected by the virus-bacteria-germs from milk.

It turned out the key ingredient in the wonder drug was DEG, “a chemical cousin to antifreeze, an industrial chemical used for keeping products moist, and a deadly poison”. Upon its release, it was discovered “It took on average nine days from beginning treatment with the Elixir for people to die of kidney failure”. In a single month 107 people across 15 states died horrible, painful deaths after taking Sulfanilamide. It was then recalled. Not long after the miracle drug began being used a widespread outbreak occurred and it too was blamed on stealthy milk bacteria.

The following year Undulant Fever was raging. Science said this was also from milk.

But they pointed out this disease is “deceptive” because the symptoms can be mistaken for malaria, typhoid, tuberculosis or other diseases:

The good news was, there was now a solution!: only drink pasteurized milk and get vaccinated.
If all of this sounds completely insane to you because you’re now realizing that all along the answer was simply feeding everyone what they were meant to eat, you have to realize that it had to be this way because overpopulation was deemed a problem, even back then. In fact, back in 1927 the media informed the public, without synthetic foods the world would be overpopulated and starving by…

At this point in time I had finished writing this article and thought that was the end of the topic, but as I was laying in bed that night, something kept bugging me – how did they determine this bacteria was not only a dangerous cause of illness, but also contagious? I had to know…
COMING NEXT: The Story You Never Heard: Milk Pasteurization is Based on FRAUD
Help me afford a year subscription to Newspapers.com so I can keep bringing you awesome stuff you haven’t seen!
And stayed tuned for the Book of History Truth (or something like that – help me think of a name), coming soon!
The Great Poisoning & the Virus Scapegoat🥦☠️Crazy Untold History of the Food Supply
I think it’s safe to say that pretty much everyone who reads this article has come to the realization that viruses aren’t real but when those who believe in viruses want us to explain how mass groups of people get sick at the same time, our side falls short of clear, concise explanations. I often hear us say mass illnesses were due to “unsanitary livin…
The Literal Milk War & the Rise of the DAIRY CARTEL: Raw Cheese and Untold History (PART 1)
Between the Civil War and WWI, something began happening with farming – that something was causing the prices on farm goods to tumble quickly. In 1865 prices fell to only 25% of what they were the year prior and the industry was horrified. Farmers found many villains to blame including the railroads and the banks. They labeled the railroads a problem…

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