How does a self-appointed elite handful of people maintain their dominion and control over millions of people they consider to be slaves/minions/serfs/cattle? How does the self-appointed herdsman contol the herd? There are several interwoven mechanisms – the puppet master’s strings and levers – at work. They include
- the mechanics of the economic system and its bogus money
- the control cult of psychiatry and mass drugging
- dumbing down through mis-education
- hijacking people’s religious and spiritual aspirations (“God says what we re doing is okay”)
- controlling information (lying and making false reports) through channels of information (media)
- the ancient ploy of divide and rule
The common denominator of all of them is deceit. To deceive means “to mislead by deliberate misrepresentation or lies.”
Here is a very clear explanation of how race is used by the elite as a divide and rule operation. – Steve
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