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America: is the parasite killing the host?

August 31, 2016 0

The following excellent article comes from Freedom magazine. It provides in our view a very concise account of how criminal corporations are operating parasitically upon what is at its grass-roots an essentially peacefully inclined and […]

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NGOs: Choice Tool of Subversion for the New World Order

August 29, 2016 0

Published to The Liberty Beacon from Makia Freeman NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) have become quite the choice tool of subversion, destabilization and domination for the US-led New World Order. As the recent Soros hack […]

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Is a drugged-up President a good idea?

August 29, 2016 0

The principle here is very simple: it is a very, very bad idea to place in charge of anything let alone a country someone who is mentally ill and/or on psych or other meds that […]


Conventional Economics is a Form of Brain Damage

August 24, 2016 0

This short video says it all. The authority of bogus sciences like psychiatry, economics and so forth are key flaws in our culture. We leave key survival endeavours in the hands of “experts” who present a […]

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With friends like these, who needs enemies?

August 21, 2016 0

Turkey’s NATO Exit & the New Turkey-Russia Alliance: A Turning Point in the Global Power Structure The following is a fascinating discussion on the shifting geopolitical position that resuklts from NATO’s support or even instigation […]

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