This latest expose is best understood in the light of the discredited global warming scam that is rigged to accrue massive profits for the banksters.
Essentially, the more the public can be persuaded to buy the doom, gloom and fear of the global warming lie and acquiesce in the money-making wheeze of carbon credits, the more money the banksters make. It is is hardly surprising then that flanking this effort we find the arch bankster and cultural wrecking ball, George Soros, pouring funds in the direction of Al Gore, the fake climate change guru.
We are all for clean, renewable energy and responsible husbandry of the planet but consider that such efforts should be based on reason and a sense of responsibility for the future – of which human beings are perfectly capable – without the sly coercion of fear-mongering and false reports, especially when the fear-mongering and false reports support a scam that enriches banksters at everyone else’s expense.
Go here for more on the global warming scam and see Beware! Global Fibbing! and The Climate Change Fiasco: too much “science” hitched to the bandwagon of political agenda
Meanwhile, this latest expose comes from our friends at Your News Wire – Steve
George Soros Paid Al Gore Millions To Lie About Global Warming
Newly leaked documents reveal that billionaire George Soros bribed former Vice President Al Gore with millions of dollars in order to fabricate data about global warming.
According to a document published by DC Leaks, Soros used his Open Society Institute to pay Al Gore $10 million dollars per year in order to make Gore exaggerate claims about man-made climate change to the public. reports:
“U.S. Programs Global Warming Grants U.S. Programs became engaged on the global warming issue about four years ago, at George Soros’s suggestion,” reads a leaked OSI memo.
“There has been a budget of $11 million for global warming grants in the U.S. Programs budget for the last several years,” the memo reads. “This budget item captures George Soros’s commitment of $10 million per year for three years to Al Gore’s Alliance for Climate Protection, which conducts public education on the climate issue in pursuit of creating political space for aggressive U.S. action in line with what scientists say is necessary to put our nation on a path to reducing its outsize carbon dioxide emissions.”
It’s unclear what year the memo was sent, but the Gore co-founded Alliance for Climate Protection (ACP) was established in 2006 and lasted until it became The Climate Reality Project in July 2011. In 2008, the Alliance launched a $300 million campaign to encourage “Americans to push for aggressive reductions in greenhouse gas emissions,” The Washington Post reported.
ACP got $10 million from the Open Society Institute (OSI) in 2008, according to the nonprofit’s tax filings. OSI handed over another $5 million to ACP in 2009, according to tax filings. The investigative reporting group ProPublica keeps a database that has OSI tax returns from 2000 to 2013. TheDCNF could not find other years where OSI gave money to ACP.
OSI is primarily a grant-making nonprofit that hands out millions of dollars every year to mostly left-wing causes. Now called the Open Society Foundations, Soros’s nonprofit has handed out more than $13 billion over the last three decades.
OSI didn’t only plan to fund Gore’s climate group to promote global warming policies in the U.S., OSI also planned on giving millions of dollars to spur the “youth climate movement.”
“This budget item also allows for the renewal of U.S. Programs’ long-standing support of the Energy Action Coalition, which is the lead organizer of the youth climate movement in the U.S., the memo reads.
“We are also including a placeholder for an additional $2 million, pending discussion about and development of OSI’s global warming agenda,” the memo reads. “There is a memo from Nancy Youman in the strategic plans binder that recommends pathways forward for OSI on the climate issue – in the U.S., as well as in other parts of the Open Society Network.”
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