The Dave Randle Column: Security and the Stable Door

Dave Randle on the big ‘security’ charade

I am very pleased to feature this article as the first in The Dave Randle Column. This is hopefully the start of a long and happy relationship with a writer, journalist and author with a distinctively witty style and perspicacious take on today’s issues. Enjoy! – Steve

Security and the Stable Door

by Dave Randle

Richard Reid, the failed ‘shoe bomber’ from Bromley had his one chance to stage an atrocity fifteen years ago, when he went equipped to blow a hole in a plane travelling from France to the US. An eagle-eyed stewardess noticed wires protruding from his footwear and he was led away to the slammer.

A mere ten years ago, the failed ‘liquid bombers’ were foiled in their plan to blow a hole in another plane armed with sufficient hydrogen peroxide to clean several pairs of contact lenses.

Neither plot was directly successful in creating mayhem and disruption until the authorities charged with our protection responded by requiring innocent citizens to pad around airports in their stocking feet – an indignity that persists a decade and a half later, no doubt to Mr Reid and his sponsors’ great satisfaction.

In the vaunted cause of ‘security’ air-travellers have toothpaste, deodorant, water, cream for their personal membranes and even sealed bottles of port confiscated (stolen) on a regular basis, while they are scanned like animals by iris-recognition contraptions – or put through the indignity of exposing their naughty bits to peeping weirdos skulking in some remote location. We’ve come a long way from Doctor Mengele measuring people’s features with calipers.

None of this inconveniences the ungodly, of course who need only to stand back and laugh.

As we struggle to turn our foreign pink Euro-passports around the right way for clunking machinery to recognise them without setting off hellish alarms, scary-looking guards in no-eye-contact dark glasses and uniforms made out of cardboard boxes lead dogs between our legs trained to tell the difference between drugs from pharmaceutical pushers and those for which they receive no profits.

My Italian leather belt sets off the ping at Gatwick and Heathrow, but doesn’t in France. It must be removed for the security of my homeland, and I must go beltless and hopefully not trouserless through the arch of doom. Then I can put it back on again and use it to garotte the attendant who tries to sell me after-shave on the flight.

There is a commotion at Luton as nail scissors are discerned via all the layers of clothes in my case. Out come all the socks and smalls to confirm that the scissors are only what they always appeared to be and not a danger. My job to put it and them all back in time to head for northern skies.

Inverness, and the scissors are discovered anew. Apparently they are more dangerous when heading from Scotland back into England, so they must be stolen (confiscated, but never returned to their rightful owner).

Britain is currently on the highest security alert level available. But this has nothing to do with a threat to Blighty. It has to do with perceived threats to other places. If someone runs amok in Munich or Paris, ‘security’ is tightened here. Not that long ago, if somebody ran amok in either of those places, he would likely have come from here.

Britain is the only country that believes itself the target of multiple terrorist threats – to the tune of ten simultaneous events to be looked forward to in the capital this season apparently – that is capable of completely expunging the last one (so-called 7/7) from the public mind and acting as if it had never happened.

Why not act as if the next one – or ten – are not going to happen and give us a bit of peace?

You know the answer to that as well as I do. Vaguely conceived threats from mysterious terrorists keep us feeling like we need the protection only they can offer – ill-trained lunkheads with guns and riot gear blundering about in costumes out of pulp sci-fi, mainly putting the wind up and attacking the same poor shoeless and beltless saps they like to molest at airports, while having zero positive effect on making anything safer or more livable than it would be if they were all disbanded.

At best, the big ‘security’ charade is engaged in trying to prevent the past; in closing the stable door when the horse has been long since sold to the glue factory. In reality even its personnel don’t really know what they’re doing or why, which is one reason they seldom achieve much.

The other is that actual terrorist attacks tend to be as much of a surprise to the attacker as the attacked. Lone bombers and freedom fighters seize their chance. They don’t have access to universal surveillance or what’s laughingly called ‘intelligence’. They will attack anywhere, any time, or, more likely, not.

False flag ‘terrorist attacks’ have as their main goal ramping up our present catalogue of atrocities or getting us in line and scared. Since these are organised by the likes of NATO, the EU and Israel, they are much better planned and mounted and much more able to benefit by cooperation with local traitors.

Extravaganzas such as the one in Nice tend to fool fewer people each time as they fit in the public mind more and more with lies and corruption across Europe and the States; as more people become more sophisticated about thinking them through and trying to see how they can possibly benefit Islam or any of its real or imagined supporters.

The biggest terror in this world at the moment is being prosecuted by the US, Israel and their allies (yes, I do mean us). Having laid waste most of the middle east, their next insane mission is to try to remake the cold war with Russia.

We all know remakes always die at the box office and anyone with half an attention unit can see that provoking Putin is like offering a tender part of your body to a crocodile.

911 700Dave Randle is a Freelance Author and Journalist:


About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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