See these articles:
They reveal how the recent attacks on oil tankers in the Gulf make no sense whatsoever if one assumes that “Iran did it”. Attacking a couple of oil tankers at this time would be a pointless and possibly suicidal thing to do. The regime in Iran may be many things but they ain’t freakin’ stupid.
The warmongers in Washington led by the arch psychopath John Bolton are, as per usual, very quick to blame the country they are just salivating to have a war with. They are consequently very happy to get lots of people killed based on supposition, hysteria, accusations and no hard evidence. We are sure though that over time all the necessary “evidence” can be fabricated and then forwarded by the MSM propaganda machine.
It is worth considering too that the attacks could quite conceivably be a false flag incident on the part of one or other of Iran’s enemies, designed to pin the blame on Iran, provide an excuse for an invasion and so forth. I wonder who that could be?
I know who my money’s on but, truth be told, it could by any one of a dozen candidates.
You are looking at an area of the planet the psychopaths of various persuasions have reduced to the most unholy mess anyone ever saw, to the unrelenting misery of the millions of ordinary folk trying to bring up their kids in peace.
Between the Muslim extremists, Zionist extremists, Saudi extremists. American extremists, half a dozen or more psychopathic governments all vying to be top dog, various proxy armies, puppet regimes, completely barmy “intelligence” agencies, the meddling of the Americans, British, French, Russians and in all likelihood aliens from freakin’ Venus, and everyone lying through their teeth, the area has been turned into an asylum with all manner of lunatics running around armed to the teeth with state-of-the-art weapons of slaughter provided by the Americans and British and off their face on psych meds.
We’re supposed to make sense of all this? Of course we are not. We are supposed to stay bewildered and conflicted and thus easy prey for the propagandist spinning whatever line suits his purpose.
And believe a complete loon like John Bolton when he assures us, based on his opinion, that it is all Iran’s fault and we should therefore go to war immediately and slaughter as many people as possible before we find out Iran didn’t do it after all – by which time it will be too late.
We’ve been there before remember. Bolton was one of the proponents of the Iraq war, which was based on a bare-faced lie. Possibly millions died because of it and he still hasn’t apologised. On the contrary, he’s doing the same nut job thing again!
Never ever trust a man who is in a real hurry to go to war. That haste marks him as insane.
And never trust a President who surrounds himself with similar warmongers as Trump has done. whether by ineptitude or design.
Be all that as it may, “who dunnit” is inevitably based on conjecture and before anyone accuses us of flinging unproven accusations about, we can only say that (a) flinging accusations about is precisely what the likes of the US warmongers and their chums are doing and (b) the use of false flag events in order to provide an excuse for war has plenty of precedents – despite which the possibility of a false flag event is the one possibility the MSM carefully never mentions.
It is common practice when investigating a crime for the police to take into account three things when looking for the perpetrator: did they have the means, the motive and the opportunity?
Well, it could be argued that Iran had the means (although it is not yet even established whether mines or torpedoes were used) and she had the opportunity. As for MOTIVE, given that the incident is nothing but disadvantageous and detrimental to Iran’s cause, there does not seem to be one that makes any real sense.
Well what about the warmongers in Washington and/or their proxies such as Saudi Arabia? Or Israel? Means? Yes. Opportunity? Yes. Motive? Given that they have been itching to go to war with Iran, yes, they most certainly do. By way of just one example, the Zionists of Israel would love to see Iran taken out or incapacitated so as to further clear the way for the Greater Israel project in the region. And the Zionist influence within and over the Trump camp is extensive, if not complete. It is not therefore hard to imagine a Mossad operation or some such thing to hit a few tankers, get Iran fingered for the crime, the propaganda machine in full drive, the warmongers in Trump’s camp jumping at the chance and sending in the tanks or tactical nukes to “defend civilisation” or some such nonsense.
I cannot say that “Israel did it”. I can only point out that in terms of means, motive and opportunity it is perhaps more likely than Iran being the culprit in this instance.
None of this is conclusive one way or the other of course but we have to do the best we can with what we have. An investigation by an unbiased, fact-finding body is what we need – you know, JUSTICE – but that ain’t ever gonna happen. What we are going to get from here on out are accusations, spin and dodgy “evidence” from variously biased sources, almost all of which we KNOW we cannot trust.
In this context we have to consider WHO gains, who gets what they want, from an attack on oil tankers that is pinned on Iran?
Well, not Iran by any stretch of the imagination.The answer of course is the clique of warmongers in Washington and their puppet masters who stand to make oodles of dosh from another juicy conflict.
The long-suffering American taxpayer, naturally, will pick up the bill YET AGAIN for yet another conflict engineered by the maniacs who have taken over their government. And by tax payers I mean ordinary Americans, not the tax-avoiding mega-rich who will doubtless reap the profits on the backs of their less wealthy countrymen. Theirs is a country already sucked down into overwhelming debt and insolvency by a seemingly endless succession of brush wars.
It may not be alone in this misfortune, but the USA some time ago picked up a parasite that gorges on its life-energy and is steadily killing the host.
This has already happened to former world powers such as Britain and France and look at them now. Once it had left them depleted and exhausted, the parasite migrated to a new host with plenty of vitality. And once the USA is a husk of its former self, the parasite will migrate again in search of new host.
The parasite is our real enemy. – Steve
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