How the Globalist crime syndicate used the flu to mug a planet

It is becoming clear that we, The People, are being played on a monstrous scale. While one can almost admire the breathtaking criminal genius behind this operation, the ease with which we have been duped is nevertheless somewhat embarrassing


by Steve Cook

When that French globalist stooge and arch dope, Macron told the French people gleefully that, “War has been declared”, he was not kidding. It has. Only the war is not against an over-hyped flu virus. It is against We, The People of Earth and waged by our would-be herdsmen. For to them – and this is their primary error- we are cattle to be herded, goaded and sometimes stampeded as they see fit.

But just because they, in their arrogance, consider us cattle does not mean that we are. And they are going to rue that mistake.

Be all that as it may, in the meantime the article below provides some excellent insights into how all this is being done. Personally, I’m not so sure it can all be laid at the door of Bill Gates. While he is certainly a player, there are others, the usual crew of globalists and utopian tinkerers and manipulators working slyly out of sight to engineer their Brave New World  in which we, the herd, are fair game for every vicious trick and manipulation they want tho inflict on us.

It seems to me more likely that Gates is the public face of this cabal and the guy who is going to take the fall when it all goes pear-shaped – which it will.

But check out the article and see what you think.


COVID-19: Bill Gates Engineers a Global Crisis from Seasonal Flu

With carefully planning, and a huge financial investment, Bill Gates has shut down the global economy and caused harm to countless people, by turning seasonal flu into a totally unjustified pandemic crisis.  The purpose of the engineered crisis is to crash the world’s economies, normalise authoritarianism  and further the elites’ goal of global government.

The COVID-19 beat-up

‘The Emperor has no clothes’ (Wolfgang Woburg)

Subsequent to the pronouncement of what has been described as a new, lethal and highly infectious coronavirus, COVID-19, a state of panic has been engineered by the corporate media.  Enormous pressure has been put on governments to ‘act’ – citizens have been begging for the draconian and economically disastrous measures which are been imposed.

Protests by scientists that the danger is exaggerated are ignored by media and politicians, who are being morally blackmailed into taking extreme measures.  Anyone who suggests that a targeted measure to safeguard those at risk from corona or any virus (as is usual practice) would be far preferable to locking down the country and thereby causing enormous damage to the economy and to people’s livelihood, well-being and rights, is promptly labelled cynical and callous.

Virologists, epidemiologists, pulmonologists and other scientists in  relevant fields have from the outset criticised the scare with regard to the efficacy of the test, the reliability of data, the level of danger presented by the virus, and the damage to the economy and society presented by the draconian measures, see, for example, 12 here and another 10 here.  New evidence emerging as time goes only confirms what these medical experts have been saying – that COVID-19 is no more than seasonal flu, not shown to be more dangerous than in other years.  Medical scientists have pointed out that figures for infection are a vast underestimate.

‘All these measures are leading to self-destruction and collective suicide based on nothing but a spook’ (Dr Sucharit Bhakdispecialist in microbiology, emeritus professor at  Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz)

The view of John Lee, emeritus professor of pathology, is that if we tracked any other seasonal virus in the same way, we would also see an exponential increase.

  • Much of the response to Covid-19 seems explained by the fact that we are watching this virus in a way that no virus has been watched before.’
  • ‘We have yet to see any statistical evidence for excess deaths, in any part of the world.’
  • ‘When drastic measures are introduced, they should be based on clear evidence. In the case of Covid-19, the evidence is not clear.’
  • ‘We have decided on policies of extraordinary magnitude without concrete evidence of excess harm already occurring, and without proper scrutiny of the science used to justify them.’

Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, pulmonologist, has pointed out that the test protocol for coronavirus was fast-tracked by the World Health Organisation without the usual tests being run (it was given the stamp of approval in mid-January).

It seems that virologists contrived something sensational, which impressed the Chinese government. It became a political sensation completely exceeding the virological frame. Face recognition installed everywhere, ‘the clinical thermometer controlled the traffic on Chinese streets’.

COVID-19 – a Bill Gates Project

David Rockefeller’s environmentalism and ‘climate change’ narrative has the world believing that anthropogenic CO2 is about to destroy the planet, and this can only be diverted by huge sacrifice on the part of ordinary people.  Rockefeller’s project has now arguably been eclipsed by that of his colleague, Bill Gates, who has always held the medical portfolio of the Club of Rome.

The leadership role of Bill Gates in the coronavirus panic is unquestionable.

World Health Organisation

‘having sold its soul to Gates and other business donors, the WHO no longer represents the interests of patients’ (Dr Rath Foundation)

The World Health Organisation fast-tracked the first COVID-19 test protocol, and since then has played its part in creating hysteria over COVID-19.  The Gates Foundation is the biggest private donor to the WHO and the second biggest funder after the United States.  It has given over 2 billion to the WHO since the 1980s.  Other major private ‘partners’ of WHO are the Rockefeller Foundation and parmaceutical/vaccine companies such as GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi-Pasteur.  WHO and Gates Foundation, along with UNICEF and the World Bank, are ‘core partners’ in the vaccine alliance GAVI

Medical Research

The Gates Foundation funds a number of medical research institutes, all of which are actively promoting his plandemic.

The German Center for Infection (DZIF)

The initial test protocol approved by the WHO was developed at the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) at the Charité University of Medicine in Berin. The DZIF partners a number of governments and NGOs, foremost amongst them the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in The Global Antimicrobial Resistance Research and Development Hub, located in Berlin under the roof of the DZIF.  The DZIF has also collaborated with Rockefeller University in New York.

Imperial College London

‘You are locked in your house right now because of some buffoon at Imperial College’, Mark Windows, World Government Declares War.

Epidemiological data which has influenced decision making in countries like the United Kingdom and New Zealand has been provided in a study by Imperial College London.  The College has claimed that deaths from COVID-19 could amount to over half a million in the United Kingdom and 2 million deaths in the United States.

While Bill Gates has suggested that Imperial College reporting is if anything too optimistic,  its projections have been widely criticised as unnecessarily alarmist – one analysis finds that the College has exaggerated the risk by 131 times.  Such criticism has not stopped governments imposing extraordinary measures on the back of Imperial College modelling.

The College is heavily funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: the total amount by 2018 has been calculated as $184,872,226.99.  The Gates Foundation is the second biggest donor to Imperial College after the Wellcome Trust, whose donations amount to $400,322,589.00. The Wellcome Trust works closely with the Gates Foundation in a number of endeavours, such as the founding of CEPI, whose mission statement reads,  ‘The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation’s (CEPI’s) mission is to stimulate and accelerate the development of vaccines against emerging infectious diseases and enable access to these vaccines for people during outbreaks.’

Others include the Institut Pasteur , likewise supporting corona alarmism.  (This video investigates the Institut’s claim that France’s hospitals are full of people desperately ill from coronavirus.)


Event 201

In Oct 2019, six weeks before COVID-19 appeared, a Global Pandemic Exercise called Event 201 took place involving the Western Governments, agencies and key players including the US and Chinese CDC, which focused on a Coronavirus originating in pigs.

Event 201 was co-hosted by the Gates foundation, the World Economic Forum and John Hopkins University.  As Spiro Skouras has pointed out, news reports fabricated for this exercise are eerily similar to reports we are currently seeing with regard to the real pandemic.  Segment four of the five hour simulation talks of the suppression of misinformation, through draconian measures such as shutting down the internet.

The 7th Military Games and the Virus Drill

The Chinese Government simulated a coronavirus outbreak in a drill on September 18th 2019, 30 days before the Military Games, held in Wuhan. Thus this drill was held exactly 30 days before the key date of October 18th, 2019 – the same date when the Wuhan Military Games began and also the very same date when Event 201 (Big Pharma, Bill Gates, China’s CDC, America’s CDC, etc.) was held in the USA which was also simulating a ‘fictional’ scenario of how to handle a coronavirus epidemic. (Chinese Government Foreknowledge?  See also report from Hubei Daily, Google translationoriginal)

Given the role of China in these events, and in the COVID-19 outbreak itself, questions must be asked about how closely it has worked with Bill Gates in ‘managing’ the epidemic.  China has been accused of downplaying its mortality figures – it is possible that the opposite is the case.  Certainly it has taken the opportunity to crackdown on its citizens.

2015 Bill Gates predicts a deadly flu epidemic

In a TED talk of 2015, Bill Gates predicted that the next catastrophe was likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war – microbes, rather than missiles.  Some would say informed guess, an attempt to prepare people for a genuine epidemic – others would say a deliberate softening up, so that people were prepared and compliant when the designated epidemic was declared (as they have been).

Rockefeller Foundation Report Describing How to Use a Pandemic to Create Global Authoritarian Power

The Rockefeller Foundation published a report in 2010 described a scenario in which a pandemic could be used as an excuse to create a world of total government control and authoritarian leadership (pdf).


‘We don’t want to squash a flea with a sledgehammer and bring the house down.  (Simon Thornley, epidemiologist at Auckland University, Dominion Post 1 April 2020, speaking for himself at least.)
‘The life expectancy of millions is being shortened. The horrifying impact on world economy threatens the existence of countless people.’ (Dr Sucharit Bhakdi)

Shutdown of the economy:  The US has lost 10 million jobs in two weeks.  International tourism is at a standstill, with huge implications for everyone from airlines to hotels to souvenir sellers.  New Zealand’s two biggest earners are tourism and the agricultural sector – the shutdown comes just as the government has adopted the economically dubious strategy of replacing farming with forestry.

The personal cost: Lives will be wrecked due to the loss of jobs, and increased alcoholism and drug abuse.  In New Zealand, increased domestic abuse is likely.  The restrictions on activity will also impact on health – walking round the block is no substitute for hiking in the hills, long bikes rides, or playing sport.  In New Zealand those shopping for food are forced to wait for long periods in the cold outside supermarkets – these shoppers still include a worrying number of elderly people.

Implications for the tax payer:  The New Zealand government has announced a $12 billion support plan;  the US has announced a $2 trillion economic package.  Bailouts or buy-ins of the airline industry are expected.  Bank bail-outs are expected.

Implications for the small business model:  In the short term the impact will be greatest on small businesses.  Todd Horwitz of Bubba Trading said on RT’s Boombust (3 April) that, ‘The companies that survive will be stronger and will take on staff.  People just won’t be going back to those small businesses they were working for.’  Whether the small business model will bounce back as economies recover is questionable.

The Markets: The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) finished Monday 9 March with its worst loss since December 2008, with the Dow Jones declining by more than 2,000 points. The collapse was spurred by an anticipated economic downturn caused by the spreading COVID-19 coronavirus and its associated quarantines, travel restrictions and decreased trade. Corona-scare apologists say that the crash was coming anyway after a lengthy bull market,  aggravated by strangely coincidental oil war.  However it is hardly credible to claim that the crashing economy due to the lockdown would have no effect on the market at all.

The Police State

With neither a bang nor barely a whimper, barely one week ago New Zealand put being a long established and respected Parliamentary democracy on hold to become a virtual Police state in the ongoing fight against Covid-19 (Peter Dunne, former NZ Cabinet Minister) ‘Democracy On Hold

Measures taken have perforce impacted negatively on the rights and freedoms of citizens, in a way that could not have been predicted, and completely unknown in democratic societies.

‘We have settled into a life regime more restrictive than at any previous point in our history – including wartime.

‘We have no freedom of movement, limited access to essential goods and services, and our borders have been sealed; we are encouraged to snoop on our neighbours and report them if we believe they are breaking the rules, and to report businesses if we think they are price-gouging.’ (Peter Dunne)

Police in New Zealand and abroad have been heavy-handed in the administration of their new duties to enforce the lockdown.  People taking their dogs to deserted beaches in Wellington have been sent home by police.  In England, the police are sending out drones to harass people walking in national parks.  People have been harassed for reading on park benches.  One former British police officer called for the tasering and the use of rubber bullets on non-compliant citizens.

Both in UK and New Zealand there is uncertainty over the law, what the police are actually mandated to do under the law.

‘This is what a police state is like. It’s a state in which the government can issue orders or express preferences with no legal authority and the police will enforce ministers’ wishes’ (Lord Sumption).

Even those who agree that COVID-19 is exceptionally dangerous have expressed concern about the level of police intrusion into people’s lives.

‘New Zealand – the “land of the long white cloud” – has evolved into a police state overnight amid the fallout of Covid-19, with people now being encouraged to dob in fellow Kiwis who flout lockdown rules.’ Darius Shahtahmasebi, ‘New Zealand becoming police state: Covid-19 lockdown to be taken seriously, but reporting neighbors & abuse of power goes too far’

The level of risk presented by the COVID-19 virus cannot possibly justify this assault on democracy and this level of harm to humanity.

Cui Bono

Financial Gain: Larger businesses – and especially the corporations – will ultimately benefit from both the failure of small businesses and the crashing of the market.

The principle goal, however, is to further the aims of the globalists, e.g.:

Compulsory Vaccination:  Bill Gates has called for vaccine certificates as a requirement for travel.

Digital ID:   The Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, GAVI, Microsoft, Accenture and Ideo-Org have formed a partnership called the ID2020 alliance, whose purpose is to introduce (by the end of 2020) a ‘digital ID’ . (Bill Gates is a strong proponent of microchipping the human race, e.g. for vaccines, and for contraception.)  Gates has just announced plans to launch human-implantable ‘quantum-dot tattoos’ to show vaccine status.

More money to the (corporate-owned) UN: UN chief Antonio Guterres has asked for 10% of the word’s annual income to fight the current corona virus.

Calls for global government: Former British politicians Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, and of course Bill Gates himself, have all called for global government.

Normalising of totalitarianism:   The declaration of a state of emergency and the speedy abandoning of democratic and natural rights has been remarkable easy, as Peter Dunne said, with neither a bang nor barely a whimper.  The majority of citizens are so scared of catching cold that they do not even think to question either the dangers or the draconian measures.  If the populace is so compliant now, will they notice if rights and freedoms are not fully restored, or object if lockddowns become common practice?  Climate activist group and globalist tool Extinction Rebellion has pointed to the lockdowns as a suitable model to stop climate change.

Perhaps the most concerning, the cleverest, aspect of the epidemic scare is that it provides an excuse to shut down important avenues of dissent.  The corporate media is, of course, on side anyway, but parliaments have been prorogued, public meetings are banned, leafletting is hardly likely to be tolerated.  Anyone who tries to organise a public protest is likely to be detained.

With governments like that of New Zealand totally under the thumb of the United Nations (i.e. of the corporations), a compliant populace, and huge damage already inflicted on the world, Bill Gates’ engineered crisis is  resounding success.

See also:

Bill Gates’ Busy Busy World

The above article is from Sto Vuono. Please visit Sto Vuono for many more great articles.


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About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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