About Steve Cook
Director, UK Reloaded

Gov false Covid claims rumbled

January 27, 2021 0

Introduction by Jon Davy Per the following article, the pathologically dishonest gang of subversives posing as our government have spent over £100 million of OUR money on advertising that forwards the blitz of untruths, half […]


The global fightback is growing – a letter from Gibraltar

January 23, 2021 1

SOURCE: www.thelibertybeacon.com UKR Editors’s note: the experiemental biochgemical agenst produced by Pfizer and Mderna are NOT vaccines. They have been misrepresented by government and the manufacturers as vaccines and injected into people on the false […]


Where’s the ruddy virus? Un-freakin’-believable!

January 23, 2021 0

SOURCE Explosive information from Frances Leader, avid researcher, investigator, and writer, who questioned the UK MHRA and confirmed from them that the RNA genome sequences for the supposed SARS-COV-2 virus being used in the COVID […]

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