Shocker- how to spin a fake pandemic

CDC gives interesting insight into the various stat fiddles that underpin the Terror attack

by Kieron McFadden

The following video appeared over the last few hours and is already getting a lot of traction – which is not surprising considering the content.

It is quite a damning expose of one of the vital strands of the overall fraud: how to create inflated scary-looking death stats. According to this report the CDC data pretty much confirms that of the Covid deaths reported in the US, only about 6% were actually caused by the Covid19 bug. It is probably an overstatement to say the CDC has “come clean” or “admitted” the truth. It looks like the truth was there all along but it tool a careful close look at the data to ferret it out. This is a common tactic: publishing data (so no one can later accuse them of withholding it) but burying it among a lot of other data so it takes someone pretty persistent to find it.

One of the ways to create an off-the-peg epidemic is to lump various illnesses with very similar symptoms together and give them a name. So “Covid19” becomes an epidemic with scary numbers if you take people actually killed by Covid19 (not a great many relatively speaking) then include similar ailments under the same label, such as pneumonia, influenza A, influenza B, chest infections, other corona viruses and so forth. It would be a bit like if you took strokes, brain haemorrhages, brain tumors, meningitis etc and included all of them under the name “brain disease”. The combined total would give you a number for “deaths from brain disease” far higher than the number for each individual ailment.

Add to this various other ruses such as a very inaccurate test called the PCR test that tests positive  for very minute traces of the remnants of the DNA of various coronaviruses the person has had in the past (colds, flu etc). This gives you a nice high number for people falsely diagnosed as having COVID 19 in their system and when these false positives die of something else entirely, you simply count them as “covid” deaths.

And, hey presto, you’ve got your ready-made epidemic. It is the sort of thing that happens when the people in charge are lying, deceitful scumbags who have at their beck and call various dishonest minions willing to assist the scumbaggery to the detriment of the society and indeed the entire human race.

If we extrapolate what is happening in America to the UK and assume we have a similar level of false statistics, it is likely that only 6% or so of the 120,000  the gov pretends died of Covid19, we then have fewer than eight thousand deaths from COVID19 over a year or more of the alleged pandemic. This amounts to around 160 per week across a country with around 1900 hospitals, which is less then one death for every ten or more hospitals.

8000 deaths is bad enough, especially when almost all them might not have died of COVID19 had the government not suppressed the known cures, but it is not an illness that should have the whole society reduced to a state of cowering terror of an invisible lurking menace and submitting to injection by an experimental, biochemical agent they don’t need.

Video is here

Video embed code  <iframe width=”640″ height=”360″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ style=”border: none;” src=””></iframe>



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About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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