Intro by Watchdog
For anybody who cares to step back for a moment and cast a critical eye over what the government is saying, the many nonsensical aspects thereof spring sharply into view.
The following interview was posted on the Truthhunter channel on Bitchute and in it Dr Mike Yeadon, former chief Science adviser for Pfizer brings them into sharper focus.
We highly recommend the channel and also this video. It is long but well worth listening to even if in stages because Dr Yeadon covers very many aspects of the Covid Terror and provides much food for thought as he establishes very cleary exactly WHY the government and media cannot and should not be trusted and virtually everything that comes out of their mouths is a an outright lie or a distortion coloured by deceit.
We simply must stop taking at face value what we are told and start to challenge, question and LOOK because our survival depends on it.
Further information is also provided by Truthhunter as follows:
- Credit, thanks & respect to Dr Mike Yeadon –
- Pulling The Death Statistics Apart (great article) – Down How The PCR Test Doesn’t Work For COVID19 – Questions to ask people who are considering the mRNA – Report: There Is NO Deadly Virus – to UK Governments Website confirming the downgrading of Covid19 on 19th March 2020 – The Risk (Brandy Vaughan) –
The ‘Independent’ governing body overseeing the Pfizer Vaccine…..funded by………you guessed it –
Rockefeller Operation Lockstep (2010) –
Expose the Great Reset –
Stop New Normal –
The video is here
The video embed code is
<iframe width=”640″ height=”360″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ style=”border: none;” src=””></iframe>
The People’s Media
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