A Citizens’ Watchdog  – instilling in government some quality control

How do we detect and stop the little Hitlers and other loons BEFORE they rise to power?

by Watchdog

I was thinking about Hitler this morning, as you do.

Here was a cheap politician and failed psychiatric case who somehow wound up with all the resources of the German state at his disposal.

Once he reached a certain point in his acquisition of power, he became unstoppable by any means short of war.

The German people could have stopped him of course, except that once he and his cronies had control of the lines of communication from the government to the People and of other sources of information (such as the media of its day) to the People, they did not have a cat’s chance in hell of figuring out what was going on and putting a stop to it – especially when Hitler got to thge point where he could simply kill off anyone who did suss him out.

But in the early stages of his career he was stoppable.

If he had been stopped early, humanity could have saved itself a whole slew of trouble.

The same applies to any dodgy politician or unethical scum bag determined to inflict his psychoses and criminal compulsions to harm and destroy on the rest of us.

This much we have learned.

But how do you detect such a character, raise the alarm and provide those responsible for the adminstration of the nation on our behalf the right counsel?

More aptly, WHO will do it?

There has to be someone there able to monitor, detect and red-flag udesirables BEFORE they become too powerful to be removed and have the entire apparatus of the state at their disposal to wreak havoc upon the rest of us.

WHO will do this?

It seems to me that such a function has to come from the People. We need a “Citizens’ Watchdog” composed of citizen volunteers and bedded in the grass roots, that is not beholden to any party or corporate entity and which has  a WATCHDOG function. It detects undesirables and raises the alram and, speaking with the combined voices of millions of citizens, can MAKE those playing the game of politics behave ethically.

Think of it as a “quality control” function. Most enterprises have it in one form or another, for detecting and correcting  duff products.

For example, a ball bearing factory has a quality control that will detect any less-than-spherical ball bearings coming off the production line and remove them before they are packaged and sent out to buyers.

By way of another example, almost any tradesman or purveyor of service has a way of detecting errors in his own productiuon and eliminating them: the pipe that leaks, the incorrectly wired circuit or under-cooked cafe pie.

Quality control. The detection and elimination of  corrupted or poorly fashioned products.

Government needs it too but it is missing. Lack of it continually bogs down government and, indeed, our civilisation in a morass of troubles.

One could even argue that lack of quality control has rendered short-lived every civilisation Man has thus far sought to build.

Well, be that as it may, we can change it with regard to our present civilisation, which is the most accomplished in history and most definitely worth saving.

But how do you detect undesirables and their poisonous movements or criminals who have infiltrated existing institutions?

We’d need a yardstick of a set of basic common-sense, humanitarian  principles, broadly agreed upon by the People and which are also agreed to be inviolable if we are to have a government that works benignly and with sincerity for ALL the people.

Then we watch for departures or proposed departures from the ideal scene expressed by those fundamental agreements and raise the alarm where they occur.

We have the makings of such a Citizens’ Watchdog now. It has sprung spontaneously into being in response to the shenanigans of the present government, its myriad human rights infringements and so forth.

Imagine if there had been no such dissent, the voices speaking out against the government’s falsehoods, doctored stats, vested interests, Do Not Resucitate orders (a crime against humanity in itself) etc, too few or too faint to make themselves heard!

The West was built upon a semblance at least of liberty but that liberty would already be gone but for that inchoative watchdog.

As it is, we have a good fighting chance of defending it and bringing its enemies to justice – and then putting in place policies that ensure these fatal errors NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN.

So let’s beef up the Watchdog, add some bite to its bark and get ourselves some quality control.

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About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

2 Comments on A Citizens’ Watchdog  – instilling in government some quality control

  1. l like a lot of your writing sir but l think you seriously need to brush up on your knowledge of Adolf Hitler. try reading Mike Smith’s book “The Bad War” and watching “The Greatest Story Never Told” if you can find it, very suppressed on the net which speaks volumes.

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  1. Fact of Life: criminals infiltrate governments. Solution: a new grass roots movement – UK Reloaded

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