Yet we have, so far as I’m aware, heard not a whisper of how the citizenry can boost their own immune systems and help themselves, by taking the right vits, eating properly and so forth. Stuff that has been known about for decades and is not ruddy rocket science.
We hear a great deal for instance about how social distancing and mask-wearing combine to help inhibit the spread of a bug. Fair enough They will help! They are certainly better than nothing if one’s immune system is so weak one is prey to any bug that comes along.
But notice how government propaganda bangs on about how mask wearing and distancing can be combined to resist the spread of a bug but never any mention of them being combined with taking steps to boost your immune system, the most vital ingredient of all! It is a bit like someone telling you various ways to avoid drowning such as wearing water wings, never going near water, always carrying an aqualung with you wherever you go and suchlike but omitting learning to swim!
The more your immune system is in good shape, the less you have to fear from bugs and viruses.
Modern lifestyle (bad food, mineral deficiencies, drugs, alcohol, possible exposure to radiations such as 5G) leaves the immune system of many people weakened and thus more people are prone to “catching something” than need be the case. A common denominator of serious consequences of the current bug is a weakened immune system.
Our disagreement with the government is about the fact that the COVID19 bug has been talked up and talked up to sound much more frightening than it actually is whilst omitting the most vital pro-survival measure of all.
That vital measure is making sure your immune system is in good enough shape to do its job because if it is, the chances are you won’t get the bug or if you do, your body will be able to deal with it without too much trouble.
And one of the key components of looking after your immune system is vitamin D as the article describes.
If the government went on an educational crusade of the “how to beef up your own immune system” kind, we’d all be healthier and more resistant to bugs.
But that would spell financial doom for the government’s pals in the pharmaceutical industry who profit from the population being sickly, unwell and easy prey to viruses.
That is why it is left to others – including even the MSM! – to give people the sound advice denied them by HMG’s dereliction of its duty.
Vitamin D can help reduce coronavirus risk by 54%: Boston University doctor
The sunshine vitamin is easy to find and relatively cheap
Stop waiting for a miracle drug: A Boston University doctor says a sufficient amount of vitamin D can cut the risk of catching coronavirus by 54%.
“People have been looking for the magic drug or waiting for the vaccine and not looking for something this simple,” said Dr. Michael Holick, professor of medicine, physiology and biophysics at Boston University School of Medicine.
Holick and his colleagues studied blood samples from Quest Diagnostics of more than 190,000 Americans from all 50 states and found that those who had deficient levels of vitamin D had 54% higher COVID positivity compared to those with adequate levels of vitamin D in the blood.
The risk of getting coronavirus continued to decline as vitamin D levels increased, the study, published in the Public Library of Science One peer-reviewed journal shows.
“The higher your vitamin D status, lower was your risk,” Holick said.
Many people are vitamin D-deficient because there are only small amounts in food, Holick said. Most vitamin D comes from sun exposure and many are deprived, especially during winter months.
But the sunshine vitamin is easy to find and relatively cheap in drug stores, and taking vitamin D pills comes at no risk. “It’s perfectly safe,” Holick said.
“It’s considered to be, by many, the nutrient of the decade,” Holick said.
COVID-19 positivity is strongly associated with vitamin D levels in the blood, a relationship that stayed the same across different races, sexes and age ranges, the study states.
A deficiency in the nutrient alters the immune system, making one more likely to get upper respiratory infections, Holick said.
Throughout the pandemic, people of color have been disproportionately affected by coronavirus, experiencing a higher risk of acquiring it and having serious complications, according to the Centers for Disease Control.
The average adult needs around 2,000 units of vitamin D a day, Holick said. He said he’s been taking 6,000 units a day for decades and is in great health.
Several other studies on vitamin D have shown its benefits to the immune system.
Research published with the National Institutes of Health showed people with lower vitamin D levels were more likely to self-report a recent upper respiratory tract infection than those with sufficient levels.
Another study of more than 11,000 participants published in the British Medical Journal found vitamin D supplementation reduced the risk of acute respiratory tract infection among all participants.
“Vitamin D definitely improves your overall immunity to fight infections,” Holick said.
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