Do viruses actually exist? It is looking more and more like the answer is “no”

The time to step back, look and re-evaluate what "everybody knows" is upon us

When the Covid  psyop  started I –  like the vast  majority of people – took it for granted that viruses at least actually existed.

When when lie after lie was exposed, I  started to suspect that the existence of  viruses was an “everybody knows” based on an unproven yet strenuously propagandised assumption on a par with the medieval belief in demons.

It seems I am not alone in that view and sharper minds than mine are calling the whole false paradigm into question.  Could it be that what “everybody knows”  is actually what everybody has been told to think? The following article from Lifesite News  makes that case for that re-evaluation of what we actually know, as does  the short video clip that follows it.

Scientists challenge fundamental precepts of virology. Do viruses even exist?

A number of pro-freedom health experts, including former Pfizer VP Dr. Michael Yeadon, are now questioning not only the existence of COVID-19, but of viruses entirely.

 In a June 20 interview with Tucker Carlson, Scottish television presenter and author Neil Oliver mentioned that he was “not persuaded” there was any such thing as a COVID-19 virus circulating in the population since 2019 and 2020, explaining that in his judgment, based on hospital bed and death statistics, there was “no pandemic,” but rather “a pandemic of propaganda, a pandemic of lies and a pandemic of [false PCR] testing.” 

Yet he and others may be surprised to learn that many scientists have asserted they have proof he is correct that no such SARS-CoV-2 virus even exists, and further, they argue, with compelling confidence and detailed demonstrations, that there is actually no proof viruses exist at all and that virology itself is a “pseudoscience.” 

In a 40 minute video titled “Official Evidence that Virology is a Pseudoscience,” Canadian researcher Christine Massey explains how she and others have issued Freedom of Information requests to hundreds of scientific institutions in 40 different countries “asking for any records of anyone in the world ever finding this alleged [SARS-CoV-2] virus in the bodily fluid or tissue or excrement of any people anywhere on earth by anyone ever.”  

“To date, we have responses from 216 different institutions in 40 different countries. And so far, no one has been able to provide us with even one record,” and further, “they can’t cite any record,” she said. “So they have all admitted that they don’t have a sample of the alleged virus and they don’t even know of anyone else who ever did obtain a sample of this alleged virus.”  

Such a sample would be necessary “in order to sequence and characterize a particle and study it with controlled experiments, which is the foundation of scientific method,” she continued. “And if nobody has a sample of the alleged virus, then nobody can have conducted any science.”  

Massey, a former cancer biostatistician holding a Master of Science degree, provides full documentation of her research including a list of the organizations she contacted, which include the World Health Organization, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Research Council of Canada, Public Health of England, and hundreds more. She additionally provides a long list of their respective responses 

No scientific record of any viruses at all in humans or animals 

These include one from the CDC and another she cites from Mount Sinai Hospital in Canada which said “we are not aware the isolation of a virus in the manner that you have described is possible for any virus. It is not within the scope of current scientific processes.”  

However, Massey clarified, “this is not a limitation of technology [as] supposedly proteins and other smaller particles are purified,” but what these letters indicated is such purification and isolation “never happens in virology” likely “because if they did purify particles, they would not be able to show that they actually fit the definition of a virus.” 

These same requests were also made to institutions such as the Canadian Food Inspection Agency that will, on occasion, order large numbers of farm animals to be destroyed “based on the fact that they are allegedly infected with dangerous viruses.” 

“They admitted flat out that they didn’t have any [such] records,” she said.  

Virology ‘has consistently failed to fulfill its own requirements to prove’ viruses exist  

Complementing Massey’s discoveries is an extended 2022 technical paper produced by Dr. Mark Bailey, M.D. of New Zealand. Bailey’s 29,000 word thesis is titled “A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition)” and has also been made into a three part video series for explaining his arguments to a broader audience.  

The first video describes Bailey as “a microbiology, medical industry and health researcher who worked in medical practice, including clinical trials for two decades” and declares that his extended paper, attacking the very foundations of the entire discipline of virology, remains “uncontested.” 

“Virology invented the fictional theoretical virus model but has consistently failed to fulfill its own requirements to prove their existence,” summarizes narrator Steve Falconer. “It is claimed that viruses cause disease after transmitting between hosts such as humans. And yet, outside of cartoons, computer models, and Hollywood movies, the scientific evidence for these claims is missing.”  

Perhaps virology’s greatest failure “has been the inability to obtain any viral particles directly from the tissues or fluids of organisms like humans said to have viral diseases,” the video continues. “In order to obfuscate this state of affairs, virologists have resorted to creating their own pseudo-scientific methods to replace the long-standing scientific method, like rigorous control experiments to try and disprove their original hypothesis.”  

“Yet virologists have never isolated this extracellular vesicle particle alone and apart from the thousands of other particles found in human tissue, fluids, and their petri dish and test tube” experiments “to genetically characterize it and prove it even is a virus particle,” the video claims. Virologists must isolate a particle they believe, through photographic imagery, to be a virus, in order to, in fact, prove it to be a virus “and not just cellular debris garbage.” 

Additionally, a viral particle must be tested to “fulfill defined physical and biological properties including, being a replication-competent intracellular parasite, meaning it results in identical copies of itself inside a host organism, and (is) also capable of causing disease in a host such as a human,” Falconer explains.  

‘Not one published scientific paper’ exists which legitimately finds a ‘virus’ 

“However,” the video continues, “viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 are nothing more than phantom constructs existing only in imaginations and computer simulations.” 

“In this paradigm, cases of invented diseases like COVID-19 are nothing more than the detection of selected tiny common genetic sequences and proteins purported or rather pretended to be viral,” claims Falconer. “The existence of an actual virus is not required in this fallacy loop of circular reasoning. And thus, entire fictional pandemics can be built upon fictional digital creations and then falsely sustained through meaningless in vitro test tube molecular reactions.”  

Quoted in the video is self-described “alternative medicine” physician Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D., who asserts a “fact which every virologist agrees to,” that is, “there is not one published scientific paper where any particle that you could call a virus” is found “in any biological fluid of any sick human or animal, anywhere. And everybody agrees. All the virologists agree. They say that’s not how you find a virus.”  

Furthermore, as stipulated in a document where Cowan is a primary author titled “Settling the Virus Debate” (SVD), the point is made that similarly described particles called exosomes “have been successfully isolated through purification [but] have not been shown to be replication-competent, infectious and disease-causing, hence they cannot be said to be viruses.” 

Particles exceedingly smaller than ‘alleged viruses’ are regularly isolated, experimented on, manufactured and even constructed as nanotechnology 

The documentary goes on to explain that “density gradient centrifugation is the scientifically required standard technique for the demonstration of the existence of a virus.” Yet, “even though this method is described in all microbiology manuals as the virus isolation technique, it is actually never applied in experiments meant to demonstrate the existence of any pathogenic viruses.” 

Additionally, Falconer explains how virologists describe viruses as being “30 to 150 nanometers in diameter,” yet “molecular chemists find and isolate molecules smaller than just one nanometer… every single day without problem and do all sorts of things with them.” 

In fact, “IBM unveiled in 2021 the world’s first two nanometer chip technology with two nanometer nanosheets which they are easily able to manufacture, find, isolate, and even attach to other nanostrips that are only 12 to 44 nanometers wide and only 75 nanometers long, which they can clearly manufacture, find, and isolate in order to attach the smaller two nanometer nanosheets onto them.” 

“Yet virologists can’t find (a 30 to 150 nanometer virus) in a large sputum sample,” the video documentary observes, despite COVID-19 government propaganda suggesting those infected carry the virus in such significant levels that it can cause a person to become dangerously ill from up to six feet away and also be filtered by an N95 mask. 

According to SVD, instead of using centrifugation for isolating these particles, virologists offer “proffered ‘evidence’ of viruses through ‘genomes’ and animal experiments,” which, the authors say, “derives from methodologies with insufficient controls.”  

Signing SVD with Cowan, is Massey, Bailey, his wife Dr. Samantha Bailey, M.D., and sixteen other experts, including former Pfizer Vice President & Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory, Dr. Michael Yeadon  

Dominant view that viruses do exist defended by other health freedom physicians: ‘the proverbial baby has been thrown out with the bathwater’  

SVD goes on to “meet the virologists half way” in proposing an initial experiment which does not require them to properly isolate a virus, but is rather based on their current methodology of sequencing genomes of “alleged viruses.” 

Though apparently no one in the virologist community has agreed to this challenge, one response to the document came in May with an article by Drs. Michael Palmer, M.D. and Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. (P&B), which seeks to defend the longstanding consensus view that the existence of viruses has been properly demonstrated for many years. 

In “Do viruses exist?” these two physicians first acknowledge that in the wake of the COVID-19 phenomenon, “the public has ample reason to mistrust… the ‘scientific community’” due to a host of “absurd and brazen lies” which have been advanced by these supposed scientific and political authorities. Yet, they caution against taking an understandably “radical skepticism” too far and charge that in the case of virus skeptics’ arguments, “the proverbial baby has been thrown out with the bathwater.”  

After discussing the history of germ theory, P&B make some fundamental statements which were soon after countered by Massey in an email she sent them and later published, and also with an around 43 minute video analysis by Cowan on May 29.  

For example, P&B defend the identifying and “isolating” of viruses with the use of cell cultures providing three distinct points.   

First, they propose, viruses often have “very characteristic shapes that are not likely to be confused with any particles produced by living cells, or with debris left behind by dead cells.” 

In response, Cowan points out that P&B implicitly admit that “these viruses have never been isolated using the common definition of isolation.” He then goes on to assert P&B’s statement on this matter is “clearly false” as is demonstrated by many papers which directly refute it, including one which said there was “no way” to distinguish such alleged viruses from other particles by visuals only. 

Secondly, P&B go on to say, “there are many biochemical methods for characterizing viral particles,” which Cowan charges to be “circular reasoning.” He asks how one can know they are actually dealing with viral particles if they have never isolated and properly identified them? Additionally, how can they know they are establishing “genetic information characteristic of the virus rather than host cell culture” if they have “never isolated, that is to say separated, the virus from the host cell culture”?  

‘No particle has ever been sequenced, characterized, studied with valid controlled experiments and shown to fit the definition of a virus’  

Thirdly, P&B qualify that “not all viruses can easily be grown in cell cultures,” which Cowan says is “an amazing bit of thinking.”  

“In other words, they tell us that the way you isolate, i.e. find, i.e. prove the existence of a virus, is you grow it in a cell culture, and you see the cytopathic effect on these very specialized cells,” he said. “That is how you identify that a virus is present. And then they turn around and say, well, some viruses you can’t grow in a cell culture.” 

“Didn’t you just tell me that the definition of how we know there’s a virus is that it causes a cytopathic effect in a cell culture?” Cowan asked. “And now you tell me that not all viruses can be grown in a cell culture. Well, how did you know it was a virus in the first place, because that was what you just told me was how I would know. And they do this over and over again.”  

Massey added that in many of their statements, including those discussed above, P&B rely on “reification fallacies,” which are defined as “when an argument relies on an abstract concept as if it were a concrete fact; when a hypothetical scenario or situation is referred to, and treated as if it were a real thing.” 

“Continually referring to particles as ‘viruses’ doesn’t make them so, isn’t evidence that they are, and is misleading given the absence of valid, logical evidence,” the Canadian researcher charged. “There may be many methods for characterizing submicroscopic particles, but no particle has ever been sequenced, characterized, studied with valid controlled experiments and shown to fit the definition of a ‘virus.’” 

‘No amount of analysis of a made-up computer ‘genome’ that has never been shown to have a physical counterpart could tell us anything at all about an alleged virus’

P&B also assert that viruses, including the SARS-CoV-2 virus, have been isolated “numerous times” and that such “isolation is often used in the initial characterization of a novel virus” while more expedient methods of using a cell culture are performed for routine detection.  

Referencing her extensive search which failed to find evidence of such isolation, Massey responded, “I challenge you to cite a study wherein any alleged ‘virus’ was found in the bodily fluid/tissue/excrement of a so-called ‘host’ and actually isolated (purified), sequenced, characterized and shown to cause the relevant illness.”  

“I literally have hundreds of freedom of information responses from >220 institutions in 40 countries on my website and in zero cases has any institution been able to cite a study describing actual isolation/purification of an alleged virus,” she wrote.

P&B also asserted “the artificial nature of SARS-CoV-2 can be convincingly demonstrated based on nothing more than the nucleotide sequence of its genome,” to which Massey replied, they need to first cite “valid evidence of ‘SARS-COV-2’ to begin with. No amount of analysis of a made-up computer ‘genome’ that has never been shown to have a physical counterpart could tell us anything at all about an alleged ‘virus.’” 

Additionally, P&B state “It is also possible to buy samples of the purified virus from the American Type Culture Collection,” to which Massey replied, “I challenge you to back up that claim by showing that any ‘isolate’ sold by ATCC or any other supplier actually consists of purified particles and that said particles were actually shown to be a ‘virus,’” providing an additional link for further explanation.   

Dr. Cowan: P&B ‘have no solid scientific evidence’ only an ‘uncontrolled, irrational study from 1984 which doesn’t even attempt to actually isolate anything’ 

P&B went on to cite a 1985 study in which they claim a virus was “directly isolated” with the use of “gnotobiotic,” that is, “germ-free” pigs. Cowan provides an extensive analysis of the study claiming it first presumed the presence of a virus without demonstrating it, had no control group, and merely further presumed the effects of diarrhea in the pigs were caused by a virus without sufficient scientific verification.  

“Palmer and Bhakdi are using this study, having to go back to 1985 to find a study where they actually isolated the virus directly without using a cell culture,” Cowan proposed. And yet, “there is no evidence of a virus in this.”  

“So this paper clearly doesn’t demonstrate the point that these two authors were trying to make. There is no evidence of any isolation of any virus, new or otherwise,” he continued. “They never have a pure form of this virus, so they could never possibly study it.”  

Towards the end of their piece, P&B charge, “The legend that SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated is founded solely on the rigid demand that such isolation be accomplished without the use of cell cultures.”  

To this, Cowan responded, “It’s not a rigid demand, it’s common sense. And if you don’t agree with that, give us a definition of what isolation means and show us in which part of the cell culture that isolation was performed. And I can guarantee you they will not answer that question.” 

P&B further argue that “practicing virologists are highly likely to ignore this [rigid] demand,” due to the expedience of using a cell culture, and “for which we cannot fault them.” 

“The reason they ignore this demand is because there is no part of the cell culture that fits the definition of isolation or that shows that the virus has been isolated,” Cowan replied. “So when they say that this is easier for them to do, of course it’s easier, it’s just simply incorrect.” 

In their conclusion, P&B state, “While we have every reason to distrust and indict today’s medical and scientific establishment, this should not lead us to disregard solid scientific evidence where it exists.” 

“They have no solid scientific evidence,” Cowan retorted. “They have an uncontrolled, irrational study from 1984 which doesn’t even begin, doesn’t even attempt to actually isolate anything, which is the whole point of [their] paper, to show us a paper that has isolated and proven a virus exists without doing a cell culture.” 

Dr. Peter McCullough argues for viruses, other health freedom experts respond 

The very well-known and highly respected cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, who became a hero to many for speaking out against the COVID-19 vaccines, addressed this question in a June 10 podcast indicating discomfort with the challenge to the consensus regarding the existence of viruses.  

“Well, there’s an entire peer-reviewed literature on SARS-1, as well as MERS, the Middle Eastern Respiratory Virus, and now SARS-CoV-2, sudden acute respiratory illness, and the COVID-19 illness,” he said. “So all of these viruses have been cultured, they’ve been isolated. There’s been attempts of killing the virus and using it as a vaccine in all three examples.” 

While expressing great respect for Dr. McCullough including their “support of his fantastic work, warning people not to go along with the nonsense and not to take these toxic shots,” Dr. Mark Bailey conveyed the need to provide a response to similar statements from the well-known medical freedom advocate last September:   

When Peter says things like ‘isolation,’ does he understand what he means, because he’s not talking about physical isolation here. We know that they’re not doing that, and we know that they tried. It wasn’t through lack of trying over the last century. Particularly around the 70s they were really trying hard to purify particles, which could be shown to be viral in nature, but without any success.   

So, when he talks about isolation, we have to remind everybody that this is the virologist’s definition of isolation, which in fact doesn’t really have a definition. Some of the textbooks of virology don’t even give a specific meaning for the word. So they pretty much use it however they want… 

[And] with what he says is the standard culturing, he’s just talking about cell breakdown experiments where a biological sample is added to traditionally something like monkey kidney cells, which have a propensity to break down because they have chromosomal abnormalities, and claiming that that’s an isolation technique watching this breakdown.  

McCullough continued in his podcast to point out “Sinopharm, the company that makes the Chinese vaccine, they actually culture the virus in large quantities and then kill the virus and give it as a vaccine.”  

In response to a similar statement, Bailey referenced his paper explaining a February 2020 Chinese study which described how their scientists took a lung sample from “one 41-year-old man with pneumonia” and then “just looked for every single RNA sequence they could find in that fluid,” created a silico model and then compared it to others on the genetic database.  

“And on that basis, they declared that there was a novel coronavirus when there’s nowhere in that paper that shows anything that replicates, that shows anything that is infectious, and there’s certainly no evidence that these genetic sequences that they published came from inside any particle that they claim to have identified,” he said.   

“So this is the kind of pseudoscience we’re talking about when they are making declarations of isolation. They have done nothing of the sort, and we can only encourage Peter to read the work that all of us have done,” he continued. “We go through these [many] methodologies and show why they are unscientific and why they don’t show the existence of replication-competent intracellular parasites.” 

Electron microscopy imaged particles have never been ‘shown to be replication-competent or disease-causing in nature,’ and thus cannot be said to be ‘viruses’  

McCullough continued in his podcast proposing the COVID-19 virus is scientifically “visible on electron microscopy. So, when we watch it, the virus invades a human cell and then it multiplies inside the cell and the cell bursts and all the viral particles mushroom out.”  

Yet, after making similar arguments on his Substack page in November 2022, Dr. Sam Bailey provided a refutation just four days later claiming that the methods section of the study McCullough was citing “reveals that the authors simply asserted they started with ‘viral strains’ in some obtained specimens” and after adding them to monkey kidney cells and observing their breakdown 4 to 5 days later, they declared “various particles” among the “cellular debris” to be “virions.” Furthermore, there was “no control experiment of course.” 

“They have fallen for one of virology’s oldest tricks: what we call the ‘point and declare’ scam. None of these imaged particles have ever been shown to be replication-competent or disease-causing in nature. And none of them have been characterised to see what, if any, genetic material they contain,” she explained.  

Indeed, “There are no particles that have ever been shown to be replication-competent and pathogenic to fulfil this imaginary concept” of a virus. 

The New Zealand-based physician also included a February 2022 video she produced addressing what she argues to be the “unestablished premise” on which such electron microscopy arguments build and thus declare their unproven conclusions.  

“As I have highlighted, if it is to be claimed that a virus has been discovered, the electron micrograph images are not sufficient, unless they demonstrate completely purified particles that can then be tested,” she summarized.   

Her husband, Dr. Mark Bailey, also lamented that “unfortunately” Dr. McCullough “seems to just ignore” such refutations and continues to claim that the arguments he is offering are “all uncontested stuff, which is not correct.”  

Dr. Michael Yeadon: ‘lots of papers asserting the same unproven thing’ simply don’t bolster the unproven claim, warns of ‘group think’ 

McCullough went on with his podcast explanation to say, “for those who are kind of denying the presence of the [COVID-19] virus, I think we’re approaching 300,000 peer-reviewed papers on the topic. I mean, this is a mountain of evidence to dismiss out of hand.”  

When asked by LifeSiteNews for comment on these statements, Dr. Michael Yeadon, who is an expert in toxicology, provided an extensive response including the following introduction:  

My initial concerns are mainly with the attempt to pretend that lots of papers asserting the same unproven thing bolsters the unproven claim. It simply doesn’t. 

Back in the day when people thought the earth was stationary and the sun orbited earth, had there then been ‘peer reviewed papers,’ all the reviewers would pass papers on earth centric systems. The numbers don’t make it correct. Merely that once group think sets in, almost everyone will interpret evidence in that light. This continues until unequivocal evidence emerges to counter the errors of thinking.  

Having earned a Ph.D. in respiratory pharmacology, and spending over 30 years working for the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, Yeadon rose to the most senior research position in this field at Pfizer becoming Vice President & Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory. He resigned in 2011 and founded his own biotech company, Ziarco, which was later sold to Novartis in 2017.

READ: Former Pfizer VP: Why evidence is lacking for the existence of COVID-19 ‘virus’ or any other

Dr. Sam Bailey once explained that every individual she knows that has or is currently pointing out the fundamental flaws in viral theory, all believed in it at some stage but changed their minds following personal investigation.  

In the same way, Yeadon shared in a 2022 interview that following conversations with some of these individuals, which distressed him for some time, he eventually realized he could “no longer maintain” his “understanding of respiratory viruses” and after obtaining further information “it collapsed the possibility that respiratory viruses as described exist at all. They don’t.” 

‘The science is being led by the industries’

Joining Mark Bailey in his video response to McCullough last September was health scientist Dr. Kevin Corbett who was introduced as having made the same argument against the existence of the HIV virus “for over three decades, with publications refuting virological methodologies and tests.”  

The British researcher asserted that even many of his fellow medical freedom advocates have “backed away” from these challenges to virology “because they don’t understand it and they’re frightened of the arguments because of their investment in the industry. They’re entwined within the biotech industry whether they like it or not, and therefore there’s so much at stake here.” 

He went on to cite a peer-reviewed 1993 paper in the highly credentialled Nature Biotechnology journal which he said indicated “there is no proven HIV isolate” and thus it’s testing mechanism was “fraudulent” for demonstrating an HIV infection.   

Though scientists who are “open to the arguments” have seen “the logic in that paper,” it has been “completely ignored” by “so-called scientists,” especially in the “field of HIV” simply because “the industry won’t accept it, and the industry is what dictates this, not the science. The science is being led by the industries,” Corbett claimed.  

Impacts to this thesis ‘incredible,’ would mean ‘collapse of half of the medical pharmaceutical system’ and ‘childhood vaccination schedules’  

Indeed, Mark Bailey adds that the ramifications of this question are very significant for the medical industry, as this thesis calls into question the existence of “every alleged virus” including SARS-CoV-2, HIV and the rest. If viruses are “shown not to exist, this is the collapse of half of the medical pharmaceutical system. This is the collapse of childhood vaccination schedules. The impacts are just incredible.”  

According to Dr. Tom Cowan, this issue is also important because “if the so-called leaders of the health freedom movement can’t even get the basic science right of viruses, which is the fundamental issue of this so-called pandemic, and all the medical tyranny, then there is no hope that we are going to emerge out of this in a more sound, rational, logical, common sense position, [and] that we are going to free ourselves from this scientism belief system and actually live our lives based on rational thinking and common sense and a search for the truth.” 

Skeptics simply seek ‘proper scientific controlled experiments’ to demonstrate ‘viruses’ act as defined

Summing up the position of the viral skeptic movement, the Upstate New York physician said, “what we are asking for is very clear. Give us a definition of isolation. Explain why isolation is fundamental. You have to separate one thing from everything else in order to know what it’s made of, what its constituents are, and what it does.”  

“And then we want proper scientific controlled experiments to show that this purified, isolated virus does what you say it does,” he proposed. “And as far as we can tell, nobody has been able to come up with any part of that evidence. So our position, or at least my position, stands on logic, common sense, and rigorous scientific thinking.” 

With even at least one establishment virologist admitting they have “tried for a long time to isolate viruses in cell cultures,” but “have never succeeded,” Massey reported on one German philanthropist’s establishment of an “Isolate Truth Fund” which until earlier this year promised 1.5 million € to any “virologist who presents scientific proof of the existence of a corona virus, including documented control experiments of all steps taken in the proof.” Though one researcher attempted to collect the prize, she reportedly declined to provide proof for her claimed discovery.  

“There is no evidence that any virus exists,” continued Cowan. “And the sooner we come to that realization and realize that the whole COVID scam was based on this viral scam, and we’re never going to fall for this again, and anybody who purports to be any sort of leader in the health freedom movement, or [has] anything to do with the future of our health, needs to understand that first thing. Or, I would say, ‘get out of the way’ because we cannot afford to keep doing this [major virus] scam over and over again.” 

“Okay, I hope that’s very clear,” Cowan concluded to his viewers. “I will be anxiously awaiting to see if we get our response, but I already can tell you, I know that we won’t.”



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