Davos WEF: Artificial Intelligence (AI), DNA Manipulation, Control of the Human Mind, Transhumans

“We are going to push main line AI into the veins of Britain” PM Keir Starmer


Keir Starmer, who attends annual Davos WEF gatherings and is at the forefront of world leaders trained to introduce The Great Reset/Fourth Industrial Revolution AI agenda into his country, has recently taken a major step into the abyss by announcing (January 13th 2025) that his government is going to ‘push AI into the veins of Britain’.

That’s straight out of the World Economic Forum’s manual for enforcing a digital DNA manipulation program for control of the human mind – and it looks like Sir Keir has been chosen to lead the way.

“Our plan will make Britain the world leader. It will give industry the foundation it needs and will turbocharge the “Plan for Change”, says Starmer. Claiming that the plan for change is about “more jobs, more investment, more money in peoples’ pockets and the transformation of public services.”

But we all know what ‘The Plan for Change’ really is: the Great Reset’s grand theft of people’s privacy, property and positive mental health.

“In a world of fierce competition, we cannot stand by. We must move fast and take action to win the global race,” said Starmer.

How many times have we heard this sort of economic claptrap spewing forth from the clones of the WEF’s school of servile technocrats?

Starmer wants to take action to win the global race to get transhumans to replace sentient members of the human race.

Klaus Schwab convinced him – as well as his compatriot the King of England – that this is the future. “If you want to keep your job for the next four years you had better set about it right away” warn his minders.

An upright turbocharged goose step march into state controlled surveillance; big data; central control and a subservient brain damaged social constituency – is what is actually being announced by the British prime minister.

The Guardian newspaper boldly announces

“Keir Starmer will launch a sweeping action plan to increase twenty fold the amount of AI computing power under public control by 2030.”

Hello, there’s that infamous 2030 date looming up again. Everything is supposed to be in place to have achieved full spectrum dominance over freedom loving members of the human race by that date.

The Green Deal/Agenda 2030 robotisation plan – put in place in order to keep the Net Zero CO2 agenda on track –  must be maintained at all costs, of course. 

Everything is stated as being subservient to this insane attempt to annul carbon dioxide and thereby induce a state of suffocation for the plant, animal and human kingdom.  

“At all costs” means a further bleeding of the already shaky UK economy, as it has been estimated that the overall computing capacity boost involved in establishing this AI dystopia will cost tax payers billions of pounds over the next five years.  

The grand AI induction program requires greatly increased amounts of electricity generation. The cabinet office has demanded an accelerated investment in new ‘miniature nuclear reactors’ to power the energy hungry technology.  These to be cited in countryside areas with low levels of industry.

I wonder how the British public will react to being told that a mini nuclear power station will be needed in a field next to their home? Not too kindly, I suspect.

A survey by the British government in 2024 found that the three words most associated with AI are ‘robot’, ‘scary’ and ‘worried’.  But this has done nothing to quell the enthusiasm of Sir Kier for replacing farmers with robots and their farms with wind turbines, photovoltaic generation stations, vast data storage centers – and now the addition of hundreds of nuclear reactors.

It’s hard to believe that this is actually seen as the way to drive-up the economic fortunes of a country which has fallen into the trap set by the architects of centralised control – to become dependent upon a virtual reality type of unfounded bravura for the Brave New World so convincingly warned about by Aldous Huxley more than 70 years ago.

But that’s precisely where things are headed unless a powerful resistance rises up to block their progress.

The government has confirmed that it will be gathering data held by the public sector in a new National Data Library designed to support “AI research and innovation” – but would not specify what data would be made available to private companies, only that it would be done “responsibly, securely and ethically”.

Ah, we can all breathe a sigh of relief. After all, politicians are renowned for their honesty and straight talk.

Rachel Reeves, the finance minister, has a plan of how to raise more cash to get this tragic comedy on the road – and that’s by introducing ‘ruthless’ cuts to public services; an action that is also supposed to repair the country’s ailing finances.

Amazon.com: Brave New World: 9780060850524: Huxley, Aldous: Books

Somewhere in old England there exists a moral spine; a form of common sense supported resistance to faceless modernity, repudiation of ‘change for changes sake’ and the brainless rush into a ‘Brave New New World Order’.

That stubborn characteristic of the English culture is now needed on the front line of defence against the psychopathic pursuit of a digitally deemed necessity for becoming a ‘global leader of change’ within an already top-down induced program of chaos and confusion.

The AI wonder world promised by the leaders of the British government is supposed to link directly into the satellite EMF microwave global surveillance grid known as ‘the cloud’. Elon Musk, Geff Bezos and other billionaire control freaks, are currently presenting ‘cloud computing’ as the great fix for ‘instant access to everything’. As well as acting as the hub for super surveillance smart cities and weaponized interference with the human psyche.

Smart cities are being recommended for housing redundant farmers and countryside dwellers, booted off the land to make way for a perfectly sanitized Net Zero world of transhuman cyborgs and genetically engineered bipeds once known as human beings.

So, time to come forward all good British defenders of the beauty of the rolling hills and dales of this ancient sacred land.

Time to gather ourselves together in defence of something human, humane and of higher value than the sterile, soulless world being promised by the Schwab initiated clones of the deep state coven.

There’s everything to fight for and nothing to lose.  By stepping forward to join the resistance we will become courageous victors within this grand struggle to preserve the supreme sanctity of Life.


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Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, a writer, international activist and broadcaster. See website www.julianrose.info for information about Julian’s acclaimed book Overcoming the Robotic Mind and other works. Books can be purchased by contacting Julian direct: see ‘contact author’ under ‘reviews’.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Labour leader Keir Starmer, February 19, 2024 (Source)

This article (Davos WEF: Artificial Intelligence (AI), DNA Manipulation, Control of the Human Mind, Transhumans) was published by Global Research and is republished here under “Fair Use” with attribution to the author Julian Rose


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