World War Three: the wrong thing to do is nothing, the right thing to do is fight back


Intro by Steve Cook

We are in World War Three. It is happening right now and is a fight for our survival as real as any conventional war.

The only reason we have been losing is that we have not realised we are under attack and have therefore been slow to gear up and fight back. The sly enemies of humanity have relied heavily on this element of surprise, of disguising or camouflaging the attack so thoroughly that its targets (you and your loved ones) will succumb in blissful ignorance of what is being done to you until it is too late.

In large measure, that camouflage has failed and the attack has floundered as millions have indeed become alert to what is happening and that number is growing as the truth spreads like a forest fire.

That does not mean we are yet out of the woods.

We must unite as never before, in brotherhood across the broad grass roots of the human communities of Earth. We have a common enemy and must just skip all temptations presented by that common enemy’s efforts to divide and rule us.

We know who the common enemy are. We see them. We know them by their actions. We’ll win if we pool our resources, coordinate our efforts and focus our energies on purging from the human communities of this planet the parasitic criminal elite who have engineered and launched this war, working through covertly hijacked governments and subverted politicians and agencies.

And we must pour coals on grass roots spread of understanding of what is happening.

With that in mind, here is another fine piece of work that will assist you and your loved ones in your efforts to arm yourselves with understanding.

And remember, the best response to tyranny is to out-create it, to work together to build something far better than the degenerate dystopia the enemies of humanity seek to inflict upon you.

The true power is yours and mine, for power is focused energy.

Faced with an attack on your survival, the wrong thing to do is nothing, the sure way to lose is to not confront it, the sure way to perish is to shut your eyes and hope it all  goes away.

It won’t – and nobody is going to save us except each other.

So let’s do it.

For our kids and – who knows? – for ourselves in future lives.



” Make no mistake, we are currently being assailed by a worldwide fraud of such scale and malevolence that it threatens our very existence as we know it on this planet ” – Dr Mark Bailey and Dr John B

“I’ve read this from start to finish. I agree with its contents.

The only place where this report is in my opinion too tame is in the assessment of motives of those behind this global fraud.” – Dr. Michael Yeadon


• The COVID-19 fraud is the work of international elites, the pharmaceutical industry, and complicit politicians working to a globalist agenda, the purpose of which appears to be the extinguishing of human rights and freedoms and the dismantling of democracy for purposes of controlling populations and the extortion of vast sums of money from countries on the basis that a disease, COVID-19, invented by the WHO, poses a serious threat to their populations.

• Foundational to this agenda is the fraud that a novel coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2 has been found in and isolated from human subjects and shown to be causative of a disease called COVID-19. None of this has happened.

• The proposed remedy for this supposed killer virus is a spike protein produced by a genetic sequence that is not found in nature but in a US patent from 2007. The “vaccines” based on this sequence have killed many thousands of people around the world and maimed and injured millions more.

• The statistical basis of this phantom pandemic has been determined by the misapplication of a PCR method that has no established diagnostic (clinical) specificity. It has not diagnosed a single case of a novel illness and has only produced meaningless “COVID-19” case numbers.

• Accordingly, the New Zealand Government is complicit in the worldwide COVID-19 fraud and thereby stands accused of reckless criminality, including human rights abuses, crimes against humanity, democide, acts of terror and mass murder

Click here to read the report


This is World War Three: a covert war on humanity waged by a parasitic, criminal global financial elite

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About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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