The TCW team’s pick of our 2024 blogs: What are they doing to our skies?
This year, instead of the most-read articles of the year, the team have picked their favourites of the 1,500 or so we have published in 2024. They will appear in no particular order until New Year’s Eve.
Today’s choice was first published on May 15, 2024.
WEATHER modification programmes and other geo-engineering experiments to reverse ‘climate change’ can no longer be brushed off as the stuff of ‘chemtrail’ conspiracy theorists. In recent weeks concerns, catalysed by excess rainfall both here and in Dubai, have finally gone mainstream.
A report in the Telegraph on Dubai’s unprecedented floods detailed Saudi Arabia’s and the UAE’s systematic seeding the sky to bring rain on the desert and reported confirmation from Ahmed Habib, a meteorologist at the UAE’s National Centre of Meteorology, that ‘several cloud-seeding planes were flown in the days leading up to the unprecedented weather’. It went on to detail the processes and chemicals involved in generating ‘artificial’ rain. Cloud seeding has also been blamed for California’s devastating flooding in February.
British scientists, the Telegraph revealed in another article, have been involved in the Middle East project since 2017 and experimenting here in the UK, near Castle Cary in Somerset, where ‘above a verdant landscape rarely troubled by drought, unmanned aerial vehicles with specially developed charge emitters that could release positive or negative ions on demand were launched into another foggy sky’.
You may ask why I, a former General Officer in the Army, feel it necessary to launch into print on this subject. Well, for one thing I have been aware of weather modification and solar radiation management (geo-engineering activity) for some time now and I believe it to be a matter of security – the security of all our livelihoods, food supplies, health and in the worst case, survival. For another, I spent three years studying landforms and the forces that form them, chiefly climate and weather, so I have some knowledge as well as interest. Nor am I the only person to have witnessed the changes in our skies from the ground over recent years, or to have watched it happen from passenger aircraft flying above the spraying. Finally, when the same sources ‘rubbish’ and discredit the people reporting this and its possible impact – the same ones that hyped up covid and censored dissent as misinformation – it’s time to worry. Once again the government is either not being open with us or is not in control of what is going on.
Concern is not restricted to this type of attempted weather management. Alarming solar radiation modification research and experimentation has been going on for a decade and more. Roman Balmakov in the Epoch Times recently reported on one such secretive project taking place outside San Francisco right now. Many scientists and modellers in the powerful ‘man-made global warming’ lobby are pushing for more of it.
Last February saw more than 60 researchers from ‘prominent institutions’ recommending more research ‘on potential approaches to increasing the reflection of sunlight (or release of long-wave radiation) from the atmosphere’ in other words ‘solar radiation modification’ (SRM) of the type that Bill Gates has been funding and that Stanford and Harvard Universities have been pursuing. They also called for more ‘small-scale field experiments’. A scaremongering UN report last year also suggests the time has come to start investigating whether SRM can help to combat the ‘climate crisis’. ‘Emergency temporary measures such as SRM are being raised in scientific and public discourse since global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are not on track to meet the 1.5°C Paris Agreement goal. Climate change continues to worsen, with some of its impacts already irreversible.’ (My italics). This is their ‘excuse’ or rationale.
Bill Gates has been backing (with a dozen other donors and 14 foundations) a Harvard-based, high-altitude experiment of ‘one radical climate change solution’ for several years. The Stratospheric Perturbation Control Experiment has the intention of creating a massive chemical cloud which could cool the earth by mimicking a volcanic effect. It has been described as the first such stratospheric solar geoengineering experiment. Although its directors claim that so far it has been tested only with climate modelling, in this interview its leading light Professor David Keith, a veritable Dr Strangelove, reveals what is in mind and some of what he and his fellow experimenters have already been up to that he admits was stopped by the Swedish Government. He blithely admits that, like vaccines, climate geo-engineering can’t be responsibly governed.
The White House also appears to be keen on man’s ultimate hubris. Last October it announced that it was pushing ahead with a five-year research plan to assess ways of modifying the amount of sunlight which reaches the Earth (despite the fact that the techniques involved, such as spraying sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere, are known to have harmful effects on the environment and human health).
Several American states have become alarmed at what is already happening and what may be in the pipeline. Rightly so. Tennessee is about to pass legislation to prohibit ‘the intentional release, injection or dispersion by any means of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather or intensity of the sunlight’. Minnesota and Pennsylvania have introduced similar Bills.
Although there is argument within the geoengineering scientific community about the risk impact of these interventions – whether they will result in cooling or warming (whether they will produce more or less CO2 emissions) the entire debate is based on a false premise. That is why before I address, in Part 2, what governments (including ours) with their unelected, unaccountable, fabulously wealthy allies are actually doing to us, I must emphasise again that the justification we are given for these processes is to combat ‘man-made climate change’ and are for our own benefit.
Let us be quite clear that this is spurious. Climate change is not man-made. As reiterated in the recently released Climate the Movie, climate has been changing as long as the Earth has existed in a form capable of sustaining life, in cycles – small cycles and big cycles. The current ‘scare’ results only from data collected since the establishment of the Hadley Centre of the UK’s Meteorological Office in 1880, the longest instrumental record of temperature in the world. And this is what it shows: since the worst of the Little Ice Age, from 1650, the temperature has risen, gently, by little more than 1 degree Celsius, and that’s over the entire industrial period. This is neither unprecedented, dangerously high nor due to CO2 emissions.
However, the myth of man-made climate change is firmly embedded in government policy and with it, the drive towards so-called carbon net zero; the smothering of the countryside by useless wind turbines, solar panel farms (quite how they will fare in the face of SRM geoengineering remains to be seen), and pylons; the drive towards electrically powered vehicles, which actually require more energy than diesel or petrol; the production of batteries that contain harmful metals and cannot be recycled, and so on and so on. Now it is driving even more destructive and uncontrollable weather and climate modification interventions, often secretive as well as unregulated, which the public neither knows about nor has voted for. These will be discussed in greater detail in Part 2.
You can read the second part of this series here and Part Three here.
This article (The TCW team’s pick of our 2024 blogs: What are they doing to our skies?) was created and published by Conservative Woman and is republished here under “Fair Use” with attribution to the author Jonathan Riley
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