A Trojan Horse for Global Socialism (and a Danger to Your Retirement)
Why is the World Economic Forum suddenly obsessed with climate change? How is the carbon taxation scheme linked to “economic equity”? Brandon Smith of Alt-Market.com cuts through the noise and reveals their true motive…

The underlying strength of economics is that, when approached honestly and with respect to the data, it can give us a relatively accurate measure of progress versus cost (or consequence). If the rewards outweigh the costs after careful calculation then that economic endeavor will bear fruit.
The ability to gauge productivity, innovation and prosperity with an unbiased eye is essential to true economics.
The problem is that economics is not only a mathematical science, it is also, for lack of a better term, a social science.
One has to understand individual psychology and mass psychology. You have to be knowledgeable in the inconsistencies of human emotion and desire (specifically, behavioral economics and/or neuroeconomics) as much as you are knowledgeable in the hard realities of supply and demand.
But the biggest barrier isn’t about complexity. It’s about motives. You see, not everyone who engages in economics do so for the benefit of humanity.
Socialism weaponizes economics
There is a contingent of financial elitists that seek to use their understanding of the psychological side of economics to socially engineer political outcomes. We have heard it said that nuclear science or genetic science offer a power so terrible that they could wipe out civilization in the wrong hands.
I would argue that economics, in the wrong hands, is far more dangerous. Economics could be used to enslave humanity forever.
Does that sound excessive?
Here’s an example:
- What happens when economics is combined with far-left activism and scientific cultism based on fabricated claims?
- What happens when a group of ultra-wealthy Fabian socialists combine their resources to strangle the free market and manipulate economic outcomes?
- What do you get when a vast network of international corporations abandon competition and profit for a long term agenda of power and control?
Well, you get insidious programs like “environmental, social, and governance (ESG)” and groups like the Council for Inclusive Capitalism.
You get direct cooperation between governments and corporations to force a specific way of thinking and living. Although it’s presented as philanthropy, it’s nothing more than complex tyranny.
So far, these particular efforts have met massive resistance, but not without much struggle on the part of liberty voices and the alternative media. ESG is mostly dead and as far as I can tell the Council for Inclusive Capitalism has been abandoned.
However, the people behind these programs remain in positions of influence.
In terms of the diversity, equity and inclusions subset, the “woke” business model has been destroyed. You’re going to see fewer progressive zealots trying to mold public opinion over the next couple of years, at least in this particular way.
They know their time is over.
But the other half of ESG, the climate change agenda, is still well underway.
Carbon taxation: A new form of wealth redistribution
The threat posed by climate change, on its own, has failed to make much of an impact on global economic progress. A world permanently warmer by 1-2° Celsius just isn’t frightening.
So the fearmongers are abandoning pictures of polar bears stranded on tiny ice floes. They’re rebranding climate change as a matter of “social justice.”
The World Economic Forum, the premier globalist think tank, has released more content this past month showcasing their plans to make carbon taxation about “justice and fairness.”
Now, let’s be perfectly clear: When they talk about “equity in climate change,” what they mean is a project intended to redistribute wealth from first-world western nations into the central banks of third-world countries.
Their story is that poorer parts of the world are “victims” of climate change, perpetrated by the greedy, profit-chasing capitalists of developed world.
In other words, they claim our economic success is supposedly everyone else’s economic failure.
It’s nothing more than a rewriting of the old Marxist attack on free markets – if someone wins, then someone else has to lose. In Das Kapital, Marx maintained that profit can only be created by exploiting workers. Socialists have always believed that economics is a zero-sum game. That there can’t be winners without losers.
And, again in classic Marxist fashion, their approach to problem-solving is rather drastic. If an institution is “unfair,” tear the whole thing down (so that there can be no winners) and start building new institutions from scratch.
If you know any history at all, you’ll see how that’s worked out for them – the U.S.S.R., Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela and Argentina (until last year). Hardly global leaders in equality or innovation or wealth. Or justice, for that matter…
Regardless! Wealth is distributed unequally worldwide. That’s a fact. According to the UBS Global Wealth Report 2024, 1.5% of the global population own nearly half of all global wealth (47.5% of the total, to be exact). The poorest 40% of the population own just half a percent of global wealth.
But it’s not free markets that have created the wealth gap that enrages leftists. Multinational corporations are, in fact, socialist by definition and by nature. Without cozy relationships and protection from governments, without their extensive partnerships with bureaucrats and politicians along with their limited liability and corporate “personhood,” these companies would not have an advantage over competitors.
Carbon taxation will only exacerbate that dynamic and widen the wealth gap even further. Why? Because carbon taxation will crush small businesses and leave only massive corporations able to weather the carbon burden. You’ll note that only multinational corporations like BlackRock and Goldman Sachs are taking this carbon tax nonsense seriously…
Granted, these carbon tax dollars from rich countries will also be redistributed to poor countries. Don’t believe for a moment this money will line the pockets of the destitute in Africa or Asia. No – every penny will pass through the hands of non-profits and politicians, who will use leftover scraps to contract with other multinational corporations for “carbon remediation” and “green energy” development.
In the end, the middle class which made the west a beacon of freedom will disappear completely. Everyone will finally be equal – equally impoverished.
The WEF calls this shift a global “reorganization” of how we engage with the economy. At the forefront of this plan are, once again, globalist think tanks and non-profits partnered with the biggest corporations and central banks.
The globalists want to redefine how we calculate growth according to illusory metrics:
How does one quantify happiness, or fairness, or environmental purity and then add that into GDP? It’s not possible, at least not in an unbiased manner. Say what you will about the failures of GDP measures to capture human experience, at least it’s measurable. Replacing GDP with a poll asking how happy you are? That’s absurd.
It’s nonsensical – and they know it. Flowery terminology like equity and inclusion have nothing to do with production or resilience or economic survival.
They do, though, have a lot in common with the social engineering ideals of ESG that most of the west is rejecting. They’re giving ESG and DEI and “inclusive capitalism” a rebranding, a shoddy paint job now called “climate equity.”
The logo might be different, but the mission statement is the same.
The “evils” of the free market
Progressives often condemn capitalism and its free-market profit motive as the disease that will destroy our species. Believe me, the worst thing that can possibly happen to the western world today is for corporate moguls to decide they don’t care about money anymore.
When groups of mega-rich narcissistic sociopaths discover ideology and start seeing you and I as their social engineering experiment, the world is in deep trouble.
Worst of all, they scratch and grasp for greater power and authority while pretending they’re doing it “for our benefit.”
Will a few of them do good? Sure, that happens at times. When elites try to change culture with either carrot or stick incentives, the results are nearly always disastrous.
We need to understand this reality first before we can ever understand the motives behind the “net zero” movement among globalists. Their persistent push for carbon taxation has nothing to do with saving the planet and everything to do with changing the very foundation of the economic landscape.
Keep in mind that globalism is just a modern form of feudalism, dressed up as “socially conscious” and “equitable” governance.
These people don’t actually care about the environment or equality. They care about environmental taxation and “equity.” These are very different things.
Set aside the fact that global warming claims are based on data derived from the 1880s onward, while acting as if millions of years of the Earth’s climate history doesn’t exist. Temperatures in the past have been far hotter (and far colder) than they are today.
The moment you look at the Earth’s climate outside of that tiny sliver of 140 years that climate scientists use for their data, the entire climate change theory falls apart. On the scale of geologic time, we just exited an ice age – all of human civilization has developed in the centuries since. And these people are doom-mongering over 1.5 degrees Celsius!
Back to the matter at hand: Let’s instead consider the short-term consequences of using an “equity” model for the global economy. What will happen when fairness becomes more important than accomplishment? When sustainability becomes more important than prosperity?
The more self-sufficiency people have, the greater freedom they can enjoy.
The greater their dependency on the system, the easier they are to enslave.
Carbon controls create an economic environment in which self-sufficiency is impossible because they centralize all production into the hands of a select group of self-appointed high priests in charge of climate change management. They get to choose the taxes arbitrarily; they get to choose the conditions of production. Therefore, the elites will control the means of production, all while telling us that the poor are the beneficiaries.
Achieving economic self-sufficiency is challenging, to say the least. But it’s not impossible. There are a few things everyone can do:
- Diversify. Diversify your skills so your income doesn’t rely on a single sector or industry. Diversify your savings with tangible assets governments don’t control like physical precious metals. Remember the old adage, “Two is one and one is none.”
- Self-sufficiency. You might not be able to grow your own food in the back yard, but you can cultivate the skills of self-sufficiency. The more things you can do for yourself (handyman, mechanic, first aid, landscaping, cooking), the more self-reliant you become.
- Awareness. Pay attention to what’s going on around you. I’m not talking about the mainstream media, rather the honest “alternative” outlets not under the thumbs of the elites.
The carbon scheme seems to be the last fallback of globalist organizations to create a rationale for redistribution.
What will they do if it fails? That’s hard to say. I suppose they will try to start WWIII (I would argue that it’s already started). The point is, much of what the globalists do is a rehashing of the same tired old centralization and oligarchy.
Call it ESG, call it carbon taxes, call it equity and inclusion, the goal is the same – the destruction of successful western economies to make way for a new dark age of equitable poverty.
“You will own nothing, and you will be happy.”
Danish Social Democrat Ida Auken, World Economic Forum, 2016. outlines grim her vision of our future.
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