Viruses and vested interests and how your power of choice determines the nature of your existence

In a nutshell . . .

In a nutshell. . .

by Fabian Ubiquitus

Half of all American adults (117 million people) have one or more “preventable” chronic diseases, many of which are related to poor or mineral- and vitamin-deficient diet and physical inactivity. One can safely assume that that percentage roughly applies to the UK as well.

Such preventable diseases include cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.

And there are also illnesses caused by the consumption of recreational drugs, medical drugs, psychiatric drugs and alcohol as well as contamination by the toxins in our food, the air and so forth.

We should not lose sight of the fact either that a person’s mental state affects his susceptibility to illness. A stressed, distressed, anxious or fearful person is more prone to illness and recovers from illness less readily.

All of these conditions contribute to poor outcomes when exposed to the Coronaviruses or indeed any other virus.

It appears that the government, when it talks about following “the science” (whatever that means exactly) much of the media, the WHO and other fronts for the promotion of pharmaceutical vested interests and so forth are deliberately overlooking these blindingly obvious facts.

Meanwhile, social isolation and masking, the enforced inactivity and inhibition of access to fresh air and sunlight caused by the Lockdown, the selling of the “dangerous environment”, the fear and distress caused by these strictures along with government and media messages designed to terrify or demoralise, all contribute to this spectrum of factors that make for an illness-prone population.

A healthy diet and more physical and social activity and a refusal to buy into the “be very afraid” paradigm will make you stronger and better able to deal with all viruses -and more importantly, you’ll enjoy life more.

Why do the government, the media, Bill Gates sand other vaccine/pharmaceutical interests never address these simple principles?

Could it be that you can’t make money out of fresh air and a healthy lifestyle adopted voluntarily by an astute population but you CAN make money on patented drugs and vaccines?

Could it be that, for them, an alert and healthy population is not desirable and that what IS desirable is a sick and cowed  population dependent  (it thinks) on highly profitable pharmaceutical medications and the nannying of a controlling State apparatus to cling to a tolerable existence?

Would a healthier, alert and energetic population be, in the opinion of some, too independent and difficult to control?

Would half of our corporate food industry collapse if people decided they were no longer going to eat processed junk food, high in sugar?

Would a healthier population be less in need of the drugs and medications of the pharmaceutical corporations?

What’s more important? Taking good care of yourself and your children or feeding your hard-earned money to voracious, predatory corporate interests or a government that has become little more than their front group?

Did you know that it is YOUR choices in that regard that shape the world you live in and the power of corporate interests and parasitic governments derives from your choices?

YOU can change the world.

Look it over.

It’s your choice.


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About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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