The Marxist UK Government Wants Consultations With Industry To See How ICE Car Owners Can Be Forced Into Higher Priced and More Expensive to Tun EV’s – After It Rigs All Prices

The Marxist UK Government wants consultations with industry to see how ICE car owners can be forced into higher priced and more expensive to tun EV’s – after it rigs all prices

so that Brits lose whatever happens – a fake set of alternatives available.


A while ago, I posted this article that suggested the “fair price” for UK petrol was 60 cents a litre –47 pence compared to the price at the filling station of £1.36 a litre – the lowest in two years, but still triple the “fair price”.

Varying costs to drivers from regulations and laws resulting from “net zero” around the world + EVs are more expensive to refuel than ICE cars + natural gas is 500 times its “raw material” cost

The price of household UK electricity is many times higher than it should be because of the impact of the costs of wind and solar that are mixed with much cheaper natural gas.

The cost of recharging an EV so it runs for 320 kms is 13.02 pounds in electricity – is compared to an IC engine “fair price” of 10.34 pounds.

EV’s cars cost 30% more to run than ICE cars once all the government taxes and subsidies are removed. Note that the cost of petrol in the UK is AFTER “super taxes” imposed on North Sea oil/gas and that the Marxist Labour government of the UK has banned licenses for North Sea oil and gas exploration.

That is the start of the intentional theft by government and the bias in its agenda for “consultations” with industry.

Here is a link to another take down of the false argument that the UK Marxists are seeking “consultations.

” on (h/t the excellent The Expose – Home)

Government Disinformation on EVs – Watts Up With That?

“The so-called “industry research” comes not from the car industry at all, but from the Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU), who would be better described as a Disinformation Unit. The link given takes us to their analysis here.”

“But when fuel duty of 69.54p/litre (inc VAT) is deducted, that £667 saving is reduced to just £167.

We also need to factor in the fact that VAT is charged at 20% on petrol, but only 5% on electricity. A 5% VAT rate on petrol would cut the saving cut to about £100.”

And just to hammer the point, here is a list of fines for not meeting government imposed (plucked from their fat asses) quotas for EV sales are not met – I doubt this years 22% target is even close to being met, so car dealers must “consult” or they face massive fines for every ICE car sold above 78% of total car sales!

· 2024: 22% of car sales and 10% of van sales must be EVs

  • 2029: Quotas will rise to 70% of car sales and 50% of van sales
  • 2030: Quotas will reach 80% of car sales and 70% of van sales

Detail used to be available for each year, but these have disappeared.

Back to the “watts up with that” article – a comparison is used by the government between the ICE Renault Clio and the Zoe EV:

“The Zoe, for instance, costs £4400 more to buy then the Clio.”

“But the Government … is deliberately claiming that drivers will benefit from the transition to EVs. But they know full well that by the time ICE cars are banned in 2030, the taxation raised by fuel duty and VAT on fuel will have to be raised from other sources. Consequently, drivers may benefit from cheaper charging but will see those savings cancelled out by road charging or some other revenue raising scheme.”

A £100 saving that will result in costs in the form of other taxation on all car drivers and the general population.

The government uses two French made cars to illustrate its argument – made by Renault. Personally, I would never buy a Renault, their dashboards tend to fall off. Why reference an imported model, the Renault Zoe, which is manufactured at the Renault Flins plant in Flins-sur-Seine, France/?

Recall my argument that petrol in the UK has a “fair price” of 47 pec per litre – a third of the taxed and regulated price forced on UK ICE cars by successive dictatorial regimes.

It does not stop there.

No mention is made of insurance costs. Using Brave AI, we have this:

For the ICE powered Renault Clio

· “For an 18-25 year old driver with a 1-year no-claims bonus (NCB), the cost starts from £494.

· For a 25+ year old driver with a 5+ year NCB, the cost starts from £150

For the EV powered Zoe:

· Average Costs: On average, a 30-year-old driver can expect to pay around £613-£777 per year for insurance, depending on the model and insurance group.

Lots of nuances with insurance: “The cost of insuring a Renault Zoe in the UK varies depending on factors such as the driver’s age, location, and the specific model of the vehicle.”

· Age-Based Costs: The cost of insurance also varies significantly with the driver’s age, with younger drivers (20-year-old) paying around £1,513-£3,437 per year, while older drivers (50-year-old) pay around £524-£692 per year.

That 100-pound saving a year has vanished BEFORE the “fair price” of petrol and the heavily subsidised cost of “renewable” electricity is factored in.

That’s not all. EV’s are extremely heavy and wear out roads at a much faster rate. Road repairs are neither cheap nor convenient – they cause massive frustration and damage all cars, especially the low hung batteries of EV’s.

The weight of the Zoe

“Weight: 1,577 kg (3,493 lb) [from the “[2012-2024] Renault Zoe Weight” snippet]

The weight of the Clio:

2016 Clio IV: 1042-1336 kg (2298-2946 lbs)

The EV is 50% heavier than the ICE car. Roads are ging to need far more repairs and upgrades to handle the additional weight – so will “crash barriers”.

Concluding comments from the “watts up with that” article:

“If a business put out misleading advertising like this, they would be hauled over the coals by the Advertising Standards Authority.”

The Marxists have no business experience whatsoever and despise money and wealth – especially inherited wealth.

There are around 39 million ICE cars currently o British roads. Brits will turn to repair and maintenance of these ICE powered cars – and the Marxists will jack up the fuels duty to ever higher levels – out of spite – because they are ignorant, corrupt children – not adults who want the best for the vast majority of people, rather than the childish interests of a tiny minority of ignorant climate change freaks.

Remember the entire premise of the “net zero” transition is FALSW!


The UK has enough hydrocarbon fuel to last generations. It does not have an unlimited amount of credit or a magic money tree.

The smug, shiny trousered Marxists in charge are destroying the UK economy and its beautiful countryside, seas, marine and wildlife with ugly, expensive and already obsolete wind turbines and solar panels.

By the way, I still do not have a reconciliation of the natural gas futures contract price of 3 bucks per lot of 10,000 mm (mille mille) BTU (10 billion BTU with the 12 cent average price per kwh charged to households of natural gas.

10,000 mmBTU = 10 billion BTU contains around 3,000 MWH of electricity.

But how on earth can a price of 12 cents per kwh – equivalent to 120 dollars for one MWH for households be fair, compared to the futures price of 3 bucks for 3,000 MWH!!!

Gas fired steam turbines that produce electricity lose around half to two third the energy in natural gas to produce electricity. That means only 1,000 MWH are produced for the futures price of three bucks.

The average Us household pays around 16-17 cents per kwh.

Again, how does this compare to 3 bucks per MWH costs to the gas fired power station.

Lastly, no mention is made of the opeb wounds inflicted on the Earth from mining the 500,000 tons of rock required for each lithium ion battery – or the environmental impact of all the mining, water use, acid use, transportation, refining and manufacturing – all those greenhouse gases in all those combustion engines and electricity used in factories and trucks and so on! Don’t mention child slave labour and human trafficking!



This article (The Marxist UK Government wants consultations with industry to see how ICE car owners can be forced into higher priced and more expensive to tun EV’s – after it rigs all prices) was created and published by Peter Halligan and is republished here under “Fair Use”


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