Arrested for wearing a mask!
by Steve Cook I’m somewhat embarrassed to report that I got myself in a bit of trouble with the law this morning, which resulted in my arrest followed by a conviction for breach of the […]
by Steve Cook I’m somewhat embarrassed to report that I got myself in a bit of trouble with the law this morning, which resulted in my arrest followed by a conviction for breach of the […]
by Steve Cook A new horrifying anticlimax in the novel coronavirus epidemic even more horrifying than previous red herrings has spread dismay throughout newsrooms and other vulnerable minorities all across the world. It caused many […]
Flowing chi into your immune system by Steve Cook Konnichiwa! Here is the latest wisdom from the Noshi dojo. Very often an attacker such as a government or pharmaceutical crime syndicate will try to hit […]
by Steve Cook The failure of COVID19 to live up to its marketing claims left the pharmaceutical industry with dangerously depleted stocks of the scary viruses so essential for the healthy profits that result from […]
by Steve Cook A legitimate and highly desirable role of government is to stand watch over industry to ensure it operates at a high standard of integrity in its scientific rigour and its honesty, particularly […]
by Steve Cook Fascinating isn’t? The things government worries about and the things it doesn’t worry about It worries about a not overly contagious flu-like virus that, like flu, is occasionally deadly if you are […]
by Steve Cook What is a government for? What is it supposed to do? What is its product? I’m not sure we, the people, have really nailed down these questions. For sure, the Big Bucks aristocracy […]
This is the third Kata in the Noshi-Do series. Noshi-do is the noble art of eating properly [from “nosh” = English slang for “food,” plus “do” = Japanese for “way or path” = literally, “the way […]
Latest news from The Daily Scare by Steve Cook Here is an interesting quote from an historical document that dates from the Middle Ages – more precisely, right in the middle of what we now […]
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