It’s Over, Lefties: Even the High-End Escorts Have Abandoned Davos

ER Editor: We have to reiterate that any of the serious cabal players at this point – if we see them bleating on social media – have probably ‘gone’ under EO 13818, and are LONG GONE. Witness Larry Ellison and Sam Altman the other day at a Trump press conference. One social media user posted Ellison’s mask coming loose below his ear. We’re being given a show, and this show has been going on for quite some time. No, we’re not going to have mRNA cancer vaccines given to us by the likes of Ellison. Duh.

Doesn’t it feel good?

Kudos to Elizabeth Nickson for the article below. And the white hats who brought this triumph about. 


Nickson below discusses a short conversation between one Rory Stewart and Alistair Campbell (see featured image, bottom left). Campbell, a former journalist, was deep in bed with the NWO’s Tony Blair and New Labour as a strategist. He’s been right at the heart of globalism and some of the worst perpetrators who are no longer around. We don’t know Rory Stewart, but both men have a Youtube channel called The Rest is Politics. Stewart is certainly not a popular guy on Twitter. If either of them have ever fallen foul of EO 13818, they will be actors wearing masks by this point. Judging by the inane comments they make in some of their recent conversations we speedily viewed, we believe they might be.

Here’s what we found on Rory Stewart, as well as Starmer, and the possible MI6 past of Stewart —


It’s Over Lefties: Even the High-End Escorts Have Abandoned Davos

Behold the slithering retreat of the beta-people

It was a great ride while it lasted, hey, lefties? But it’s over now. You have been left in the screech forward of history. That stink? It’s the burning wreckage of your “ideas”.

All you weasly little people, like the slender tight-mouthed beta-males at the Biden White House, or the cross-dressing central banker Mark Carney, who is laughably trying to be Prime Minister of Canada after bankrupting not one but TWO countries, are history. Like Rory Stewart, the regime apologist in the U.K., who says things like “there’s something really dark and nasty behind the right”. Like Macron, Jacinta Ardern, Trudeau, like the nasty little snake people at Davos right now trying to extract yet more blood and treasure from us. KNEEL and take your SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS OR YOU ARE RACIST.

You sold your birthright for power. You sold us for power. You sold the future for power.

When you get to heaven this is what you should say: I failed, I ruined three generations. I need to be broken down into my component parts and remade into a new being, with a new soul. The old one is stained with the killing of innocents. Like the thousands dead from your obsession with psychopathic primitive Muslims, like the child migrants in cartel sex slavery.

All your projects are in ruins. All your toys lie broken. Your failure is one for the Ages. It will be discussed in heaven and hell for millennia. You have bankrupted the world. Even the freaking oligarchs abandoned you. Even the central bankers decided they badly needed growth or they and their heirs will be living underground for the next five hundred years, hunted like the ghastly little demons they worship. Trump means growth. Big big growth.

You probably don’t know who Rory Stewart is, but he is useful as an example. Not for him, the careful measured sentimental meaningless pap that comes out of every leftie politician’s mouth. Nope, he’s a gabber. He loves attention, in fact, he never ever shuts up, so he is their interlocutor, their dark shrunken snobbish soul.

TIKTOK VIDEO HERE – tweeted video below

ER: We’re tempted to say that this conversation was scripted to show how obnoxious they are, coming out of their very own mouths —

Stewart is a “writer” and a Westminster gadfly, “much loved” in the British way of saying, “he’s so cute”. He advises, he hangs out with Afghan warlords, he speaks at gatherings of the great and the good. He runs for office, he writes editorials. He is a product of the British elite educational system, and the administrative left, which is to say the outfit that until Monday ran the world. And he has an ego the size of his big stretchy mouth.

This is what he had to say about Trump on Monday. Imagine a rich spoiled debutante drawling this and you’ll get his character.

He’s so lowering.” By which he means he brings down the tone. Like for instance, the interviewer says Trump tweeted at Gavin Newsom they day after the fires, “Congratulations Gavin New Scum.”

Now, of course, that is how I think of Newscum.

Stewart and his interlocutor (ER: Alistair Campbell)  go on to flap about dignity and the governor of a great state in distress, without knowing one solitary thing about how the catastrophic fires were permitted by the hulking incompetent destructive administrative state Newsom created. Stewart doesn’t know about the empty reservoir, or the four that Angelenos demanded be built TWENTY YEARS AGO via a vote and which were not built. About the four significant dams taken out during Newsom’s various tenures, the 1000 other significant dam removals that broke America’s water system, about the “endangered” smelt and the brush clearing prevented by the psychopathic greens that Stewart, Newsom etc worship.

That’s the thing about these idiots. They have no idea, ZERO idea of the effect of their endless stream of terrible policy ideas. They are so convinced of their superiority, they never bother to look.

Now that X is 50/50, Stewart is piqued that he’s getting blowback. He doesn’t like it. He prefers the praise, the grinning delighted face of the Great Man barrelling down the corridors in Parliament to shake his hand.

I notice that a lot of the abuse I am getting on Twitter recently is saying I’m not a real man. The attacks will be he’s a man child, he’s Golem, he’s got a rubber face and it’s incessant. It’s revealing isn’t it, when people, journalists get on this and say “what fun the right are, how lively” they are. What they’re not taking into account is that there is an unbelievably unpleasant undercurrent here, which goes well beyond their views into a very dark conservative vision of how the world should be. How do you fight that and win?

How do you say we believe humans are equal in rights and dignity and we’re not going to support the idea that British nationals who are Muslims are going to be expelled from these countries, and actually understand they may begin by sounding like they’re just grumbling about Muslims but their views on women will be unprintable, their views on gay people will be unprintable, their views on anyone who disagrees with them will be unprintable, which is why we need communication, we need charm, we could do with a sense of humour. Part of the problem is that populists are much funnier than centrists and we’re just not funny, Kier is not funny, we also need ideas we do need a plan for growth, we do need to explain how we’re going to sort out the economy, sort out society and not just sound like we’re apologizing for the fact that nothing can be done. But the one thing that we cannot lose is the moral integrity we cannot lose sight of the values and why they matter.

Oh my good God. Would that be the moral integrity that allowed hundreds of girls, pubescent and younger to be raped by Muslim gangs and your crowd did NOTHING? Would that be the moral integrity of Muslims, who kill homosexuals, stone women and demand Sharia? Would that be the moral integrity of Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s regime that told police that the little girls being gang raped had made their own sexual decisions and were not to be protected?

SEE TIKTOK VIDEO HERE, or tweet below —

The Muslim Mayor of London claimed not to know what grooming gangs were: Here, he is schooled:

SEE TIKTOK VIDEO HERE, or tweeted video below —

In the U.S., the Democrats lost 340,000 migrant children who are now living in an unimaginable hell. The left? Silent. That moral integrity?

”We need ideas.”

“We need a plan for growth”

“We need to explain how we’re going to sort out the economy”

“and society”.

Buddy, your lot has been in power since Thatcher.

(ER: Sorry American readers, but Nickson doesn’t mean Thatcher as a good thing and we understand why – she wasn’t. Thatcher was the gateway for Blair and his ilk like Rory Stewart and Alistair Campbell. Gateway to the globalist Uniparty.)

Someone said recently that the reason the English do absolutely NOTHING about those raped, sodomized, beaten little girls is that the upper classes view the lower as less than human, so they don’t care. They don’t care about the freezing old ladies in council houses, the fact that women can’t walk down streets safely, or the farmers not being able to feed people.

(ER: As a former Brit ourselves, we really can’t argue with this characterization of the upper classes.)

For these benevolent rulers protected in their rural retreats and policed neighbourhoods, the multicultural ideal is more important than their fellow citizens.

These are the people who have taken the ideas of Marxism, merged them with predatory capitalism, and from their offices and through countless conferences and meetings a year, try to distribute goods “fairly”, as they determine: Which country shall rise, which shall be invaded, whose resources do we want next? What delicious war shall we start?

That’s what they mean when they say “our democracy”. It’s theirs and nobody else’s.

For more than half a century they have focused on impoverishing middle America. Not the upper middle class, no, they’re fine. Like western Europe, they were broken early and are happy servants, mouthing legacy media propaganda like good little serfs with nice houses and a chance for their children to join the betas taking their orders from the grim oligarchs behind the scenes.

Look, the following was the reasoning. It’s not that complicated.

White people are only 10% of the world’s “races”, but they, especially in middle America, have all the good stuff. PLUS, they are aging, they are basically shopped out, they have their houses and neighbourhoods and schools. Their marketing curve/their growth curve is trending down. But we need growth (because we bankrupted the government), and there are all these oppressed brown and black people who have nothing, to whom we can sell stuff. So we will start the process of their “civilization” and invite them into the rich white countries, replace the white people who we have already harvested, and sell stuff to the new.

(It’s why all the advertisements on television show people of color, few whites to be seen.)

We will use Marxist rhetoric to force the rich countries to accept these people, otherwise they are racist and sexist and homophobic.

And all those resources in the migrants’ home countries?

Having stripped those desperate countries of everyone with initiative, we will take it all. And impose our rules-based order, our global consensus. We will establish Special Enterprise Zones where we operate labor camps and no one will notice that we are enslaving entire populations. Everyone will march to our tune. Our power will increase, we will say yay or nay to every single choice that every single person makes.

We will commodify the air, the water, the land, the minerals, and take them. Then we will rent them back to the citizens of those countries which we have blessed via our invasion.

We Want All The Stuff.

THAT is the awesome awesome economic plan and moral integrity of the World Economic Forum. Don’t bother to argue with me on this: I went to MBA school, and this was the plan then, this is what we were taught, and it has been effectuated. (It was couched in rather a different way in the textbooks.)

To do this, they had to distract white people with their sexism, racism, homophobia, greed, terrible history. They had to stop us breeding so we’d need mass immigration. They had to re-write history. Look, one example: Jamie and I were trying to force ourselves to watch Paramount’s 1923, the precursor to Yellowstone, because there is virtually nothing to watch that isn’t offensive and violent. Jamie finally said, slowly, “It’s the residential school story”, where the nuns just thrash young Indian girls till they are bleeding and brutalized. “My grandfather worked with Indians, he was friends with them.”

“Yes,” I said, “so were my great grandparents, and my great-aunt who bloody well married into the Blackfoot…” (Not to mention several other marriages within our blended family) And we decided to turn it off, with great relief. Anyone, anyone whose families arrived in the New World early has history good and bad, but lots of good with natives and everything we are told is a freaking filthy lie. Indians in North America have been ruined by the Marxist left telling them to sell victimhood for handouts. Before that, they were on their way. Now, they are desperate, miserable, degraded victims, another catastrophe courtesy of people like Rory Stewart with their superior integrity.

The story of the graves of Indian children that went round the world like the LA fires? A complete and total lie. There was not one skeleton found. There were no bodies. Not was one child missing. Not one.

A filthy Marxist lie that that vicious little monster Trudeau used to get into power.

Our history, character, goals, desires, creativity, ingenuity have been traduced by vain predatory grinning monkeys like Rory Stewart.

This Bloomberg reporter describes the failure of the EU and Britain’s business sector, courtesy of the administrative state and its 270 different regulators.

Look, there is gaming life, and there is not gaming life. You can game life if you are well situated, if your Daddy made the right decisions and left you a heritage to feed off.

This gang took the bounty of the heritage of the Anglosphere, of Europe, wherein entire generations were killed in the pursuit of self-determination and freedom and destroyed it in order to preen, and pose for the toe-sucking morons who read Vanity Fair and fly around in private planes.

Without that heritage, all you have is your character to move, to grow, to survive, to triumph.

Globalism tried to replace character with legalism and ended by creating a war of all against all. They have no authority, no “moral integrity” and they never did.

Here they are in Davos yesterday admitting they lost. It is heaven:



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