Grooming Gangs – Blame the State

Rape gangs – Blame the State




I long avoided looking closely into the mass rape of young British girls by mainly Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslims. It is just too repellent.  I don’t want to believe that politicians, civil servants, local officials, councillors, teachers, social workers and police, thousands of them, not only ignored the plight of these girls, but also colluded in their rape.

But having seen extracts of court hearings posted by braver readers, some of the most disgusting things I’ve ever heard, I felt I had to educate myself. Honestly, having done so, I feel soiled. It would be imprudent to write what I would like to see done to the bestial perpetrators (think Edward II), but we must ensure that all those who colluded in and covered these atrocities up are held accountable.

In this piece I want to make a point that is not often made: that the Islamic rape gang saga, one of the most shameful in Britain’s history, was only possible because of the State; the State’s policy of mass immigration and ideology of multiculturalism, its turning a blind eye to what was happening and trying to cover it up, but also because of its sheer omnipresence and the relatively new belief that only the State can act.

Araminta Smade got me thinking this way by pointing out the subject scandal could not have happened before 1914 and is unlikely to have happened before say 1968: the people would not have put up with it. If the authorities did not act to stamp it out, local people would have done it themselves.

They did not do so now because the State has near enough reduced us to helpless spectators, as well as because these evil events happened in a community that has been allowed to see itself as separate, with a right to do what it likes, and because the State would have used force to stop independent justice. The Big State has made us so institutionalised we are unable to act as responsible, independent and sovereign human beings.

If we understand what has been happening, in dozens of towns in our once peaceful, culturally homogenous land while we stood back and let it, we get a glimmer of the magnitude of our acquiescence and the power and corruption of society by the State. To be brutal, thousands of mostly white British girls, some as young as eleven, have been raped and sexually exploited by organised Muslim rape gangs over the last thirty years in the most depraved manner.

The scale of the abuse is shocking. The depth of the depravity is profoundly shocking. That so many in positions of State authority; politicians, civil servants, public sector workers, teachers, councillors, social workers, police and Directors of Public Prosecution knew about it – how could they not – and ignored it or covered it up is pure evil.

The following is taken from government or Court documents. Brace yourself. Transcripts of Appeal hearings of the Oxford gang, tried initially in 2013, and guilty of rape, conspiracy to rape, arranging or facilitating child prostitution and trafficking for sexual exploitation, reveal the true horror. The animals involved – I refuse to call them men, though no animal acts so base – targeted vulnerable girls as young as eleven, giving them gifts then drugs, including heroin and exercising extreme physical and sexual violence upon them.

Girls were taken to other men for sex, often in groups, in return for money – for the men not the girls, who were subjected to repeated vaginal, anal and oral rape, sometimes involving knives, baseball bats and sex toys, often causing physical injury. They were subjected to degrading conduct; beaten, bitten, burnt, scratched, urinated on, tied up and suffocated. Some had to endure men licking the blood from their injured vaginas.

This would often go on for days on end, the girls often barely conscious of what was happening because of the drugs.

The depth of depravity they were forced to endure is unspeakable. One had a baseball bat inserted in her vagina and was prepared for anal rape by ‘men’ by using a pump on her anal passage, a ball forced in her mouth to keep her quiet as several ‘men’ raped her. One branded her with his initials near her anus. Videos of her being raped were taken and used to sell her to other beasts.

One girl, aged 12, went to a police station to report a sexual attack by a man named “Ali.” She was told to go way. Incredibly, she was accosted and picked up in the police station by three ‘Asian’ men who raped her and dumped her in the street.  She asked another Ali for directions. He also raped her and turned her out to be abducted by another ‘Asian’ who together with four other men repeatedly raped her. A twelve-year old girl.

Victoria Agoglia, a victim of the Rochdale grooming gang, was repeatedly raped from the age of 13 – up to 25 times a night. In September 2003, aged 15, she was injected with heroin by 50-year-old Mohammed Yaqoob and died five days later. Yaqoob was jailed for three and half years – little more than ‘far right’ Facebook posters – after being cleared of manslaughter.

All arms of the State failed Victoria and girls like her. This cannot have been accidental. In Victoria’s case the coroner’s hearing was adjourned from 2004 until 2007. The coroner described her as having a “propensity to provide sexual favours” and said that her death was not “the result of a breach of the Authority’s protective duty” and was “not the result of a gross failure on the part of the Authority to meet her needs, nor indeed by reason of any failure that would have had a significant bearing on her death.”

Victoria, like a disproportionately large number of the girls involved, was in the care of the State, meant to be getting round-the-clock residential care but went missing 19 times in three months, for up to two weeks at a time. Her, ‘carers’ who knew what was happening to her, merely sent her messages her asking when she was coming back.

Victoria was not the only one who died. Azhar Ali Mehmood groomed Lucy Lowe from the age of 12 and impregnated her at 14. He burned her alive in her own home with her mother, her disabled sister, and her unborn child. Mehmood was jailed for life in 2001 for murder—not sex crimes.

Such atrocities, and the State’s atrocious attitude to them were possible only because Britian is an ‘all within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state’ quasi fascist country in which the State tries to control everything. For years it stood by and let this happen, even colluded in it, in the name of multiculturalism, a doctrine so perverse it has perverted the collective mind of the Woke Establishment that ludicrously sees itself as in possession of the moral high ground.

But when these children needed help, the State turned away, intent on preserving the myth that multiculturalism and mass immigration are good things. All organs of the State are guilty, from lofty law lords, pusillanimous politicians, slithery civil servants, council officials (sometimes perpetrators or facilitators themselves), teachers and police of all ranks included. These State servants were desperate to protect its Globalist agenda, viewed as all-precious, far more important than the lives of poor working-class girls. It is this top-down elitist ideology, which views our country as its plaything, to do with what it wants, that informed the collusion in rape by the lower levels of the State – that and the multicultural ideology and its obsession with race being endemic in the public sector.

Poor Victoria wrote a heartbreaking letter to the police documenting her abuse. It was ignored. The admirable Maggie Oliver, a detective who resigned to inform the public of what was happening, included Victoria’s letter in a report she wrote – a report that was binned by senior police while Maggie was on compassionate leave.

The State has produced a multitude of reports into this evil, all to some degree, a cover up.  Some make valid points, but also go out of their way to persuade us that while the State might have made a few mistakes, there was never any cover up, let alone collusion in the rape of young girls.

One such is the report commissioned by Manchester mayor Andy Burnham in his role as Police and Crime Commissioner, “to undertake an independent assurance exercise to explore the current and potential future delivery model of the response to child sexual exploitation (CSE) across Greater Manchester” by an establishment child care specialist and a former senior policeman.

It is often portrayed as a report on ‘grooming gangs’ but is no such thing. Always look at the terms of reference – and who is paying. It was to analyse “recent statements about child sexual exploitation in Greater Manchester and all published inquiries and reviews” on the convictions of nine rapists in Rochdale in 2012. In other words, it was allowed to look only at officially approved documents.

It records that “although Victoria was cared for by Manchester City Council, a man who had been previously identified as her so-called “pimp” was given permission to visit her in her accommodation three times a week and that two months prior to her death, Victoria had disclosed to her social worker and a substance misuse worker that an older man was injecting her with heroin.”

It notes that, after a televised interview with one of Victoria’s relatives, who made a series of allegations, Manchester Police Chief Constable said that he was “quite happy” to look at Victoria’s case again – but then explains this was not a commitment to review it.

It reports the decision to close down Operation Augusta in 2005, at a meeting Manchester Town Hall between senior officers and Manchester City Council, resulted from a refusal to devote resources, and concludes that the problem Operation Augusta was set up to tackle, the sexual exploitation of children in the care system by predominantly ‘Asian’ men, had not been addressed.

But such reports are filled with phrases like ‘we have been provided with no evidence to suggest an attempted cover up, or there is “no evidence of wilful professional neglect or misconduct by organisations”.  None go further and ask why there was no evidence.

One particular phrase from an ‘independent’ report sums it all up:  “On the surface, many of the illustrations described in the report can seem like professional ineptitude, unconcern, or inaction. They become more understandable when put in the context of the knowledge and processes at the time, practical difficulties around evidence, and a professional mind-set which could not grasp that the victims’ ability to say ‘no’ had been totally eroded.”

Then PM David Cameron said that British social workers needed “a massive dose of common sense” and that “One does not need training in child sexual exploitation to know that a 12-year-old sleeping with a 25-year-old is not right, or that you don’t come home drunk, bruised, half-naked and bleeding from seeing your ‘friends’. Exactly, but his government ensured that only social workers and State officials were allowed (rarely) to do anything about it.

Social workers were intimidated into silence. Local police ignored, excused, and even abetted rapists.  Senior police and Home Office officials deliberately avoided action in the name of maintaining “community relations.” Local councillors and Members of Parliament rejected pleas for help from the parents of raped children. Charities, NGOs, and Labour MPs accused those who discussed the scandal of racism and Islamophobia. The media mostly ignored or downplayed the scandal. None of that could have occurred if it was not State policy.

And there matters rested for years, with the occasional report or trial ending in the jailing of a bunch of Pakistani perpetrators, with little or no reference to the culture behind these rapes and certainly no attempt to look into why this was happening.

And then came Elon Musk’s intervention, blowing the lid off the whole stinking cauldron, to the utter dismay of the Globalist Establishment, which instinctively resorted to screams of racist, Islamophobe and their epithet of the day, far right.  Anything to shut down a proper debate. They know as well as we do that a genuine inquiry will reveal the State’s close involvement in covering up the matter in favour of its lunatic multicultural agenda and its shock troops, militant Islamists – who also control the Muslim vote.

Jess Phillips, Minister for Safeguarding, protecting her seat in a heavily Muslim Birmingham, refused requests from the Oldham city council for a government-led inquiry into the institutional failure and corruption that had made the Oldham cases possible.

Musk also called for an inquiry into the whole Muslim Pakistani rape gang issue, a call taken up by Reform and, mutedly, by the Tory leader. The State and it’s Labour government, desperate to defend its failed multiculturalism and policy of mass immigration but no assimilation, refused, saying that such an Inquiry had already been held, in the form of Alexis Jay’s Report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.

But that report does no such thing. It is a general report into all forms of child sexual abuse, covering, among other things, the Roman Catholic Church, Ampleforth College, monks and senior clergymen, the Anglican Church and Peter Ball, Bishop of Gloucester. It invited 38 religious organisations from Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, new religious movements, non-conformist Christian denominations, non-trinitarian Christian denominations, Paganism and Sikhism, to give evidence.

It looked at a Rochdale investigation into institutional failures to protect vulnerable boys in care, the predatory activities of Cyril Smith and the Child Migration Programmes to Australia as well as sexual abuse of children by UK nationals abroad. What it does not do is investigate the Pakistani Muslim rape gang scandal.  As usual, Labour is lying to the British people.

The majority of these crimes were committed in cities with a Labour council and a Labour MP – who needed Muslim votes. Welfare workers admit that they failed to report crimes because the police told them they would be accused of racism. The leader of one rape gang in Oldham worked for the local council as a “welfare rights officer” and ran his gang from the council welfare office. Another member was on the Oldham Youth Council.

Labour politicians of Pakistani background interfered with police inquiries; 10 members of the Telford’s Labour council wrote to the Home Secretary, claiming that allegations of abuse were “sensationalised” and that there was no need for action. Two years later, an investigation by the Sunday Mirror counted some 1,000 victims.

For Labour “community relations” means cultivating Muslim voters. Nazir Afzal, Chief Crown Prosecutor for northwestern England, claims that in 2008 the Home Office advised police not to prosecute grooming gang cases, because the underage girls had “made an informed choice about their sexual behaviour.” Kier Starmer became Director of Public Prosecutions in 2008, appointed by Gordon Brown, also facing question marks about his actions to suppress the scandal.

As DPP, Starmer secured some convictions against rape gangs but failed to bring major cases to court. In 2009 the CPS dropped its prosecution of a grooming and rape gang in Rochdale, despite having DNA evidence and hours of testimony on video. When Nazir Afzal became Crown prosecutor in 2011, one of his first actions was to reopen the case and reverse Starmer’s decision. He secured the convictions of eight from a Pakistani background and one of Afghan.

Starmer has admitted that there is an issue of ethnicity but insists that the failure to prosecute had been caused by the victims’ lack of credibility.

It is now Starmer who has a credibility issue. Maggie Oliver has said that Starmer is “as guilty as anyone I know” for the institutional failure to protect some of Britain’s most vulnerable children. Many agree.

Starmer’s limited credibility has just, in my view, been dealt a major – possibly fatal – blow by refusing the inquiry the country wants. In a vote last calling for one, not one Labour MP voted in favour.  The now totally discredited House of Commons voted 364 to 111 to reject an inquiry. The British State has been exposed as morally bankrupt and a danger to the British people.

If you doubt this, watch this short clip of the debate in the utter disgrace that is parliament.

Finally, many thanks to Jacqui Derriman for her hard work in collecting the information used in this article.

This article (Rape gangs – Blame the State) was created and published by Free Speech Backlash and is republished here under “Fair Use” with attribution to the author Tom Armstrong



Labour’s Islamophobia definition ‘forbids discussion of Asian grooming gangs’, says Badenoch

Tory leader urges Sir Keir Starmer to scrap use of characterisation that means people may be too ‘scared to tell the truth’

DANIEL MARTIN Deputy Political Editor

Labour’s definition of Islamophobia bars discussion of grooming gangs, Kemi Badenoch has told MPs.

The Tory leader used Prime Minister’s Questions to ask Sir Keir Starmer to cancel his party’s adoption of the definition used by the all-party parliamentary group (APPG) on British Muslims.

She also asked whether the Prime Minister intended to introduce a law to ensure the Government had to abide by the Islamophobia definition and he declined to rule it out.

It comes as the Conservatives accused the Government of cowardice on Wednesday night for voting down efforts to force a new national inquiry into the grooming gangs scandal.

The party also called for Pakistanis to be denied visas to come to Britain until the country agrees to take back groomers. The grooming gangs were predominantly run by British Pakistanis.

Speaking at PMQs, Mrs Badenoch said that the APPG’s definition said “talking about sex groomers was an example of Islamophobia” and claimed that this is why people were too “scared to tell the truth”.

The definition warns against using symbols and images associated with Islamophobia to “characterise Muslims as being ‘sex groomers’.”

An accompanying report compiled by the APPG says the concept of “Asian grooming gangs” was a “modern-day iteration” of “age-old stereotypes and tropes about Islam”, and that discussion around grooming gangs could “heighten vulnerability of Muslims to hate crimes”.

The APPG has insisted that its definition does not stop people “talking about sex groomers”, and that there was “nothing Islamophobic about addressing any crime”.

However, the Conservative leader said: “We know that people were scared to tell the truth because they thought they’d be called racist. If we want to stop this from ever happening again we cannot be afraid.

“The Labour Party has adopted the APPG definition of Islamophobia. That same APPG report said talking about sex groomers was an example of Islamophobia.

“This is exactly why people are scared to tell the truth and the lack of clarity means that innocent British Muslims are smeared by association.

“That is not fair and only a national inquiry can solve this. So will the Prime Minister look again at the Labour Party’s adoption of the definition of Islamophobia, its chilling effect and rule out introducing it in government?”

Sir Keir did not reply directly, saying he would “call out any aspect that has prevented anybody coming forward or any case going forward” when it comes to violence against women and girls, child abuse or child sexual exploitation.

Elon Musk, whose social media posts about the grooming gangs and criticism of Sir Keir has reignited public anger over the scandal, praised Mrs Badenoch for her comments, calling them “brave and true words”.

Speaking at PMQs, Mrs Badenoch also challenged Sir Keir over his refusal to bow to demands for a new national inquiry. She said that although there had been a series of local inquiries, “no one has joined the dots, no one has the total picture”. She accused the Prime Minister of not wanting questions asked “of Labour politicians who may be complicit”.

Sir Keir has faced accusations that an inquiry would uncover evidence of wrongdoing when he was director of public prosecutions.

On Wednesday night, after Labour MPs voted down a Tory effort to force a national inquiry, Chris Philp MP, shadow home secretary, accused the government of “cowardice”.

He said: “It is disgusting that Keir Starmer has used his supermajority in Parliament to block a national inquiry into the rape gangs scandal.

“Labour MPs have put their Party ahead of getting to the truth and turned a blind eye to justice for the victims. Labour MPs will have to explain to the British people why they are against learning the truth behind the torture and rape of countless vulnerable girls.

“We will not let them forget this act of cowardice.”

The APPG definition of Islamophobia describes it as “rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness”.

Labour adopted this definition and its examples under Jeremy Corbyn in March 2019.

One of the examples is: “Using the symbols and images associated with classic Islamophobia (e.g. Muhammed being a paedophile, claims of Muslims spreading Islam by the sword or subjugating minority groups under their rule) to characterise Muslims as being ‘sex groomers’, inherently violent or incapable of living harmoniously in plural societies.”

An accompanying document by the APPG refers on a number of occasions to grooming gangs, always putting the phrase in inverted commas.

“The recourse to the notion of free speech and a supposed right to criticise Islam results in nothing more than another subtle form of anti-Muslim racism, whereby the criticism humiliates, marginalises and stigmatises Muslims,” it says.

“One real life example of this concerns the issue of ‘grooming gangs’.”

It said that politicians from all parties had indulged in “racist” attempts to “other” Muslims, “associating them with the crime our society sees as most abhorrent of all”.

This had occurred “especially in relation to ‘grooming gangs’”, the document said.

It went on: “We found that age-old stereotypes and tropes about Islam, such as sexual profligacy and paedophilia or Islam and violence, and their modern-day iteration in the ‘Asian grooming gangs’ or ‘Bin Laden’ labels re-emerge in discourses and dispositions which heighten vulnerability of Muslims to hate crimes.”

‘Collective smear and trope’

In response to Mrs Badenoch’s claims, the APPG on British Muslims said: “If the Leader of the Opposition thoroughly read the report, she would understand the report speaks about the collective smear and trope being used against all British Muslims, a point which she accepted in her own words, and does not speak about legitimate concerns about criminal activity committed by specific individuals.

“There is nothing racist or Islamophobic about addressing any crime or protecting victims, regardless of the ethnicity or faith of the perpetrator.”

The group added: “The APPG’s definition of Islamophobia is not there to stop free speech or curtail such freedoms, but politicians must act responsibly and understand that whipping up far-Right narratives to support their political interests can lead to dangerous ramifications that do have consequences.”

The group also pointed to the case of Mushin Ahmed, an 81-year-old Muslim man who was murdered on his way to the mosque in Rotherham in 2015 by a man who accused him of being a “groomer”.

David Lammy, the Foreign Secretary, once claimed that condemning “Asian” grooming gangs “panders to the far-Right”.

He made the comments after Sir Sajid Javid, then the home secretary, welcomed the sentencing of 20 Asian paedophiles, mainly of Pakistani heritage, in 2018.

Sir Sajid, who was born to a British Pakistani family, said at the time: “These sick Asian paedophiles are finally facing justice.”

He faced a backlash for his remarks, with Mr Lammy telling The Guardian: “Sajid Javid has brought a great office of state into disrepute. By singling out ‘Asians’ he not only panders to the far-Right but increases the risk of violence and abuse against minorities across the country.”

Jumping on a ‘far-Right bandwagon’

Earlier this week Sir Keir accused those calling for a new inquiry into grooming gangs of jumping on a “far-Right bandwagon”.

The Prime Minister appeared to hit back at Mr Musk, who has been leading attacks on Labour over the grooming gang scandal on X, formerly Twitter, by saying: “Those that are spreading lies and misinformation as far and as wide as possible are not interested in victims – they are interested in themselves.

“When politicians – and I mean politicians – who sat in government for many years are casual about honesty, decency, truth and the rule of law, calling for inquiries because they want to jump on a bandwagon of the far-Right, then that affects politics because a robust debate can only be based on the true facts.

“This is actually an important point about our politics, not about what anybody may or may not say on Twitter.”

The Muslim Council of Britain on Wednesday called on Mrs Badenoch to retract her claim.

The Telegraph: continue reading

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