Intro by David Linden
The Day of Reckoning Approaches. Tick, tock . . .
The following feature appeared in the always thought-provoking The Conservative Woman
It is a plea for honesty in the hope that government will mend its ways and lives might thereby be saved – or at least justice done for those that could not be.
It is ostensibly addressed to the globalist-stooge PM of New Zealand whose government made, if anything, an even bigger accidentally-on-purpose nightmare of the Covid psyop than the UK government but the points made have relevance to every nation whose variously thick or treasonous governments attacked their own citizenry. We’ve highlighted a few salient points.
The good news is that the tide is now turning with a vengeance and the truth is busting through the smoke screen of lies and censorship with which the enemies covered their war on our nations.
The article featured here is but one of multitudes written by dissenting doctors, scientists and similar professionals whom the powers-that-be fought a long and ultimately losing battle to silence. They have started to appear virtually everywhere.
It is a tide that is now unstoppable, particularly as the death and injury toll from the biochemical agents that were injected into millions of citizens on false pretenses is now becoming too huge to conceal.
Hopefully, soon we will get justice for those harmed and killed and we’ll continue what we have started: growing a new saner and more just civilisation based on liberty and the grass roots power of our communities.
We are emerging from a Dark Age gaudily window-dressed with gadgets, gizmos, fancy cars and shiny rockets.
Birth – or rebirth – can at times be uncomfortable but there is life and living and new games on the far side of it.
As the saying goes: humanity is rising and the truth is coming forth.
Admit the vaccine death link now – an open letter to Jacinda Ardern
Dear The Hon. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
cc Andrew Little, Minister of Health, leaders of all political parties represented in parliament.
Current pandemic policy and protocols are out of date
I am writing to request the implementation of key elements of pandemic reporting and policy which are currently absent from Ministry of Health procedures.
Death certificates do not require Covid vax status to be recorded
In the UK this information is required and the UK Office of National Statistics (ONS) has recently released this data for all people dying from all causes since the start of the Covid vaccination programme in January 2021 as follows:
As you can see, vaccinated people have a relatively elevated rate of dying from any cause compared with the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated, who make up 25 per cent of the UK population, have only a 4 per cent mortality rate per hundred thousand person-years. The boosted compose 50 per cent of the population and have an 86 per cent mortality rate per hundred thousand person-years. ONS figures which separate Covid deaths from non-Covid deaths show that this breakdown is consistent.
To give you an idea of what the use of person-years means in practical terms, if the UK data pattern is being replicated here it is resulting in a rate of 1 in 246 all-cause deaths within 60 days of receiving a Covid vaccination. I note that this concerning figure is not inconsistent with the current elevated rates of all-cause mortality we are experiencing.
All-cause deaths in New Zealand are running at a record level of 930 per week and rising, which is 35 per cent above the long-term average, whilst weekly ‘because of Covid’ deaths peaked at 143 and are now decreasing.
As you know, older people are in the majority currently getting boosted. This age bracket does have a higher mortality rate – without records of vaccination status at death, the higher rate of death among the vaccinated will be going unnoticed.
Even if those being affected are predominantly older, if you put the two different analyses of the ONS data together, the important point is that the high death rate is happening to the vaccinated but not to the unvaccinated, so you are forced to conclude that something unprecedented and concerning is happening.
I don’t need to spell out the serious implications of the UK ONS data for you; they are obvious. The mRNA vaccinations are very risky and can trigger potentially fatal health events. This establishes that excess all-cause deaths are significantly related to adverse effects of Covid vaccination, especially boosters.
The UK ONS data we have highlighted is entirely objective. ONS records the vaccination status of all those dying. When these figures are graphically presented, the effects relative to vax status are even more obvious and striking.
All Cause Risk of Dying in the UK Since January 2021
I understand that you have not been receiving such information from the Ministry of Health. This is because, as I said at the outset, it is not required in New Zealand to record a person’s vaccination status on death certificates. As a result, objective analysis of cause of death has not been possible. This now needs to be required.
Newly published scientific papers should lead to revised pandemic policy
During the last few weeks, a number of scientific papers have been published which should be of great interest to the New Zealand government.
These include a study from Qatar finding that unvaccinated people, who have recovered from a Covid infection, are 97 per cent protected from serious Covid reinfection outcomes in the longer term.
A preprint study from Thailand found that 29 per cent of adolescents suffer cardiac irregularities following their second jab.
A study from Iceland shows that the vaccinated are particularly vulnerable to reinfection and that this effect is stronger among younger age groups.
The Danish government has stopped offering Covid vaccination to those under 18 years and is considering stopping it for all those under 50.
Crucially Rochelle Walensky, director of the US Centers for Disease Control, has flagged the need for a complete rethink. As reported by Bloomberg, Walensky said: ‘For 75 years, CDC and public health have been preparing for Covid-19, and in our big moment, our performance did not reliably meet expectations. I want us all to do better and it starts with CDC leading the way. My goal is a new, public health action-oriented culture at CDC that emphasises accountability, collaboration, communication, and timeliness.’
Government pandemic experts and advisers are not required to defend their policies in public forums
On July 12 I wrote to the Hon Andrew Little saying: ‘We wish to reiterate that it is very necessary and critical to seek clear and unequivocal data concerning the prevalence of the specific conditions which are overloading hospitals and GPs. No consistent causal analysis is possible without this information. This data should be freely available to a wider range of independent competent analysts and researchers so that you may receive better advice.’
I received a reply to the effect that he had forwarded the information to the Ministry of Health for review, but I have heard nothing further and I am not aware of any action being taken.
For the last two years your advisers at the Ministry of Health have been allowed to offer the government advice unchallenged by the need for debate. Encouraged by your insistence on ‘one source of truth’, the media have also given them a free ride and simultaneously attacked anybody raising questions about vaccine safety. This has created a distorted perception of safety among the general public.
The investigation of such effects will remain unavailable as long as Covid vaccination status is omitted from death certificates and as long as your advisers are not required to defend their positions in a public forum. These positions are inconsistent with international standards and policies.
Fifteen months ago I was in support of New Zealand’s pandemic policies. My personal support for the government’s pandemic initiatives evaporated as a result of my professional assessment of continuing Covid science publishing. See here a consultant cardiologist speaking on prime-time UK television about his concerns that pandemic advice to governments from medical professionals has failed to take account of evolving scientific findings.
Without revision of pandemic policy, all-cause deaths will continue at unacceptable levels
Early in the pandemic you and your government, in agreement with all other parties, appeared to be acting in good faith based on the advice you had been given. Subsequently it has become obvious that mRNA vaccination methods have adverse effects which go beyond those of any previous vaccines. Most people involved in decision-making underestimated the mobility, toxicity and persistence of genetic sequences and adjuvants in the vaccine.
The time has come now to revise current New Zealand mRNA vaccination protocols. The latest research and UK ONS data unequivocally show that the loss of life and obfuscation of data involved with continuing current protocols is both substantial and unacceptable.
Continued faith in and reliance on the title ‘vaccine’ (when applied to mRNA injections), as an apparent guarantee of efficacy and safety, is misplaced and foolhardy, as well as misleading for the public.
All political parties need to revise their pandemic knowledge base according to continuing Covid science publishing.
I believe you are in a position to use your communication skills to take a lead in this process and initiate an appropriate public discussion of the limitations of current policy and the possible remedies. In the absence of appropriate debate, we are facing continuing unprecedented record high levels of all-cause mortality including impacts on working-age and young people. This is a serious and deteriorating situation which demands immediate action.
Yours sincerely
Guy Hatchard PhD
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