by Fabian Ubiqitus
The psyop currently being waged against the People does not stop at the lies issuing from Suppression Central in Downing Street.
There are also the activities of British Intelligence and its psyops wallahs such as Brigade 77 driving the narrative.
Psyops have a valid role when combating an enemy of our country hell bent on its destruction. In that context I have no beef with it, especially if it reduces casualties
But I do have a beef with its crude but often effective technology, its military resources and the patriotism of its rank and file being turned against the very nation it is supposed to be defending.
How a unit of the Army, whose role it is to defend the country, wound up working for the subversive infiltrators determined to destroy it, is anybody’s guess but that is how it appears to be.
So we get a lot of mind games designed to steer and mold public opinion in the direction desired by the scammers and their puppet masters – in this case towards raking in billions of taxpayers’ pounds on the sale of possibly lethal vac@@ines of dubious need or efficacy.
And possibly worse. We do not yet know how harmful these rushed and improperly trialed vaccines are going to be.
There is a reason that vaccines have in the past been trialed and tested over long periods spanning many years and why we do not as a rule inject people willy nilly with new sub stances until that has been done.
Getting it wrong, discovering side effects after thousands or millions of people have been injected could be catastrophic.
We do not then know what is going to happen.
We might possibly get away with the recklessness and if we are lucky not much harm will be done.
On the other hand we could have a catastrophe on our hands that will see the harming or even murder of thousands of our fellow human beings.
What the hell is the government doing taking a chance on the health of millions?
One of the propaganda lines fed to the matrix by these boys and picked up on and forwarded by the terminally dim is this one:
Anyone refusing a COVID vaccine should be made to sign an agreement that they will not receive NHS treatment for COVID 19 if they catch it.
Personally I would be willing to sign such an agreement as I consider the va@@ines they want to inject me with a more serious threat to my health than a flu bug. Although if I agree to this I do expect a small rebate on my NHS contributions.
But if we are going to do such a thing we need to establish whether those in favour of the idea are willing to forego NHS treatment themselves if they have any health problems resulting from the following that cost the NHS a packet:
* Smoking (especially when there is a bug about that attacks your lungs)
* Drinking
* Taking drugs with side effects (ie., all medicinal, psychiatric and street drugs)
* Are obese due to poor diet/lifestyle. Especially as obesity leads to all manner of problems that cost the NHS a packet, such as arthritis, heart disease etc etc
* Engage in dangerous sports or indeed any sports such as soccer where they might get injured
* Do not take adequate steps to protect their immune system thus laying themselves open to infection and so on. Such steps include: good diet, not eating junk food, ensuring they have good levels of vits D and C, plus zinc, get exercise and fresh air.
I think you get the idea . . .
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