An Idiot’s Guide to Propaganda: How to cook the data (Part 3)

Last year, Aaron Hertzberg compiled an idiot’s guide on how to convince the masses that there is a deadly pandemic, when there isn’t one, and pretend there are no injuries caused by the vaccine, when there are.

He has written the text for aspiring propagandists who would like to learn the art: “For the beginner, [the art of propaganda] can be very difficult to master. Even the experienced propagandist can at times fall into the trap of thinking that creating and disseminating propaganda is a straightforward enterprise – which is a good way to win a permanent all-expenses paid Siberian vacation,” he said.

“The following short guidebook will provide the aspiring propagandist, WEF lackey, Communist Apparatchik, Woke Marxist and seasoned government bureaucrat alike with the tools and knowledge necessary to develop their promising talent into full-bloom mastery of the art of propaganda.”

As one can imagine, Herzberg’s guide is necessarily long.  We are publishing one section at a time so hopeful propagandists don’t feel overwhelmed and give up on their dreams of a career in propaganda after the first hurdle.


Idiot’s Guide to Cooking Data for Aspiring Propagandists

By Aaron Hertzberg as published by the Brownstone Institute on 20 December 2024.  The article was originally published on Hertzberg’s Substack page on 15 June 2023.  For the introduction, which includes links to all sections, and ‘Section I – Definitions’ read HERE.

Section III – Vetting Which Data Are Considered to Be Official Science

Be selective about which data are included in Official Science. Information that has the imprimatur of being Scientific information carries far more weight and credibility with the population, even those who refuse to toe the regime’s narrative (no one wants to be seen as being “anti-science” – that’s almost as bad as being a racist in modern society).

Table of Contents

III-1. Don’t Publish Problematic Studies and if They Get Published, Retract Them

The surest way to prevent official Scientific research from taking down a regime narrative is to strip it of its officialness. (Then you hide it away where nobody can access it and claim that since it was retracted that shows it was all along bogus fraudulent junk science pushed by corrupt Anti-Science heretics who want to get rich selling weird vitamin concoctions.)

You must take care however to act promptly, for if you wait too long, copies of unapproved science can circulate in secret amongst non-believers or heretics against the regime and take on nigh-mythical status. And once a study becomes entrenched in people’s experience as a “real study,” retracting it just makes them think that you’re desperate to hide the “truth.”

Take a look at all of these glorious retractions of studies that were harmful to the regime narrative during covid (this is only the first page of 36):

Source: Corona Central, Retractions (archived copy)

Imagine how much (more) damage these rogue studies could’ve done had they been allowed to remain and not been retracted!

Also imagine how many more studies never saw the light of day in the first place, since these represent only a small fraction of heretical research (or Good Science that accidentally found heretical results).

III-2. Cherry-Pick Which Parts of a Dataset Represent “Official Science”

It is amazing how drastically you can change the Science by simply utilising selected portions of a dataset that bolster the regime narrative while discarding (or better yet, hiding) the parts of the dataset that are not in sync with the regime’s positions.

For example, let’s suppose that we see the following two trends in the regime’s PROPAGANDA safety monitoring database for the Glorious Vaccine.

(Unfortunately, you have to pretend to be monitoring safety to assuage jittery citizens who feel nervous about anything new and also to have a ready-made response to potential critics and disinformation spreaders who will try and accuse the regime of hiding problematic safety data. And you have to pretend to take this VERY seriously.)

Anyhow let’s suppose there are 26,878 reports about Safe and Effective Transformations into Flesh-Eating Zombies per million doses of Glorious Vaccine administered, but only 2 reports about vaccinated people getting killed by flesh-eating bacteria right after being vaccinated, like this:

You can’t exactly have this get out into the public discourse, which will encourage vaccine hesitancy and cause people to doubt the regime narrative generally, even about other things. But you also need to demonstrate that the PROPAGANDA database shows that the rates of potential Glorious Vaccine injuries are negligible. (Make sure to emphasise whenever you refer to the safety database that these reports are not confirmed that the Glorious Vaccine was the cause, just a potential association.)

The solution here is quite simple – only use the data showing that there are only 2 reports of someone getting infected with Terrifying Flesh-Eating Bacteria because of the Glorious Vaccine per 100,000 doses. The 26,878 reports per 100,000 Doses of Safe and Effective Carnivorous Zombie Transformations, however, are to be publicly ignored as much as possible, and when you cannot avoid ignoring it, you must denounce it as unvetted unscientific and therefore meaningless reports that are therefore insignificant. And make sure to berate the media for daring to ask you about it. (Ideally, you should conspire with a loyal Regime journalist that he should be the one to ask about it, so that it can be brought up in a dismissive manner like, “Some fringe people are trying to claim that the Glorious Vaccine is causing tens of thousands of sensational injuries, can you explain how they’re distorting the reports in the PROPAGANDA database?”)

Also, never use the word “terrifying” in the context of a situation where you are trying to calm people down. Never. Even if what you’re describing is objectively terrifying. When describing something that is inherently scary, instead use big, academic Sciency-sounding words. So “flesh eating bacteria” can be described as a ‘necrotising fasciitis,’ something that nobody has any idea what the heck it means (and most people are too lazy to even Google it to find out). It even has two ‘i’’s in it, which makes it sound kind of impressive in an intellectual way, like it’s practically a privilege to be killed by something so sophisticated:

That’s not so complicated; you’ll get the hang of it in no time. (And if you don’t, you probably won’t be around for much longer anyway.)

Note: When you have a situation where a regime-endorsed or mandated product is dangerous – **which will be often** – you must make sure that you do not fall for your own propaganda; otherwise you might well end up the next Safe and Effective Zombie like these four US senators:

News Nation: Fetterman, Oz make opening statements in Senate debate | Pennsylvania Senate Debate, 26 October 2022

III-3. Delay Reporting Data

A more subtle way to vet what data is included in the Official Science is to dishonestly report data or information. Strategically timing the reporting of different subsets of data is a simple yet powerfully effective way to manipulate the scientific data. (Don’t worry about understanding how this works; just know that it does, and hire competent statisticians who can figure out how to best implement this.) Many calculations rely upon the timing of the reported data, and you can therefore control what the data show by carefully releasing different portions of the data at the optimal time.

For example, a one-week delay in the reporting of deaths can radically change the apparent efficacy or safety of a medical intervention – literally. By delaying the reporting of deaths by a week, you can make something that has zero effect look like it’s 95% effective. (You can follow the link for more details, but this particular tactic is a bit too complex for an Idiot’s Guide and including an in-depth description here might cause otherwise budding propagandists with a brilliant future ahead of them to get depressed and doubt their own abilities if they can’t follow the explanation, which can lead them to quit, which would be a tragedy. Truly.)

About the Author

Aaron Hertzberg is a writer on all aspects of the pandemic response. You can find more of his writing at his Substack: ‘Resisting the Intellectual Illiteratti’.

Featured image is taken from the front Cover of ‘The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Cooking Data for Aspiring Propagandists’.

This article (An Idiot’s Guide to Propaganda: How to cook the data (Part 3)) was published by The Expose and is republished here under “Fair Use” with attribution to the author Rhoda Wilson


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