Amazing coincidence! Of all the Judges in all the Land, Assange just happens to get this one

Assange Judge’s Husband Runs Security Firm With Ex Head of MI6

Assange Judge’s Husband Runs Security Firm With Ex Head of MI6

article by Craig Murray

“Security Intelligence Consultancy” SC Strategy Ltd has only three directors.
One is the husband of the judge in yesterday’s Assange ruling.
One is the former Head of MI6, Sir John Scarlett, who is synonymous with crooked security operations and personally wrote the notorious dossier of lies on Iraqi WMD, thus causing the subsequent deaths of millions of people.
One is Lord Carlile, who was notably close to protected Establishment paedophiles Greville Janner and Cyril Smith.
Is the British Establishment not endlessly fascinating?
The corporate media has published no information about “Lady” Arbuthnot’s background and sinister links at all, despite the fact it is uniformly carrying her jibes at Assange as a major story. There can be no clearer example of the fact that it is the corporate media which, deliberately and systematically, spreads fake news, while bloggers get out the actual facts via social media.To anyone to whom British corruption is not axiomatic, it appears pretty rum that the judge in the Assange case is married to a government parliamentarian and close to the security services.“Lady” Arbuthnot’s HusbandThere is some interesting background in the Mirror here. The taxpayer paid £1,200 in restaurant bills for “Lady” Arbuthnot and her husband in one long weekend jaunt to Turkey alone.If anybody thinks the Assange case had anything to do with justice, they are very mistaken. Please read my analysis of “Lady” Arbuthnot’s judgement here.Craig Murray is an author, broadcaster and human rights activist. He was British Ambassador to Uzbekistan from August 2002 to October 2004 and Rector of the University of Dundee from 2007 to 2010. We highlky recommend his websiteso please pay it a visit for more very informative and thought-provoking articles.


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About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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  1. Assange: Western agencies working hard to advertise their own criminality – UK Reloaded

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