by Kieron McFadden
In August over 500 German doctors & scientists. signed up with the CEPI Committee (“Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee”) to investigate what’s happening on our planet with regards to COVID-19.
This comes at a time when the narrative pushed by the Covid Terror Factions infiltrated into many governments is being increasingly exposed as a sham riddled with lies and backed by egregiously flawed junk science.
The source of the more well-informed push-back and challenges against the Covid Terror psyop attack on free nations has been a growing army of professionals and experts in various medical, virological and epidemological fields.
They have braved censorship, ridicule, intimidation and shut-down as the suppressive fronts and proxies for the enemies of Man have tried to thwart their effort to sound the alarm.
The right to access and examine information openly, freely and transparently – and indeed to be told the freakin’ truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth – is a right retained by free people yet denied to slaves.
The contention of the aforementioned health professionals is pretty much aligned with the view of millions – professionals and laymen alike – who now comprise a broad grass roots resistance to what amounts to an attempted coup of planetary dimensions with the world’s most prosperous nations as a primary target.
There is no contention that COVID-19 is a fake virus -albeit there is still no evidence from anywhere that anyone has isolated and identified the virus as a distinct and recognisable entity.
Of course, that fact is itself bizarre. Given the layers of lies, half truths and fabrications that comprise the Covid Terror many are beginning to ask how come we have masked up, locked down, caved in and freaked out on account of a bug nobody has yet, figuratively speaking, laid eyes on?
CEPI, however, are not challenging the assumption that the virus exists but are simply contending that it is not as dangerous as its relenetless marketing has made it out to be.
These doctors and scientists, true to form, are being heavily censored across all social media platforms, and those who write about them are coming under similar attacks.
This is hardly surprising because the success of the entire psyop and the effort by self-appointed herdsmen to subdue, fleece or cull the flock depends on continued mass acceptance of an inceasingly threadbare narrative.
As the cracks start to show and the herd becomes restive, the whole operation will fold if the questioning voices are allowed to be heard.
Hence the extreme, elaborate yet increasingly futile efforts to keep a lid on dissent and silence the voices raised with questions that cannot be given a satisfactory answer, for too many lies have been told and too much damage done in their name.
Many of the claims these doctors make have been ‘debunked’ by such reliable sources (that would never ever lie to us) as the mainstream media, government agencies, various PR fronts for the vax industry and the laughingly named ‘fact-checkers’.
People meanwhile are being encouraged to visit the websites of organisations such as the WHO, a front operation for the pharmaceutical industry, for “information”about COVID-19 that turns out, of course, to be simply forwarding the package of deception that has generated the Covid Terror, instead of listening to the proper doctors and scientists who have risked their careers, livelihoods and reputations to expose the lies with which the populace has been bombarded morning noon and night.
So, More than 500 German doctors & scientists joined CEPI, which in German is known as “Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss.”.
The committee was established to investigate all aspects of the new coronavirus such its severity and whether the actions taken by governments are justified and not causing more harm than good.
They said [emphasis added],
As the Corona-Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee, we will investigate why these restrictive measures were imposed upon us in our country as part of COVID-19, why people are suffering now and whether there is proportionality of the measures to this disease caused by the SARS-COV-2 virus. We have serious doubts that these measures are proportionate. This needs to be examined, and since the parliaments – neither the opposition parties nor the ruling parties – have not convened a committee and it is not even planned, it is high time that we took this into our own hands. We will invite and hear experts here in the Corona speaker group. These are experts from all areas of life: Medicine, social affairs, law, economics and many more. (source)
You can access the full english transcripts on the organizations website
This group has been giving multiple conferences in Germany.
In one, Dr. Heiko Schöning, one of the organization’s leaders, stated that
“We have a lot of evidence that it (the new coronavirus) is a fake story all over the world.”
To put it in context, let’de reiterate that he wasn’t referring to the virus being fake but that the pandemic as it has been portrayed is fake, in so far as the virus is no more dangerous than the seasonal flu (or just as dangerous) and that there is no justification for the measures being taken to combat it.
We should also mention here an important report published in the British Medical Journal as early as May suggesting that quarantine measures in the United Kingdom had already killed more UK seniors than the covid19 virus.
Below we had hoped to bring you the video of press conference held by representatives of the group that took place July, but this apparently – true to form – has been removed by collaborators with the Covid terror faction who really do seem determined to silence these German doctors.
Nevertheless, here is the key info:
It can be disconcerting for many people to see so many doctors and many of the world’s most renowned scientists and infectious disease experts take a stand to oppose – knowing the considerable risk of so doing to their careers, reputations and livelihoods – the outright lies and disinformation being churned out by the WHO and many governments currently in the hands of subversive factions.
These efforts to stand against encroaching tyranny are replicated all over the world.
For instance in the USA, Physicians For Informed Consent (PIC) published a report titled, “Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) Compares COVID-19 to Previous Seasonal and Pandemic Flu Periods.”
According to their fesearch, the infection/fatality rate of COVID-19 is 0.26%. You can read in more detail about that here.
John P. A. Ioannidis, professor of medicine and epidemiology at Stanford University has said that the infection fatality rate “is close to 0 percent” [yes, ZERO] for people under the age of 45 years old.
He and several other academics from the Stanford School of Medicine suggest that COVID-19 has a similar infection fatality rate to seasonal influenza, and published their findings in a study last July. You can find the study and the story here.
Michael Levitt, a biophysicist and Professor of Structural Biology at Stanford University criticized the WHO as well as Facebook for censoring important information and informed perspectives on the virus. He has contended that, concerning lockdown measures, “the level of stupidity going on here is amazing.” Read more here.
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a specialist in microbiology and one of the most cited research scientists in German history is also part of the CEPI Committee and has expressed similar views many times.
It is telling that these scientists – all highly reputable experts in their fields – are studiously ignored, or even attacked and villified – by governments and media more keen to take the “advice” of Professor Neil Ferguson, the mathematician famous for his many suitably scary but catastrophically wrong predictions
Implementation of draconian measures, so extreme and damaging as to constitute outright attacks on our communities, can only be justified if there exists a truly exceptional threat to our survival.
But there isn’t one.
So it has been necessary to spin one into being.
Then protect it from the blazing light of truth the way you would shield a snowman from bright warm sunlight . . .
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