Vaccines: sensible government versus stupid government

Government that serves the people versus government that serves corporate interests. Which do you prefer?

by Steve Cook


A great deal of consternation and debate emerges about the safety, efficacy or otherwise of vaccines. many citizens are genuinely concerned, particularly over what their children are being injected with, the long-term effects on their health and well being and whether the, with a great deal of money at stake, the vaccines manufacturers are being both dishonest and criminally irresponsible.

Correct (sensible) government response

“We understand that many citizens have genuine concerns and worries over the safety and efficacy of vaccines and their overall role in the health of the people. As it is our primary duty to provide service that helps the citizen resolve problems of survival, we are therefore immediately instigating a full IMPARTIAL investigation of this issue in full public view.  The investigation will examine all the data available – from industry and non-industry sources – concerning vaccines for accuracy, truthfulness and full scientific rigour. It will consider in the same light all written and documented submissions from any interested parties. The team investigating this issue will be people of impeccable scientific credentials under the oversight of a member of the judiciary of similar impeccable credentials. All the proceedings and deliberations of this investigation will be in full public view.  It is our intentions thereby to produce sufficient, impartially examined information for the citizen to be able to comprehend the probability (if any) of harm from vaccination and the probability (if any) of harm from not vaccinating, any factors thus far not known or understood, to balance risks against benefits and make an informed choice so far as is possible within the framework of the current state of knowledge of this issue.”

Incorrect (stupid) government response

“We are going to ignore your concerns and make vaccination mandatory.”


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About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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