This article by the veteran activist Frances Leader on the Extinction Rebellion psyop is well worth a read. You can find the original here where the comments and discussion under the article (too long to include on UKR) are well worth a read too.
[UKR note: Astroturfing is – organized activity that is intended to create a false impression of a widespread, spontaneously arising, grassroots movement in support of or in opposition to something (such as a political policy) but that is in reality initiated and controlled by a concealed group or organisation (such as a corporation).]
The new group, Extinction Rebellion, is another incarnation of Climate Camp and Reclaim the Power. They make money by selling “activist courses” to innocent people. They are astroturfers – fake grass roots and their style comes from the Tavistock Institute or Common Purpose leadership training. (google them if you do not know what they are)
These are the controllers who steer real activists into illegal activities so that they get arrested, a police record and never get a decent job again.
I am serious.
There is no such thing as workshops on civil disobedience. That is conning people out of good money! I asked a promoter of Extinction Rebellion why they needed training. She told me that it is so that everyone knows what to do and can act safely.
Under the Reclaim the Power branding these people have been very disruptive to the anti fracking movement for 5 years.
It started at Balcombe Protection Camp when they created a distraction camp about a mile away from the main camp at the gates of Cuadrilla’s drill site. At first we were very welcoming to them but things went a bit sour when they demanded food supplies from us, which we gave willingly. Then they suddenly and without warning invaded our camp in such numbers that we were overwhelmed and even prevented from going about out normal routine.
Caroline Lucas attended with her son and several friends. She was arrested that day for staging a sit-in in the gateway.
Curious, later that day, I drove down to the Reclaim the Power satellite camp to visit and witnessed their kitchen with signs up showing CHARGES FOR FOOD. That was pretty galling considering that the supplies we gave them were all donations from good-hearted local people. Here at the satellite camp they were being used to create meals that were then making a profit. I was pretty offended but did not engage anyone there in conversation.
I wandered on and found workshops underway on activism and legal observing.
Further afield there was a training event under the title of “direct action”.
I noticed that almost all the attendees at this camp were young university students, taking the whole thing very seriously. There was an unusually tense atmosphere.
Suddenly I was approached by two men who identified themselves as “the tranquillity team”.
They insisted that I was not welcome and escorted me rapidly to my car and out of the gate.
They did not say why.
I had not spoken to a soul there.
On my way out I observed a known police undercover, George Brown (probably a fake name) smirking to himself from the entrance of their information tent. This man had tried to form a relationship with me on several occasions at previous activist events. I had rebuffed him politely but he began a character assassination smear campaign against me which persists to this day. He is well known among anti-frackers for bullying people, especially women until they leave our camps in tears. His efforts to discourage me failed miserably and made me more determined if anything.
Sam Williams also visited that pop-up camp together with Commonly Known as Dom (a famous London activist).
They had a very similar reception, which he filmed:
I have been an activist all my adult life and I had never before seen “courses” being set up and run like that.
My spidey sense was thoroughly triggered.
I realised that this group was set up to rob real activism of personnel and funds.
They have been the bane of our collective existence ever since because people fall for it, part with their personal data and cash believing that they are taking part in something “green” and “good” for the planet.
Reclaim the Power went on to attend and cause massive police coverage at every anti fracking camp ever since.
They advertised their attendance with big splashes, in advance, on Facebook and Twitter.
The police and courts then used those posts as evidence that the ENTIRE anti-fracking movement intends to commit acts of domestic terrorism. This has resulted in a number of successful exclusion injunctions being brought by oil and gas companies threatening violators with imprisonment and/or confiscation of personal wealth or property to offset their court costs. These injunctions would require the drilling companies to conduct prosecutions and so far, they have not deterred any actions at the gates by anti-fracking activists.
The only way to “train” for activism is to get out to a camp or event of your choosing and just DO IT.
Remain completely autonomous in your actions and NEVER let anyone tell you what to believe or do.
Trust your gut feelings at all times.
Never give your real name or address, email or phone number to anyone until you are completely sure about them.
Real activism avoids breaking the law or at least, avoids being caught doing so.
Avoid telling anyone of your plans.
Civil disobedience or rebellion is unashamed and indefensible sabotage by large numbers of people.
Do not attend such events in public places where facial recognition or surveillance on a huge scale operates.
It should be noted, at this point, that the first public meeting of Extinction Rebellion took place in Parliament Square, London on Oct 31st 2018.
Surely everyone knows that is the most heavily policed part of London?
They have armed police there and the security is, of course, top of the range.
George Monbiot, columnist at the Guardian, was one of the speakers at the Declaration of Extinction Rebellion event.
That alone should send a red flag flying but no, he was cheered along by the adoring crowd who seemed oblivious of his brazen adherence to the United Nations Agendas 21 & 2030 in everything he writes.
The answer is fairly obvious!
It was not the usual NGOs like Greenpeace or Friends of the Earth.
It was probably large wealthy NGOs such as Soros’ Open Society and the strange British “charity”, Common Purpose.
They train potential leaders, whose main objective is to lead the opposition into supporting the long term objectives of the United Nations Agendas 21 and 2030. which you can read about here:
Politics is replete with “green” thinking individuals, across the political spectrum and at all levels from local to national.
They are actively working to promote the UN agendas at all levels of governance in the entire world.
The Green Party is particularly noticeable for this.
Now, do not get me wrong. I know that the Green Party has many members who are genuine, good people desperate to do something positive for the environment but, unfortunately, they do not seem to have realised that the entire Green movement, worldwide is controlled and infiltrated.
The Green Party also wholeheartedly believe all the statements made by UN International Panel on Climate Change, even though the models and data have been proven to be falsified or actually faked repeatedly .
They ignore and deny the existence of geo-engineering.
Even though the history of it has been documented thoroughly by researchers such as Jim Lee of His website Weather Modification History provides irrefutable evidence from old newspaper cuttings and studies that date back to the 19th century. It is fascinating.
Many NGOs and politicians deny that vital information about the climate has been omitted from the peer reviewed studies and they repeat the mantra that 97% of climate scientists are in agreement with their findings.
That is not possible.
No science is settled – ever.
In fact, to say that “the science is settled” would be the most unscientific statement one could make.
Journalist and writer Donna Laframboise was very suspicious of the political entity, IPCC so she investigated them and their claims. Here is a very revealing interview with her in which she lays out her findings very clearly.
I am very keen to hear other opinions or personal experiences, particularly if they can be supported with tangible evidence.
Don’t be a gullible ASTROTURFER.
Be a genuine, autonomous human being who cares for this planet.
We are the custodians and it is our duty to leave it better than we found it for the 7 generations and more that are to come after us. Let’s be the change we want to see.
The very first step to achieve that is to deal honestly with each other.
Never fear to speak your truth, even if you are the only one doing so.
Just before you go, please listen to this brilliant interview:
The Liberty Beacon Project is now expanding at a near exponential rate, and for this we are grateful and excited! But we must also be practical. For 7 years we have not asked for any donations, and have built this project with our own funds as we grew. We are now experiencing ever increasing growing pains due to the large number of websites and projects we represent. So we have just installed donation buttons on our websites and ask that you consider this when you visit them. Nothing is too small. We thank you for all your support and your considerations … (TLB)
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