by Caratacus
London itself is now under attack from the UK government with the imposition of an economically devastating “Tier 3 lockdown”.
The excuse for the attack was given by the proven liar Matt Hancock, the Heath Secretary, who recently embarrassed himself and the government by the worst case of crocodile tears ever recorded on British TV, such is the extent to which he despises the nation’s citizens.
The excuse he cited for his move against the people of London was the “rise in cases” in the capital.
It is an excuse that has worn extremely thin and is now only bought by a handful of people who haven’t yet caught up with developments.
The “rise in cases” statistic is used to justify the lockdowns.
The lockdowns are inflicted upon the nation in an effort to erode resistance to the new experimental vaccines the masterminds behind the COVID hoax are very keen for you to submit to.
The aim is to create so much misery, inconvenience and ruin that you will accept the new vaccines without asking awkward questions such as “Can you be certain they are safe?”, “Have you tested them properly?” and “Will they actually do what you imply they will do?”.
The answer to each of those questions, by the way, is “no”. Not that you will ever get a straight answer.
The “rise in cases” stat is a fraud in that it derives mainly from the PCR test.
The PCR test has been discredited over and over and over by innumerable expert sources and even the government’s own website declares that it cannot be used to detect an infectious virus (top of page 6 of the report) whilst innumerable other medical and scientific sources (including it inventor) declare it to be completely unreliable for diagnosing COVID “cases”.
Yet in full knowledge of these facts, Hancock, Johnson and the criminal clique now masterminding Suppression Central in Westminster persist in using it to “diagnose” cases.
This perpetuates one of the most cynical, calculated and destructive frauds ever perpetrated against the People.
Indeed, the fraud is so glaring and so irrefutable, one is somewhat staggered that they are still getting away with it and have not been, metaphorically speaking, strung up by an outraged citizenry.
Parliament and the judiciary have proven unwilling to end this fraud and, indeed, collaborated in it.
Hancock further indicated that these false infection stats and the unjustified yet immensely damaging lockdowns based on them will continue to be inflicted on you “until a vaccine” comes to your rescue.
The vaccines being touted remain a long way from being responsibly and thoroughly tested and thus comprise an unknown yet potentially considerable health risk that far outweighs the risks of COVID19, which for the overwhelming majority is from slight to none.
Moreover, the testing that has been done has not shown the vaccines will actually render you immune to the bug. That was not what was being tested for according to the BMJ and other sources .
Hancock loves to refer to COVID19, disingenuously, as “this deadly disease”. He just loves tossing that nasty little propaganda trigger-phrase in as it stimulates a fear reaction.
But like almost everything else issuing from the mouths of him and his henchmen, it does not bear close scrutiny.
The “deadliness” in this case applies to a specific, highly vulnerable and small sector of the populace most of whom are over 80 years old. For the rest it can be symptom-free, mild, moderate or unpleasant but no more deadly than other bugs – in fact less deadly than many.
The use of misleading phrases like “this deadly virus” are typical of this dishonest, manipulative merchant of fear.
Meanwhile the MRNA vaccine touted by Pfizer and favoured by the gov is particular cause for concern in that it is not a vaccine but a piece of new, untested genetic engineering technology that affects the organism on a cellular level.
The consequences, should anything go wrong, are so potentially devastating that no responsible or sane government would contemplate injecting it into its citizens without thoroughly (THOROUGHLY) testing its short medium and long term effects upon the human organism.
Thus, a huge, reckless gamble risk is being taken with your health and the health of millions of your fellow citizens in order to “deal with” COVID19.
COVID19 has been proven and verified to be of serious consequence only to people extremely elderly and/or already extremely ill.
In most people it causes mild or no symptoms.
The rush to mass inoculate with poorly tested, incompletely trialed vaccines who adverse reactions we cannot yet predict, against a disease that is no great threat to the vast majority of people makes no sense.
The lockdowns, based as they are on false infection stats, only make sense as a means of causing enough hardships that people will accept the unproven, potentially booby trapped vaccines unquestioningly when they “come to our rescue”.
The health and well being of every citizen from every sector and every walk of life is being gambled with, purportedly to deal with a bug whose actual threat does not justify the risks being taken.
We may get to a point where the government may try to use the cops and the soldiers to enforce its will upon a citizenry increasingly uncooperative in its effort to survive.
But these lies and sly tricks are being inflicted also upon the police and the soldiers and their families, friends, colleagues and neighbours. They too wish to survive so the creatures behind this attack may one day find themselves friendless before a furious mob.
In a game of Russian Roulette, when you put the gun to your head and pull the trigger, the chances are six-to-one that you will survive.
Nevertheless, if you had any sense you would not play it.
Nor would you trust or support or cooperate with a government insane enough to try to convince you that you should.
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