The People’s Manifesto – Part Ten
by Steve Cook It is a criminal act for a government to poison or aid and abet the poisoning if its own citizens. This principle shall be enshrined in law, with stiff penalties for its […]
by Steve Cook It is a criminal act for a government to poison or aid and abet the poisoning if its own citizens. This principle shall be enshrined in law, with stiff penalties for its […]
Intro by Steve Cook The following featured item, from The Vaccine Reaction goes some way towards explaining some of the drivel that is gleefully relayed to a dismayed citizenry as “science” by the Fear Merchants […]
‘Science is broken’ SOURCE: Net Zero Watch London, 5 June – Net Zero Watch is today publishing an important paper on the failings of institutional science. The author, statistician and philosopher of science Professor […]
What is “Science? by Kieron McFadden A lot of gibberjabber concerning “science” and “following the science” is being put out by people who can’t define the word “science”, into a society in which most people […]
Most Americans have at least until now maintained faith in the integrity of our scientific establishment. But COVID-19 and the scientific malfeasance it has spawned may be the wrecking ball that tears down even that […]
by Fabian Ubiquitus The PR platitude endlessly repeated by our government that it is “following the science” just isn’t true. Johnson and his fellow conspirators are simply cherry-picking which alleged experts to listen to and […]
Introduction by Watchdog More and more data to expose the global Covod scam is, emerging from the scientiifc commmunity. One scientist has been doing his own offline testing, discovering COVID strains to appear quite similar […]
by Fabian Ubiquitus Lhasa 19/8/20 With so much of the information that we are told or expected to accept or take on trust, there are other points of view and often much un-examined data outside […]
Introduction The following article gives a very apt insight into the state of play on this planet at this time – an overview, if you will, of the game in progress. It is an important […]
Is the government listening to the wrong scientists? If so, why? by Jon Davy Perhaps the government could explain something: Japan with no lockdown has 869 COVID19 deaths, while the UK has, allegedly, about 38,000!!! […]
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