Penetrating the smoke screen

Asking the questions at the heart of the con

by Fabian Ubiquitus

A tremendous amount of noise – a chaos of information  – has been orchestrated around the issue of COVID19.

The maelstrom of lies and half truths can be bewildering and apparenty hard to penetrate.

Often, just when you think you have gotten hold of the truth at the core of it, it is snatched away like a whisper amid the explosive concussion of data beating against your reason.

Those with the focus and strength of mind to see through it and the courage to speak out should be congratulated, for it is you who have kept the guttering candle flame of truth alive, protected from the gusts and crosswinds of confusion by your strong sheltering hand.

There are many who are as yet bewildered or usnure or diffident before the ominous growl of the storm and you may have to be their lifeline and shoulder for just a little while.

But your courage, like truth, is infectious.

It spreads, emboldens and arms with knowledge the many who know but hesitate as yet to recognise that they are being played.

Because of it, millions have awoken and over the ensuing months, millions more will quietly, diffidently and often through incremental changes of consideratioon,  join you and great numbers already have.

Keep at it! Play the long game and think in futures.

Sometimes you have to repeat and repeat and repeat in order to penetrate the noise and distraction that assails your fellows.

And the oppressor you fight on their behalf relies completely upon one thing: that you will lose heart and quit. He knows that if he cannot induce you to do so, he has had it.

Be the calm, steady, stable, resolute voice of Liberty and the outsretched helping hand of Reason.

For you are the architects of the new civilisation, an age of Reason wherein the human community, cleared forever of the cancers of subversion and the burden of parasitic echelons shall thrive in accordance with the natural law that Man in affinity with Man survives.

This is an opportunity.

When the towers of suppression tremble, the sag of their collapsing timbers can mimic the lion’s roar.

Focus on the simplicities.

Such as the fraudulent nature of the PCR tests which, exposed and exposed and exposed erodes the foundations upon which stands the entire edifice of deceit.

But how about this: instead of plying them with answers they are not yet ready to receive, plant the poignant questions in their minds whose very asking lays bare the obviousness of the flawed paradigm.

Such as this question:

Why are the people currently at the helm of government in such a tearing hurry to get people injected with a vaccine that they have risked skimping on the usual tests and trials?

Why is this risk  with your well being being taken in order to “protect you” from a disease whoe average age of mortality is 82 and which by its stats and known record presents little or no danger to the vast majority of people?

If you were facing some sort of lethal mass-killer of a plague, perhaps (perhaps) it would make sense IF the vaccine actually worked. But that is not the case. We are facing a bug similar to or somewhat less in overall consequences than flu .

The rush, the evident desperation to vaccinate so great that the bug itself has to be propagandised and exaggerated, makes no logical sense.

There is something the minds behind this drive are not telling us.


The Liberty Beacon Project is now expanding at a near exponential rate, and for this we are grateful and excited! But we must also be practical. For 7 years we have not asked for any donations, and have built this project with our own funds as we grew. We are now experiencing ever increasing growing pains due to the large number of websites and projects we represent. So we have just installed donation buttons on our websites and ask that you consider this when you visit them. Nothing is too small. We thank you for all your support and your considerations … (TLB)


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About Steve Cook 2317 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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