Humanity’s superpower: the ability to Reason. Let’s use it!

And take a fresh look at some of the dogma we are force-fed

Intro by Steve Cook

The  following featured article is fascinating and well worth a thorough read to take a fresh look at the whole subject of viruses and vaccines and the basic “everybody knows” dogma rammed  down our throats for generations by the vested interests of the pharmaceutical-industrial con-plex.

The last two years in particular have taught us we would be  wise to take with a pinch of salt anything anyone tells us we must think or must believe and at least take a fresh inquisitive look at what we are told.

This is especially true when the source thereof is political groups, the corporate media, the pharmaceutical-industrial con-plex and other criminal sources we KNOW  cannot be trusted and, as is the case today, anyone who presents an alternative view or questions the established orthodoxy is censored, slapped down or slagged off with some vehemence.

One thing the present established powers evidently do not want is to have to deal with millions of citizens with enquiring minds who ask awkward questions and do not easily swallow every half truth or lie they are fed.

What they want is an unthinking herd.

Inconveniently for them we are not cattle.

We are endowed in abundance with the capacity for reason, which is our most powerful asset. You could say that the ability to LOOK, UNDERSTAND and REASON is humanity’s superpower.

So let’s use it.

Let’s  step back, exercise our superpower, and take afresh look, for starters, at  the subject of viruses.

The following is presented for your consideration. Your conclusions are your own.

My journey into uncovering the Germ Theory lies


A few years ago, a loved one of mine was misdiagnosed and mistreated by our medical system. They were abused with numerous toxic drugs and unnecessary invasive medical procedures that unfortunately cost them their life after years of suffering under horrific conditions.

Upon trying to discover the best ways to help them through this difficult health crisis, I stumbled upon the lies of Germ Theory and the disastrous state of our “health” care system. I found out about the battle between Antoine BeChamp vs. the plagarist Louis Pasteur. I began to study the differences between Germ Theory and Terrain Theory. I became aware of the influence of the Rockefellers on the creation of our medical establishment. I immersed myself in the work of David Crowe, Stefan Lanka, Roberto Giraldo, The Perth Group, Liam Scheff, Celia Farber, and many others.

Flash forward to 2020 and it became obvious that I could no longer sit on the sidelines while accumulating this information for myself. The world became enthralled in a “pandemic” based on numerous false pretenses and deliberate misinformation/propaganda. We found ourselves in a Testing Pandemic bolstered by FEAR. Too many were acting on inaccurate information from Pharmaceutically-controlled mainstream sources without ever being aware of the fact that there is a much more logical side to this debate. One based upon knowledge and not FEAR.

I decided it was time to share this information on Facebook with friends, family, and whomever needed to hear it. Unfortunately, this has become increasingly difficult in the face of the current censorship. This Orwellian landscape has led me to the creation of this blog. I plan to share the posts I have done on the falicious methods used in Virology, the lack of valid scientific evidence in regards to “viruses” and antibodies, the trickery involved in genomics, the dangers involved with vaccines and various medical interventions, as well as provide information I come across on the best ways to care for ones health naturally.

I am not a doctor, virologist, microbiologist, scientist, etc. Many will use this against me. My educational background is in Health and Exercise Science. I have been a personal trainer, a nutritionist, and currently I am a health/wellness coach. What I share here is based upon years of research and reading from the original studies/sources. I will always do my best to provide the sources for where the information comes from. It is the single greatest advice I took from Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test currently being misused around the world:

I think it’s simple logic. It doesn’t require that anyone have any specialized knowledge of the field. The fact is that if there were evidence that HIV causes AIDS-if anyone who was in fact a specialist in that area could write a review of the literature, in which a number of scientific studies were cited that either singly or as a group could support the hypothesis that HIV is the probable cause of AIDS-somebody would have written it. There’s no paper, nor is there a review mentioning a number of papers that all taken together would support that statement.” – Kary Mullis

I hope the information I’ve acquired on my journey will help you on your own.

READ MORE: Introduction to ViroLIEgy

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About Steve Cook 2314 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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