Here’s a wild idea: poisoned people are more likely to get sick

What is the correlation between a toxic environment and proness to disease?

Dear governmrent, how  about we  use some actual science?

by UKR Columnist, Steve Cook

A few months into the whole COVID19 fiasco and we have learned a great deal.

Among  the many things we have learned about this ailment, about government and media obfuscation and false info, about grossly fiddled stats and so forth are these key facts:

  1. like so many illnesses, how hard it hits you is governed in large measure by what condition your body is already in.
  2. such pre-existing conditions include various ailments such as cancer, diabetes, asthma etc and the general condition of your immunue system.
  3. someone in reasonably good physical and mental condition has, statistically speaking, little or nothing to fear. (This is so much so that in the entire UK only FIVE people under the age of 20 have died from this illness. And ALL of them had a pre-existing serious illness that rendered their body unable to combat a virus that is not, by itself, deadly.)
  4. So general health and the condition of your immune system are important factors.

It is very very noticable that neither the government nor the MSM have much to say about these key factors.

Government, evidently, would rather chop up your freedoms or crash your livelihood than issue some sound advice about how you can beef up your general health and your immune system and thus become less likely to get sick.  You know, simple things like not eating crap, getting some vital vitamins into your body and so forth.

One factor rarely, if ever, mentioned that can adversely affect your physical condition and thus your susceptibility to COVID 19, pneumonia (over 220 000  case per year evidently) and a host of other illnesses is pollution.

The “outbreaks” in Wuhan  and Italy occured, interstingly, in areas of high environmental pollutiuon/poor air quality.

When it comes to the toxicity of the environment and its weakening of the living organisim’s capability to defend itself, there is a vital factor we should bear in mind:

  • for many people, the most toxic enivironent is their HOME or WORKPLACE. The toxicity of home and work place due to the presence of cleaning chemicals and so on and so forth is worth a study if you like the idea of being in robust health and here is just one sample article amongst many thousands you can find on the net.

Put briefly: for many people their home is quite toxic although many do not yet realise it. There is a great deal you can do about it if you are of a mind to so you do not have to be a victim of it if you don’t want to. However, this raises some key points:

  1. a study is needed to find out how much a toxic home environment is a factor where people become moderately or seriously ill with COVID19. “Home environment” includes nursing homes. I would be willing to bet that were such a study done, it would show that a very high percentage (close on 100%) of those who become seriously ill from COVID19 or indeed any other virus-like illness are living their days in an environemt toxic from the use of industrial chemicals, cleaning fluids, air sprays, deodorants and so on and so forth.
  2. this then raises the issue as to whether governments, by encouraging or forcing people to stay at home are actually encouraging them to spend more time than ever in toxic environments and thus render them EVEN MORE prone to COVID19. This may explain the phenomenon that has now emerged whereby those who live alone are twice as likely to test positive.
  3. of course, added to the general condition of the home environment pollution-wise are those toxins that a person can enter into their body through the food they eat (food additives such as flavour enhancers, preservatives etc , or food contaminants such as pesticides and so forth) or the drugs, vaccines and medications (chemical poisons) they imbibe, absorb or inject.
  4. and this in turn raises a further issue: is the scurrilous practice of drugging elderly people in care homes further damaging their immune system and contributing to the impact of COVID 19 upon care home residents? See this article Study Shows Antipsychotics Given to Elderly Impacts Immune System & Health.

These studies need to be done. They need to be done impartially by proper scientists WITHOUT ANY VESTED INTERESTS OR FINANCIAL, FRATERNAL OR ANY OTHER PREJUDICIAL TIES TO VESTED INTERESTS.

The government makes a big issue about how it is “following the science”, well  I want to see some real freakin’ evidence of it. All I see right now is a determined effort to ignore or avoid key issues.

The above suggested research would be a good place to start.

Steve Cook author bio

I write articles, books, poetry ‘n shit. I also publish The Daily Scare. Visit the Daily Scare now while it still seems like a good idea.


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About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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