Freedom or Serfdom? It’s up to us

Dare to dream! We can either create freedom or have serfdom thrust upon us

by Steve Cook

We hear talk of the New World Order and the Great Reset and so forth and whatever these things are exactly is anybody’s guess – especially as whatever we are told about them is almost certainly half-truth, outright falsehoods and spin.

It should have become glaringly evident to anyone still conscious that the effort on the part of a few people in high places to get the rest of us to do what they want hinges upon the tried and trusted device of lying.

That, in a nutshell, is the simplicity of it: they lie.

They lie because if they were honest and told us the truth of what they are doing, what they are up to and what their objectives are, we would not like it.

So they lie: they spread falsehoods and half truths and, if they can, strangle the truth at birth lest it escape and empower the People with understanding.

The things we know for certain about the “New World Order” and the “Great Reset”, whatever they are exactly, is that they are IMPOSED.

We are not consulted. We are simply told that this or that is going to happen or the future is going to be such and such.

Just check out what the world Economic Forum and other suppressive factions are telling you about the Great Reset: the future is going to be this way and it is going to be that way and there is nothing the plebs and serfs and herd can do about it because it is inevitable. And by a remarkable coincidence this inevitable future just so happens to be one that is highly desirable for the people telling you how inevitable it is.

Notice we are not being asked if we would like it. We just have to lump it. There is no consultation, no finding out what we want, no representation of a goal that captures the imagination or invites the enthusiastic contribution of you or me to a jointly desired dream of tomorrow.

Nobody is asking us what kind of world we want for ourselves or our children and grandchildren. We are simply being told what we are going to get.

And we get of course various machinations designed to bring this compulsory future about so that it appears “inevitable”.

The current fiasco surrounding the fake p@ndemic and the attendant efforts to crush our economies and demoralise our communties is a case in point.

Well, you can bet your life that whatever the future being foisted on us by these psychos, we are not going to like it very much – if indeed we survive it. It is not being engineered for our benefit.

Well, here’s a wild idea: how about somebody asks us what WE want.

Or, better still, how about we, The People, get together and DECIDE what we want, then dream up a reset of our own?

And by way of an example as to how we the people can devise and implement our own reset that will be much more to the broad benefit of humanity and not merely a privileged echelon of demented nobs and toffs who view us as a herdsman views cattle, let me take just one apsect for your consideration.

Please check out this essay, which gives you a brief summary of what lies at the heart of the malfunction of our economies, and enriches and empowers those very nobs and toffs.

It addresses, albeit briefly, a key point by which we, the People, can if we so desire begin to reset the mismanaged mess that passes for economics and governance.

You’ll see that it will enable us to remove from under them the scam that has enabled a parasitic echelon to bleed us dry.

It will remove their power to cause further mischief and  steer the planet in to some authoritarian hell of their own dark devising.

And, incidentally it, gives us a way to recover fast from the cming economic crash the psychopaths and their political proxies have engineered under the C@Vid smoke screen.

This is provides one key strand in OUR OWN reset. There are others, which I’ll present as time goes by.

But the key pont is that WE THE PEOPLE can decide what WE want and we CAN organise and mobilise to make sure we get it.

We don’t HAVE to be mucked about, knocked about, manipulated, herded, stampeded ,fleeced, culled, milked or shoved around by a bunch of half-terrified parastic non-producing degenerates.

We can change it.

Why don’t we?


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About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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