Deadly fraud: government admits low fatality rate and rubbish test amid falsified stats and rampant misdiagnoses

by Steve Cook

In summary:

The government admits the mortality for Covid is low.

The government admits the PCR test is useless as a diagnostic tool and this in turn shows infections, hospitalisations and fatality stats to be false and the alleged “pandemic’ to be much less severe in actuality than it is portrayed.

What we have here is a sometimes-serious illness propagandised into a fake pandemic so as to coerce or frighten millions into submitting to an experimental jab they would not usually touch with a barge pole.

The following are from the UK Government’s own website here

In a nutshell, Covid-19 ‘s classification as a High Incidence Infectious Disease (HCID) was rescinded in March 2020. I’ve quoted below from that page how a disease is classified as High Incidence.

The key admission by the government (highlighted in red) is Covid-19’s low mortality rate.

In April 2020 the Chief Medical Officer further explained the specific demographics most affected by Covid19 and that for the vast majority of people it is not a life threatening disease. Indeed, the vast majority have, if they catch it at all, experienced mild or moderate symptoms.

The CMO’s briefing is here.

It was given in April 2020 and since then, experience has shown the CMO’s analysis to have been pretty good with virtually ZERO fatalities (99.9987% survival rate) amongst young people etc – see this article.

Indeed, the bug has evolved as bugs routinely do, in the direction of milder and milder severity, so the situation almost two years on is even better than the government admitted at the time

One aspect carefully not mentioned by the government, which further justifies its reclassification, is the existence of effective prophylaxis or treatment.

These effective treatments have been known about from the beginning but carefully suppressed. Why? Because the existence of effective treatments means you cannot declare an alleged outbreak of a routinely treatable bug to be an emergency and if you cannot declare an emergency you cannot legally tout, promote, deploy or overtly or covertly enforce experimental biochemical agents that have not been through the scientifically standard trials.

Indeed, it may well be that the existence of workable treatments makes those pushing or administering the vaccines liable for prosecution.

As it turns out – and of which we are all now very aware – another factor that has since become glaringly evident is the fraudulent nature of the “diagnosis” of tens or even hundreds of thousands of alleged “cases”.

This fraud hinges on the misuse of the PCR test, which has been known from the beginning, according to its inventor, to be not usable as a diagnostic tool and unable to tell you whether you are ill.

Indeed, the government itself says:

“RT-PCR detects presence of viral genetic material in a sample but is not able to distinguish whether infectious virus is present.” [emphasis is in the original].

You can read this here.

This fraud has resulted in thousands upon thousands of false diagnoses and in turn thousands upon thousands of hospitalisations “with” Covid19 and thousands upon thousands of deaths “with” Covid19.

So, in summary we have massively inflated “cases” numbers and if you factor out the false diagnoses, a disease far less widespread or infectious than the false stats are contrived to suggest.

Similarly, we wind up with massively inflated “hospitalisations” (usually somebody already in hospital with something else repeatedly tested with the fraudulent PCR test until it shows up as “positive”) and similarly inflated “with Covid” fatality stats.

We have too, by the way, such is the similarity of symptoms, thousands of people who are actually ill with influenza, pneumonia, colds and so forth counted as “Covid”. How this is worked is simple: Citizen Joe has a seasonal cold or flu. Thanks to the relentless propaganda campaign, he gets himself the fraudulently mis-used  PCR test, which returns a “positive” so his cold or flu become “Covid”.

Even then, despite all the stat fiddles and misdiagnoses, even the inflated numbers still cannot justify the HCID classification.

If Covd19 mortality is recognised as “low” despite all this, it is reasonable to assume more honest stats based upon an honest and less deceptive test would show true Covid19 hospitalisations and fatalities to be very low indeed.

All this begs the question as to how come so much effort has been put into fiddling diagnoses and stats so as to make Covid19 look as threatening as possible?

This is not to say that people by virtue of old age or existing serious illness that leaves them vulnerable (and not just to Covid19) are not at risk but even here existing remedies such as hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin have proven so successful in the hands of competent doctors that had these remedies not been suppressed, fatalities would have been pushed even lower.

What Pandemic?

So here we have a treatable bug deliberately misrepresented through fraudulent testing, misdiagnoses, suppressed effective remedies and inflated statistics to appear MUCH more dangerous than it actually is.

We’re not talking here about a slight exaggeration. We are witnessing a massive misrepresentation deliberately engineered with malice aforethought.


Well the purpose seems to be to get everybody injected with experimental vaccines in a real hurry to “protect” them from a bug that is little or no threat to them.

The urgency and relentless drive with which theses injections are pushed is way out of proportion to and not justified by the ACTUAL THREAT that Covid19 presents.

The fake threat – in essence a  low-mortality treatable illness propagandised into a fake pandemic – is used to justify all manner of coercion placed upon the citizen to submit to these experimental so-called vaccines.

This is whilst massive evidence of injury and death from these very vaccines is now emerging with the vaccines having in just their first year accrued more adverse reactions and deaths than all other vaccines in history combined.

Nobody knows as yet how high the death and injury toll is going to climb over the ensuing years. Some experts are predicting injury and death on a massive scale.

My own non-expert instinct is that the deaths and injuries are not going to be quite as bad as the more pessimistic predictions and we’ll have to hope I’m right.

Nevertheless, my take at the moment is that we are looking at deaths and injuries from the experimental vaccines far in excess of the actual injuries from Covid19 and on a level one would normally see only in a time of war.

Whatever the actual toll upon the vaxxed among our friends and families, the signs thus far, in so short a time after the vax rollout, are not good and continued forcing vaccination upon the populace will make it worse.

And you can bet your life that the criminals in government who have engineered this catastrophe will do everything they can, pull every trick they can think of, to hide what they have done.

It is our job to bring them to justice.

And here are two relevant sections from the government’s website here

Definition of HCID

In the UK, a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) is defined according to the following criteria:

  • acute infectious disease

  • typically has a high case-fatality rate

  • may not have effective prophylaxis or treatment

  • often difficult to recognise and detect rapidly

  • ability to spread in the community and within healthcare settings

  • requires an enhanced individual, population and system response to ensure it is managed effectively, efficiently and safely

Status of COVID-19

As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK. There are many diseases which can cause serious illness which are not classified as HCIDs.

The 4 nations public health HCID group made an interim recommendation in January 2020 to classify COVID-19 as an HCID. This was based on consideration of the UK HCID criteria about the virus and the disease with information available during the early stages of the outbreak. Now that more is known about COVID-19, the public health bodies in the UK have reviewed the most up to date information about COVID-19 against the UK HCID criteria. They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall), and there is now greater clinical awareness and a specific and sensitive laboratory test, the availability of which continues to increase.

The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID.

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About Steve Cook 2317 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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  1. Here’s another wild idea: think for yourself. Go on, be naughty – UK Reloaded

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