by Steve Cook
It becomes more obvious by the hour that the amazing vanishing virus has been a monstrous con job inflicted on the people by pharmaceutical front groups and their stooges and collaborators in the lying media and our (hah!) government.
In fact the virus is disappearing so fast and has been doing so for a while, it is making it hard for researchers to develop a vaccine that will . . . um, make it disappear!
As the”threat of the virus” dissolves in front of our eyes, notwithstanding government and media efforts to the contrary, so does the narrative that promotes it. Narratives based on false stats and a hodge-podge of false reports and propaganda sound-bites delivered as government edicts masquerading as “science” tend to fold up as soon as that pesky thing known as the truth enters the scene.
Having lied to our faces for months, the government – unable to come clean and admit it, trapped in the sticky web of its own fabrications and evidently right out of ideas – emulates the rabbit caught in headlights and now compounds the felony by just keeping right on lying long after it has been found out And it just keeps right on pushing forward with its flawed and destructive measures.
The lockdown will probably go down as the biggest instance of governmental ineptitude in history. Having succeeded in killing more people than the virus, “saving” the NHS by shutting it down, wrecking countless businesses, confining millions of healthy, productive people to virtual house arrest, disrupting education and millions of childhoods, whilst enriching its “elite” pals, introducing fascism and so on and so forth, the government just keeps right on doing more of the same as if implacably resolved to do as much damage to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as it can before the whole charade folds up entirely.
Indeed, if an enemy power had done this much damage to the country it would have been regarded as an act of war and dealt with accordingly. In essence of course this IS precisely what we have been subjected to: an act of war by enemy powers. That those powers do not happen t be a country but rather a transnational alliance of corporate crime syndicates and their proxies within our own government makes it no less so except that it has made the enemy slightly harder to pin down and identity.
The slimy collaborator, the Health Secretary, Hancock, is a case in point. His dogged insistence on continuing the two metre distancing rule makes no sense unless one assumes the measure has less to do with controlling the spread of a virus that has turned out to be far less dangerous than we were conned into believing and more about aiding and abetting his chums in the pharmaceutical industry and associated enemies of the nation.
We have already seen the PM show his true colours in his enthusiastic capitulation to the pharmaceutical industry and his handler, Bill Gates, at the recent GAVI summit. It was a capitulation so enthusiastic one must conclude that this was what was on the cards from the very beginning.
The two metre rule meanwhile has no basis in science – despite the government’s specious claim to be basing its actions on “science”. It is a complete arbitrary dreamed up evidently by the Health Secretary. The UK is the only country that uses it and is the country with, if you believe the stats we are being given, the worst record on the planet for the number of “Coronavirus deaths”.
There is STILL no explanation from the Health Secretary, the PM or any of the coterie of Big Pharma stooges who have hijacked the British government as to why we have more deaths than anyone else. I think we are owed an explanation.
The death stats clearly show that whatever the UK government is doing, it isn’t working and that its handling of this situation has been more inept than any other government’s.
The two metre rule, along with other government actions, make sense in the context of a government that:
Misrepresents the virus and its dangers.
Strings the lockdown out as long as possible, maximising its damage to the British economy and the destruction of businesses and generally makes things as uncomfortable and desperate as it can get away with (for our own good, of courses) so that when someone comes along with a profitable vaccine that will “solve all our problems” people desperate to get the country running again will accept it without asking too many sensible questions such as, “what’s in it?”, “is it safe?” “has it been properly tested?” or even “is it really necessary as the virus has run its course sand never was as deadly as we were told in the first place?”
The two metre rule has no basis in science, no other country uses it and clearly it isn’t helping. It serves no purpose other than the fact that two metres is just enough distance to make it impossible for many struggling shops, cafes, restaurants and so forth to operate.
Thus the effort to bring the British economy into ruin can be continued even after the full lockdown has been lifted.
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