A Giant Leap for Mankind: the Invention of Soap

by Steve Cook

The current C0v1d psyop has had an unwanted effect – from, that is, the perspective of those seeking to render Man cowed and afraid and sunk into herd-like compliance before the priesthood of the pseudo-scientific technocracy.

What it has done is force millions of us to really LOOK at and into and behind the veil of the issue of viruses, vaccines, health and so forth.

The more we look, the more we find we have been played by some seriously scummy operators.

For me, this has been an interesting adventure that has dispelled many of the “everybody knows” lies fed to us by the political/pharmaceutical con-plex.

And this has led me to the conclusion that probably one of the greatest strides forward of our glittering civilisation has been THE INVENTION OF SOAP.

More accurately, the discovery of hygiene and sanitation: the two most powerful weapons for the eradication of disease: weapons so powerful they threaten to render obsolete much of what the biochemical industry peddles.

The simple routine of washing our ruddy hands in a sensible manner has done more to deal with, for example, the so-called “threat” of Covid than any amount of mask wearing (of unproven benefit), distancing or injecting people with booby-trapped biochemical agents (now clearly showing up as toxins that are making people ill) or lockdowns.

A re-airing of the ditty they used to run with great educational benefit back in the 60s on British TV, “Coughs and sneezes spread diseases. Trap your germs in a handkerchief!” could have done with a re-run to great national benefit.

To this basic common sense we could add, drawing from the lessons of history: knock off spraying food and, indeed, people with toxins such as, for example, DDT or Glyphosate and so forth.

Beneath the complexity, the truth is very simple and effective handlings are very simple and therein lies a problem for those seeking to cow Man: he is tougher and more resilient than they want him to know.

They need him falsely convinced of his own feebleness and vulnerability and how complicatedly technical and overwhelming and generally horrible it all is.

Because God help them if he ever becomes un-convinced.

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About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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