What was his motive?
What I am struggling to get my head around, though, is WHY was he so keen? What was the motive for starting, for God’s sake, a war that destroyed an entire country and sent our own servicemen to their deaths, not to mention fuelling the spiralling hatreds that threaten to tear humanity apart?
A Lone Nut?
Violent rampage
A Willing Accomplice?
Or, as seems to me more likely, Blair was not acting in isolation but pursuing the agendum of persons or groups as yet unclear, persons who stood to gain from the war according to their own dark goals and purposes. Was Blair a willing accomplice of those people, was he blackmailed, threatened or promised rewards for his compliance?
We really need to pull a string and get the whole truth if all this because as yet we only have part of the story, a very incomplete picture that, I suspect, SOMEONE would very much like to remain incomplete.
The Zionist Mob
Well, one thing that strikes me is that Blair is evidently well in with the Zionist mob and this is such a string that should be pulled. Apparently, those guys are sure looking after one of their own. This brings us to another difference between the high-end and low-end maniac. The low-end maniac usually winds up dead (good) while the high-end maniac winds up being paid a fortune for after-dinner speaking or handed plum jobs by people who like the cut of his jib. This in turn sets a very bad example: when people see that the elite are rewarded in all manner of ways for blowing up and shooting lots of people, the weak-minded (or drugged|) among us might conclude that violent mayhem pays.
A Million Dollars
n 2009 for example Blair pocketed a million dollars in the form of a prize for his (try not to laugh – or cry) “leadership on the world stage”. The award – or payoff? – was given by a Tel Aviv-based foundation named after the Zionist billionaire Dan David. You can read about it here http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/labour/4643809/Former-Prime-Minister-Tony-Blair-wins-million-dollar-Israeli-leadership-prize.html
Plum Jobs
And now we are told that he has landed a job “Fighting Anti-Semitism At The European Council On Tolerance And Reconciliation”. This latest award of a plum job has nothing to do of course with his track record in another plum job, Peace Envoy to the Middle East, a tenure marked by death, destruction and mayhem in the Middle East.
So, we do have to ask this questions: are these awards and lucrative appointments, given to a known war criminal of utterly shredded credibility, simply payoff for services rendered?And does this in turn point us in the direction of whose interests he was looking after when he got the Iraq war started?
– Steve
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