When is a briefing not a briefing?

When it begs more questions than it answers

When it begs more questions than it answers

by Steve Cook

We have featured here a fine article from Wired that gives a nice summary of the mess the government has gotten into over the Coronavirus so-called pandemic.

It is hard to tell whether the muddle is sheer incompetence or a deliberate effort to keep the population uncertain and confused.

Here, I want to mention some points the cited article doesn’t address:

There is the fact that the PM in his Sunday briefing to the nation lied to our faces about a minute into the broadcast. The lie was the implication  that all countries are having the same experience of the outbreak and that Lockdown is the “only way”. This is simply a fib. For a start, many countries have a far lower fatality rate than we do. Secondly, Sweden, South Korea, Taiwan and others have had very different experiences and much better results with no lockdown.

Then there was the moment when the PM threw in a wild but scary number (500,000) of people who “would die” if there was nothing done about the virus. There is something off about the PM’s math because:

  • Per an earlier briefing by the government’s Chief Medical Officer, Chris Whitty, a “high proportion” (no specifics given but let’s take a guess at 75%) won’t catch the virus at all, even without a vaccine.
  • Of those, a “high proportion” (again, no specifics given but let’s take a guess at 75%) will display no symptoms.
  • The remainder (in the absence of specifics, we are guessing 25%) will get symptoms of some kind. Of these, 80% have mild symptoms and 20% will wind up in hospital.
  • Of those who wind up in hospital, a “tiny minority” (not specified) will die. Let’s take guess at 10%.

So when Johnson says “500,000 people could die”, he is saying that 500,000 is a “tiny minority” of those who will wind up in hospital.

Per my GUESSES, that would require 5 million people to wind up in hospital.

But that 5 million is 20% of all the people who get some kind of symtpoms, so per my guess that would require 25 million people to get some kind of symptoms.

That 25 million is a “small proportion” (I’ve guessed 25%) of all the people who catch the virus, so that would require 100 million UK citizens to catch the virus.

But that 100 million is, per the government, a small proportion of the entire population (I’ve guessed a quarter).

So for half a million people to die, the population would have to be 400 milion people.

My guesstimates could be way off of course – it all depends on what Whitty meant by the vague terms “significant proportion” or “tiny proportion”.

Nevertheless, BJ’s “500,000” figure begins to look like an arbitrary number conjured out of thin air for dramatic effect – the “dramatic effect” in this case being to scare people into continuing to submit to the lockdown as it demolishes their country.

There were other aspects of the PM’s “briefing” that were more than unsatisfactory.

  • There was, for instance, no mention of hydroxychloroquine. They have an effective treatment for the virus that could have saved many of the lives they are so concerned about so why aren’t they pushing the use of it?
  • There was no mention of how the death stats are fiddled to make them look as bad as possible.
  • There was no mention of how, even for those who died who tested postive for COBID19, the unreliability of the tests and their liability of giving false postives could be affecting the “died after testing positive for COVID19” stat.
  • There was no explanation either for why it is that the countries with the most severe lockdowns report the most COVID19 deaths.

The briefing begged other questions as well:

  • Why were we and are we still ALL placed under ‘lockdown’?  Since when do you quarantine healthy people and why, for heaven’s sake, is the emphasis not on quaranteening the vulnerable?
  • Having said that, why is the “virus” purportedly cutting a swathe of carnage though our nursing homes, which presumably are the most sealed off from the outside world?
  • Why has the virus killed more Brits than any other nation? Has it got it in for the Anglo Saxon race? Are our doctors less competent than anyone else’s? Are we more sickly than other races? Are our death stats more false than other countries or are theirs more false than ours?  What is it?
  • Why was the fact that non-COVID deaths are climbing as the Lockdown is apparently now killing more people than the virus not addressed?
  • Given that the NHS depends upon a sound economy to support and finance it, how is wrecking the economy “saving” the NHS?
  • Why are they enforcing measures guaranteed to weaken our immune systems, whilst inhibiting the development of herd immunity? Indeed, why is nothing being done to educate the public on steps to strengthen their immune system (diet, nutrition, exercise, vitamn D, vitamin C etc)?
  • Why are hospitals across the country so quiet and the staff under-utilised whilst patients are dying of cancer, heart attacks and so forth because the NHS has cut back its service to them?
  •  Why is the very small but even now still uncertain (thanks to the unreliable stats and lack of testing) guesstimated number of deaths from this virus of paramount concern whilst the deaths of patients who can’t get treatment for other illnesses, the suicides, the business failures, the lost livelihoods and the impoverishment of the nation as the mother of all recessions sets in, are of secondary concern?
  • If this virus is as pervasive and deadly as they are trying to convince us it is, why oh why were the airports allowed to stay open and people allowed to enter the country willynilly with nothing done to prevent them bringing infection in with them?

When one takes all this into account, it is very hard to avoid the suspicion that the goal here is not the defeat of a heavily propagandised “threat” from a virus but instead the bringing of the country to its knees.

I think we should be told.


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About Steve Cook 2314 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

1 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Here’s another fine mess . . . – UK Reloaded

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