What the vaccine industry needs now is a big scary virus cutting a swathe of carnage through the community

Or make one up if it doesn't actually exist

by Kieron Mcfadden

I have been asking myself this question:

Under what circumstances would I voluntarily let someone inject me or my loved-ones with a vaccine that highly untrustworthy sources such as the government, the media and the pharmaceutical industry swear blind  (“and we would never lie to you! Not even for profit or power! ) is perfectly safe, even though it has been rushed through in a few weeks without proper testing and so forth and many experts outside the government have grave concerns about it?

Well, I would have to be pretty certain that there is a killer virus on the loose that is cutting a swathe of carnage through the community, is highly infectious, has no known cure and is almost certain to kill me if I get it.

If I were certain that the threat to my life was that real then, yes, I might take the vaccine on a “nothing to lose” basis.

I’m guessing it would be the same for a great many people. Some might take the vaccine because Matt Hancock tells them too or the TV says they should but most would apply reason not robotism to the situation and exercise some judgement and common sense.

Hence, if you want to get the populace to queue up to get injected with a new vaccine concocted hurriedly by the Treat-Everyone-With-Chemicals industry you have to have a virus of that description on the loose.

Or convince them that there is.

The problem with COVID19 is that it just does not fit the bill!

Not even close!

Time and many months of experience with it have revealed that the initial govenrment and media scaremongering were fallacious and subsequent scaremeongering over the ensuing months not only fallacious but maliciously so.

The fake death stats, faked admissions stats, fake positives based on the fraudulent PCR test and all the other ingredients of this monumental con job have all been expoed time and time again.

Meanwhile, the pattern of the bug has shown that the Chief Medical Officer, when he told us in May that the vast majority have nothing to fear and the thing is only a danger to the old and frail and even most of those survive, he was correct.

Its stats show that is it slighly less fatal than flu.

Reading between the lines of the falsified infection stats, we can now be sure that it is no more infectious than a flu.

There is AT LEAST ONE cure for it (Hydroxychloroquine with zinc etc) that can help many of the small percentage who are unlucky enough to get a more serious bout of COVID19. There are probably others.

The vast najority who do, allegedly, get it exhibit mild or no symptoms.

There all all sorts of things one can do to not get it or not suffer unduly if you do, such as lots of vits, quiting smoking, quitting drugs or alcohol or at least cuttint them down, eating well, exercise etc etc etc.

In short, it does not fit the bill for being dangerous, infectious or deadly enough for me to risk taking the new vaccine, not even close.

[It does, incidentally, fit the bill for prompting me to eat well, get exercise, get losts of vitC, zinc, vitD, quit smoking (which I did in early June) and take responsibility for enhancing my own wellbeing.]

Therefore, the government and those who have their nefarious hearts set on vaccinating everybody have to create and perpetuate a charade that portrays the virus as extremely dangerous, infectious, deadly enough and which, in essence, flies in the face of observable reality.

ALL their arguments and excuses for promoting and insisting on the vaccine are predicated on the assumption of  existence of a dangerous highly infectious, highly deadly virus with no known cure.

A spin or sales pitch, in other words with little real substance behind it, mind games in which for instance the true purpose of mask-wearing is to maintain the illusion that there is a dangerous epoidemic going on.

So they are lying and continuing to lie about the ACTUAL level of threat. Why?

To convince us to hold out our arms for the needle and whatever is in the syringe.


The “threat of a killer virus” is observably false. The “keeping us safe” from it is clearly false.

So what is their true intention?


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About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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