Face Nappies and the cops who refused to die

(Or even get a bit poorly)

by Kieron McFadden

I was just recalling how a few weeks back the cops weren’t wearing the face nappies even at demos.
I have the inside scoop that most still don’t like wearing them but now they gotta.
I sympathise: wearing the stupid thing for hours on end is bad for your health and wearing one always makes the wearer look like a twat (no offence to anyone, the same applies to me when I wear one.)Image may contain: one or more people and suit, text that says "Before the hoax was exposed, this was the Prime Muppet demonstrating how you too could look like a twat just like him whilst cleverly breathing in your own spittle"
Anyway, a few weeks back the cops were not wearing the face nappies and lots of people were remarking how this was producing no extra absenteeism due to cops coming down with a dose of COVID and across the country – and not a single cop died of COVID.
This must have gotten embarrassing for the psychos in our (hah!) government spinning the pandemic myth.
I mean, it is a bit of a rubbish pandemic when unprotected professionals mingling with unprotected public all day long (except bank robbers who wear masks as part of their professional uniform) are not doing the obliging thing and getting sick or dying.
So just when this got embarrassing the order must have gone out to all cops to wear masks or else . . .
Now apparently they have to wear them even in their ruddy squad cars.
Still makes them look as much like twats as everyone else.
Typical of this government to undermine our police like this.
Mind you, they are being non-discriminatory about it.
They are undermining everybody equally (except their pals, sponsors, blackmailers and so forth.)


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About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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