Trust the science? Well, here is the science (as opposed to the propaganda that masqueraded as “science”)

Over three thousand studies of adverse reactions to Covid pseudo-vaccines

Intro by Watchdog

Here is a great resource for scientific papers and studies concerning the myriad and manifold adverse reactions to the Covid pseudo-vaccines.

The list is over three thousand entries long. That’s a hell of a lot of science, an overwhelming critical mass of science sufficient to blow the cynical “safe and effective” lie right out of the water then leave it as utterly vaporised as Anthony Fauci’s credibility or Boris Johnson’s brains.

We were told by the glib muppets collaborating with the calculated mass-poisoning of the People disguised as a “vaccine” rollout for a fake pandemic to “trust the science”. But the “science” was anti-science propaganda masquerading as science.

Well, here at last is the proper science painstakingly assembled by people dedicated to the truth.

Let’s follow it and put the aforesaid muppets and their puppet masters in jail where all mass murderers belong.

Scientific Publications Directory

Collection of peer reviewed case reports and studies citing adverse effects post COVID vaccination.

Researching Covid vaccine adverse events can be daunting in part due to a broad myriad of factors. Primarily, the information is incredibly challenging to find. Here, we share an ever growing list of peer-reviewed studies specific to Covid vaccine adverse events. This list is curated and maintained by our dedicated staff of injured PhDs and medical professionals.

Before diving in, please take a look at our Research Primer: How to Read and Understand Research for tools to how best approach the massive amount of information found in the document below. As always, this is for informational purposes only. Please discuss with your trusted medical team.

Are we missing a few? Please email us and let us know.


This resource is brought to you by React 19, a science-based non-profit offering financial, physical, and emotional support for those suffering from long-term Covid-19 vaccine adverse events globally. Click here for more info and, if you wish, to register your injury, participate in research and get involved.



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About Steve Cook 2332 Articles
Director, UK Reloaded

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